Consolidated School* to Erected In Surry County "a oeasaslttoe of ettiseaa trxm Linn appealed Mom the board and aakod fof tko aroetloa of a coo ■olldatad school at that phot. Tho board told thorn it was heartily in Woald toko tbo UttCT OP M WOO M tho mm; could bo wwrid frooi tbo bailding fond that io Ml aside by tbo state for that purpose. However, K *U stated that It might bo It month• befora tbo foada win bo iwlbbh, but it ia now an ssoaiod fact that lb* Lowgap poopio will (at a consolidated nrhool Bida wore called for on tho erec tioa of a consolidated building at Sea Mi, near tho far* i t W. >. York, oa tho Lowgap road. Tho contract ial scheduled to be lot ftrat Moaday ia May. The buildiig will bo aiaillar to I tho one* that hava booa built tho paot ■amnwr in other parts of the coanty. Tho board sigmAed Ita willingness to pay ono-half tbo coot of a 4-rooei school building at Coaibotown for tbo colored people. Tho haiaaeo of tho BMNM-y ran be socurod by private aabocription among the colored poo. pla aad from tho jtooenwald food Tbo Kosanwald fond ia a moans sot If by i northern man by that name for tkiM km Mwt* Hmywm mmUo«d edf Sorry Ceantj landa to front of the net Ww at Mm Moaday lor turn dm the eounty m wmm adrortiaod to TW Now. tor tho pa* four WNki A boot half MM day of aalo, and m Monday morning #»e clorfca *m kept baey to tke Originally there woro 440 tax M> •to arfrortioed, tort akoM Wf mn paid Mon tho mIo. TW Mb wae for Uuoa doe for tbo yoar IMS, and tncludod only tbooo who ownod tool r»tat« Practically all the land wae bid off by J. M. Fulton, of Mount Airy. Tlii ownen of tbo toad hare 11 aoatb* within which to ndoM H j hut to do m tboy bar# to pay Um pur chaeer M pr rent Jnte»eot on the amount paid for Um land, which at thia cale rarely amounted to mat* than tho tax and eoat. Sheriff Haynoa ha. bats aa loniant h Um county would allow Mm to Um furrcloeing of property for taxes due hia offioc, but the time to earning when he will not be able to Indulge the people aa much aa be would like. It has been said that the county * nance act pa need by the laat legisla ture ha* rery stringent regula tion* about the coBaetieo of tax, which will make It imperative that the ehoriffe all oeer the state insist that all back taxaa be paid Man after their due data. The Old World u Seen by Mrs. Holcomb tha trip htmM. A two day i two In for the*- important places. 1 readily ooo that one would •pond more Urn* If It war* , Now that she la back boma, Mrs. Holcomb ylnaa one the iaiprsaskm that she saw much and got a food grasp of what she naw, even if it Mrs. r. D. Hajrnes both «jr in And fat they the places of was again rialtad tha city ' that the time wasted. In the land under i high itaU of culti vation and everything looking pros perous and aa if in hands of mm ability. Mra. Holcomb coaid not talk with out now and than — Hwg ntwM to the poverty and want that on* aaaa on every hand in tha aaat. Thara tha extreme* are mt, tha wealth la thara, hat poverty in all Ka u*ly garb it alao there. Than are indications awry where that there ia plenty of wealth, hot H 1a in the hands of th law. Mrs. Holeomb has see* Ma ia aU its phaa ee in our own great citiea, hat she aays that the hoy as of the poor hi auch citiea aa New York are not to ha compared with tha homea of the sanae elaas in any European city. Tha guides, aha says, never failed to car ry one to tha slam districts of a city as wad aa to the district of tha wealthy. And it was a sight that waa astonishing to her to look oa tha arenas of poverty ia all the citiea. Another part of the life of tha aaat that impreaaad her much waa the want of water and fuel. Everywhere one went the supply of arater was lim ited aad hard to get. Tha aame waa true of fuel. The hotels ware oold and poorly heated in all the aaat. Five hundred persons left thia country oa the trip aad atany of them wore old and somm ia paw health. Naturally all did aot eecape the aria fortune of aiefaMoa. Oa tha trtp one died and aix were left along tha route .irk in hospitals. One of theae 4a veloped pneumona. others had flla common to people. The sight that meat impreaaad Mia. Holeomb was tha lake of OaUloa. Prom a high point aha had a rUm «f moat the entire lake, aa aha * from this view point. It is the beautiful body of wwtar aha hm seen. IV Uhe ie high ap Mils of Pals st Ins aad the ... I* in* a rack road froaa 0«lu to the top of the ■waatoto at Lewgepu O. C. Wolto, Om E. Root. T. N. Wn4- ! nfnlV.A. York .poke ka the to irtMi of tho Low rap ml A delation eqaally well MB tad by iptsktri natod « built Ikroufti the weal. atortto* at Pilot tn# to Mm and m to Bute It «M aiftnl that the MCtka tkw i rave reed to a part of tk< county which toa never protod by tto road work dtM either by tho atate or tha roonty. A. D. Npr mada aa am tat ptaa Cor Ulto rotate. and waa atoo backed up by R. C. Prarman. B. J. Snow and 0. I. Snow. The county board took ao actio* to Ilia matter brtHto undoratood that tha ate moaabara an equally iMrldad on tiia queation, and that R. M. Chat ham, J. 8. Patterson and W. C. Wil liam. an- for tho Pilot route, whito Dr. J. T. Smith. G. C. Lorit] and D. E NaUoo atand for tha Lowgap route. Tha mmmiaaion haa ao power to tha matter bat' thay ara tuppoaod to aafc mit a m laaaijadatii to tha atate hifhWfcy coaatotoaloa aa to what thay prefer to be doaM. aaid with the body ihrided at It aeeaaa to ba at it to hard to foreeaet what tha will ba. Hold W. Mn. Bub CMiiin, aged M r*tn, who Urn on the Pipem Gap nai is being Wld in tka city jail on a lienor rharge. She waa caught in this city Tuesday moraine, aUU |witaah| (ha duty of a walking biind U|w. The aCcara had suspicionsd that aha araa paaaing out the fluid aai Taaa iiay U. F. Patterson waa itetailad la shadow her. aad white aha waa mak ing her way down Worth >Uaat ake wu aroaatad by the iMnr. When brought to tha police station aha waa round to be hiding two piat nf whiskey under har skirt I * capacity of six pint bottles. The apron waa made of pod strong w teiial and waa about 10 ifefcaa loaf and had six poefcoU ditched la it with a atroac beK aewed to the top ao it rouM be securely fastened around Ike watet aad worn under a heavy winter coat, la thia way aha has beea able to retail the staff at will alUint tha leaat suspicion from outward appear ance. She is bttaf held la default of bond and will be given a hearing be fore Judge Lewellyn next Monday. •afely pocketed i« aa that had Knt(hU Twmplar To Gi~ N«it Tueaday evening the KnifkU] Templar of thU city will girt a ban quet at the Bio* Ridge Hotel, thair wire* and lady friend* being the (Seat uf the Kni|kU. The t—»!■ ken kH1 • memharahip of nearly 75 and a large attendant* ia npirtii at tka banquet, which wll begin at T o'aloefc.! After the prograaa ia mr at tfca hotel the Knigkte wfll aaa* fa Mr hall and confer the T—aplar dealaa upon tea* candidate*. TeUplwae CMfcciala VWt CfcyJ Ex-Sheriff 3. I. Jaham. »n illm of the Horton Tiliphwi 0*. Mil iinr ly^bj^pMM teW fa fr Carroll County to Baild Mora FemUr Rood. At • nwtinc of the auperrieora of C«r*«U County WM mm day* i|» •tops w*r» taken to baild a road from Galax leading toward the top of mountain near PI pert Gap aad thaa gittndiwf out to the top of the noun tain at Fancy Gap. About $36,000 was appropriated with which to do the work. It ia the purpoae at the county to (tart a at* at cm WW Ing from Galax and grade the road for a diataace of eight milea. and alee hagia at the Fancy Gap end and grade for four milee toward Galax, tearing a gap biUio the two eee liona at about fear mBaa. The atoto force* are now patting oa the totall ing coat at ■■phaH an the road froca Hillaville to Jacheea'a Ferry aad alaa from Hillarilie to Woedlawa. Surrey on are now Aniahing their work on the Ward* Gap road and during the eunuoar it win be graded aad aMde a A rat daaa county rand fraan the atoto Une to the toot at the Ucd CWm Has Car Stolaa C. G. Akera, aaleaman for the Weat HiU Co., had the aeeond experience at baring hie car itolea laat Wednea day. Ho parked hia Cherrolat oa the atroata at the city aad when ha want back to get It. it was not there, aad atantog near by waa a Dodge aedaa with a Martinarilie, Va, tag. In vert! gation proved that U-yaar old boy had been aaea driring the Dodge about town during the day. and now it la r jppoaed that the yooth had atolen the car at Martineeille, drore it hare and then ■h«adwid It and took Mr. Akar*' aad want an his journey. 80 far no infanaatlnn haa bean aecured aa to ahiri ha want with the ear. Soom nath« aga Mr. Akera had hia cor atolen hot it waa found in a faw dhya , hi m ■ A Plans Bring Drawn For War Memorial in Mount Airy The viatt ad (fee to Crt, far! •rl la dow on the mark | et. It will coat Mr. Mickey W476 at the factory aad a plat wiD kriag >t km a ad atay M days firing iartin I ti n aa to Ma apaiatlan. The omb> pany'a outsat is always aoW far I ihead and it will ha mwatiii in tha early mini Mora it win be iUp-j Whea aaked what ha wu going ta I da wit# h Mr. Mickey rtated ho )aat wanted It Ukc many other people van tad as automofcflt, hiaidn ha will oae it aa anedrertiaing featara far Gulf gaaoline. And It Bay ho that ha' wi'l commercialise it by making baal naaa tripa for people whan thay want ta vlf • harry trip to Charlotte Raleigh. Wiaaton-Salem and ma! Blaefteid and Cincinnati. Tha puhUc haa become familiar' with epadfteaUoaa that are Itoted aa to atrtomnbiiee and thay will aonn ho gin to atady thaaa mt airpiaaoi al though the term, uaod in their de acrtpOona are vary different of the specifications of the that Mr. Mickey haa fc night i Upper wing apaa, M ft wtng apa* U feet. Thia ia juet like J the wheal haaa of aa aate Length, 24 feet 11H Inches. Height, • feet, 11 tachea. Weight, empty IJM Iba. With oil aad 1480 Iba. Load, pilot, X and 42 gallons gaaolina, 1 Safety factor «* phm. The i of thia tana hi not daarty known, bat Millard Patterson aaya It awaaa that for every 100 tripe yea make in the machine you run «H chaneaa of I killed. Fuel capacity, 46 Landing apood SO mOm par bowr. High speed, 97 milaa. WU climb MO feet a miaota with fall toad aad MO feet with only tha pilot- Haa a sell tog of 18.000 feet, that# H oaa dUmb over the Blue Kidge aad atS mtllW feet higher If aaoeeaary. Gliding angle, 11 to U4 *P*rk plug glide II* foot far erory 10 feet high you amy be. t-cyMader Curtia engine, M h. p. Fuel consumption. 10 mDaa per gallon Craieing range, 4M milea, with a crniaiag tiaw ia the air of U hoars. Caoh price $1476, cm Boar or fields, dual control $50 extra. Now yea ahoald know nhalhai or not the above machhia la the particular one yoa want, hat Mr Miekay la »at iaAed from the at"-i' m haa auuie of the •• t'.cua makes that H ia on- of the beet oa the market. u. add to tha ■■■■rial find and B. A. Mickoy h*a O«rrod tha niiljH fro* a iter's f y tnc fa* hto , M m* m It MlllW. H b poood to how the July 4th, nd tW to collect arovnd HjMO trmm fcy k. •• • 4* *c* too^t to ISM her# in cm Sunday. Tha rttmu want to* be of native which to i to bo about 1* feet M«h with a 1 "doofh-boy" with rifle and n ha mi wawntad on toy of tl Hr cap. and on ©no aid* of tho btat will ho a brcaxo plate with too aaaaoa of tho *7 Surry County hoya who 'a ta*M. The btvnao utatao that to mm thai to adopt- | for all aiinntola to world war rote ran* and will bo «<ght foot high, a ad wfl) atom coat IMto. Tho local pact of tho Ufto has boa* my active under tho Imiiinhip af ha commander. Capt. Prank Water and Adjutant T. M. Tarry, and VO know they wiU ha«r tho hawrty aap» port of tho rHiaana of tho city aad county to their iCort to ton thto m—nrial t roc tod. Tho total aMl of the mnnumant wffl ho to tha noifh borhood af Surry'* Nm

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