L JP u m i11 V wk • to operate, easy to v«i4i un wbooi for mar work. Made of high grodo steel, mahes a light 0*17 running »®P»on»ent that proves a big labor savor la a yard on of any also. Its ready uso will guarantee a closa ftrdsn, a bountiful crop and food health. Com - plete with moldboard, broad aad nar row boll tongue and rahe. #i AA Price \ . I y*, ONE PIECE STEEL RAKES Teeth securely braced, bow* spring tempered. Hard wood handle. As ex ceptionally fine rake. Will not brake where handle joins. 75c $1" FIELD AND GARDEN HOES For either field or garden use. Solid iron shank. Steel blade rivettod to handle. You will like our fiAf weight and tire, price vUC WOOD OR STEEL TRAY WHEEL BARROWS A wheelbarrow saves much needless stooping Mid lifting. Handy every day in the garden and around the house. Tray* are lull sise and guaranteed strong and durable. Will give long and satisfactory service. All have steel wheels. (9JO to 1 Prices SPADING FORKS OF EXTRA ' QUALITY Extra quality solid steel spading fork. Has four tempered polished steel prongs Selected handles D heads, strapped fer rule. A very popular size and stjrlea. Price $1-25 to $2.00 ' HIGH GRADE GARDEN SPADES Made of aoUd steel. Plain back, full polished blades. A high quality spade and a bargain at our low #| .10 price. Price #!'• Li . "It Ji 109 Pit CENT. AHEAD Of THEM ALL. Wickksi Brooded SIMPLE AS A 1 C jfeEKTAIN AS D-Ar-Y NO WICKS TO BUY NO WICKS TO TRIM Twin Float Automatic 03 Level Clwtl wt TW Dajr. • - / Here are a few of the many advantage* of the new 1987 twin float SOL-HOT. Oil oeatelaer con ho plaood »hiw»r deriwd. Mr «m ftdjwt for pp water thof • t* rake ar to war flam. \ " Improved itnlew hi oil b—teloer coo hutaatly ho rieeaed oad k adapted to pw» day horeeeao. Volvo letting cannot ho cheated hy chich». * ' _ COME IN AND SEE THIS WONDERFUL BROODER ON DIS PLAY AT OUR STORE, WE HAVE YOUR SIZE Chick Waterer ' Pits any Mason Jar. Chicks drink all around • . • Jt. ^ jar. Made of heavy galvanised iron with rolled edge. Electrically welded * . V center. Price 10c Mason Jar Fountain You ran map the jar in place without screwing. Very econqraical, chicks do not get wet Made of special metal cannot leak. f A Price . IWC Me Pad Punches hole through web between toes to identify your own licks, works easily the foot Price, chicks, works easily, cuts clean, and doea not pinch 25c New Style Feeders Used for any kind of chick food. The cover cannot be knocked off while In u»e. The holes are *11 flang ed and smooth, will not cut chicks. To All the cover may be easily slipped off as the feeder is made of two pieces. Made of fine quality, prime galvanized steel. Ten and twenty hole*sixes in stock. 10 Hole Feeder, 28c. — SO Hole Feeder, 40c. t \ Grit and Shell Box Made of galvanixed iron, three compartment else. Can be easily Ailed. Hat a lid which will keep feed clean. May be used for frit, sheila, charcoal (£f OP or feed. Price You can And rlaaa cloth here, per yard, 40c. Disinfectant par fallen, ... $1.50 WE HAVE A COMPETENT POULTRY MAN IN OUR EMPLOYE WHO CAN GIVE YOU EXPERT ADVICE ON YOUR POULTRY PROBLEMS. . ' * Poultryman'a Supply Homm." blade >* wm. h n* um i r HHWr ml go. 'ST.* 35c-$l "" LAWN Too will be nrpiM how much it to to push • Keen latter ball bearing lawn mower. It cote gran eloanor with lew effort It ia ahead of than all and will outlast the beet Ad jnetable in every reepact Made of the finest material throughout . sar Other styles, *.00 to flt.00 Gnus catchers .for the above. Galvan ised bottom, canvas top, ..... $1.25 BRASS HOSE NOZZLES , „ All brass improved combination hose nozzle with complete shut off. Pro duce* a variety of streams, easily regu lated. #| .00 Price #1 Extra heavy strap and tec hinge* for "SLrr* 15c "35c Miscellaneous Articles Goodyear garden hoee for all purpose*, str. 12V2C Pruning shears. Price 75c Pruning saws, sr-sr* Hedge shears, Screen doors and screen wire all sixes Pull line garden and fleld Bordeaux solution ready mixed In dry form. Arsenate of lead for your nest spray. ' Remember we have Coffins and caskets after Juae 1st Holcomb & IVfcfciff