Caatral Malhodial ChMth. KIT. W. A. NEWELL. Putar 0:46 A. M. 11:00 A. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Prayer Strict Wad. 7:10 P. M. Junior Lmcm l:U P. M. Intermediate .0:41 P. M. SmIot Lmcm Ji4i P. M. a a. MILLIKAN, 8:46 A. M. .41 KM A. ML 7:00 P. M. Wad. .7:00 P. M / Sunday school J: 46 A. M. Morning worship 11 A. M.. Evening worship 7 P. Si. Jr. Epworth Luguc 3:80 P. M. I Sr. Epworth Lmcm 0:11 P. M. Wed. prayer service 7:M P. H. NOTICE By virtue of an elocution in my i hand* issued by the Clerk of Superior 1 Court of Surry County, in Die eaaa of Krad Beamer vs. Whit.- Sulphur | Springs Co.. 1 will expose to public ■ale at the courthouse door in Dob-' ton on the 26th day of April, 1027, at 1:20 P. M., the following described lota or parrels of land, lying and be ing In Surry County, Mount Atrjr Township, and bounded as follows: Beginning on the earner of J no. II. Sparger and original Springs tract in J. N. Slawter's line, runs with Slaw ter's line N. 80 deg. West 1803 ieat crosin* Ararat River to two bluck fa Inut pointers, Slawtre's corner; ■hence South 42 deg. West 806 feet South 0 2 1-3 deg. West >00 feet. North 66 West Slf feet. North 77 dec. Wast 126 feat. South 04 drg. Writ 870 fert to small Mulberry and pin* Einters: thence North 6.1 1-2 d-g. .»t 660 to fork of the road. North 07 dag. East 81 chains and 60 links to a walnut on the river bank; thence up the river 18 deg. West 4 chains and 60 links te a walnut on tha . ivar bank; thence crossing the river North 08 dag. 700 feet to po|4ar; then • 32 dec East 840 ttmt to a walnut; thence South 80 deg. East 7 chains to a • ~»he an dp<>inters, South 19 chains and 20 links |o Slawter's Una, White Oak pointers to the beginning, containing 75 acres more or lees, bring the same property known ss the While Sulphur Springs property, and far more par ticular description see deed frrm Rufus H. Smith to Rafaa Roberta, ex 0 Iia S CT»pi Vllt lOl llwj t'WX UTT CWITP11*0 VW ). L. McLaurin. reference Is hereby had to said deeds Sale made to satisfy a debt of W. 000, with Interest and east to add. This March 17, 1087. C. H. HAYNES. IT Surry County •? FOR ALL KINDS PHONE 339 $*3 I may kind of Albert Gwyn Talc* Notice—That afUr tut ft •n will be added TW» to It em ired bv law I turn no in the All taxae not pftid during March wfll have a penalty added to during thia month will tional coat Am Chas. L. Wright, City Tax Collector. Uee Airy lldwi Want Ail for Quick .rrrr, . .■tov.V-ii'/.: mmm Harrison's Parade of New Modes THOSE WHO PLAN TO TAKE PART IN THE GREAT ANNUAL GOOD CLOTHES FESTIVAL, WILL ENJOY MORE THAN THE USUAL SATISFACTION OF THEIR APPEARANCE. IF THEY WILL TAKE THE TIME TO COME HERE AND SEE THE WONDERFUL ARRAY OF THS CHARMING STYLES WE HAVE ARRANGED FOR THEIR SELECTION. Coats Molded in the latest lines of fashion, from materials that x are favored for the new season, these Coats present a splendid se lection from which to choose. $10.00 UP TO - $39.50 I "r *7^7.3 Dresses • The new sil houette for Easter wear i s exception ally well de veloped in the beautiful new Dresses we have for your selection. May we show them to you? $5.00 UP TO $35.00 FIRST SHOWING IN MOUNT AIRY l KAYSER'S NEW TWIN HEEL HOSIERY $2.50 Daring, delightful. different — thi» nrwnt of honirry rtjrlaa iMcM almvp. Mb