aprd. PLANTING DAYS AM HOIK —BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY W« in r«*dy to mW with prof«rioa*l Uad leapt adricc, plant m«tor> Call Ui TWa? !< fa • . 'S. fesi ■■ , " > Ladley Nurseries, Inc. POMONA, N.C. NAUSEA 2S»5Vfc.SSfc ao whll* I «h at fcoma, Tteli Mn*. ik« uM »• why I M M try Want Dmgfct «tr my TUWi BLACK-DRAUGHT TifiteVh ^4,, let ■* know I wilt to iUi to |*i I supply of fsiUtiasi furnished hwjji hmjn. I am always glad to aaa till* used on oar aoila ao we wtU to la a bettar position to proper aaa of eaeh material. and* of dollar* am wasted each faar in UiU county in not uaiag tto proper amounts and kinds aa oar aoila. Tto only way Wa wtU twr know tto toat kind and amount* is to gtoe a thor ough trial on tto different aoila. At tto prsasnt price* farmers can save aMawy and gat aa |Ad rsaalta by tto propef use of amnwahm sulpha tr of nit rats of soda an all crops except tobacco, tto coasmir rial fartttiser carries aa much am monium aalphate as nacaasary for tobacco production and wa would not adviaa heavier* use. On all crops the substitution of sulphate is recommended at tto ] rnt prices. Home fertiliser is being offered for | sale in this county for tobacco con taining calcium cyanamid or ia print ed on the tag "Cyanamid" aa organic | in nature Many tamers have found j out by actual ftrld trial that this com j pound is not satisfactory for prodac tlon of the boat typo of tobacco. W« think fanners should enuaiae aU tags and not use this for boat *e ! suits. We should UH fertiliser which cob tain* phosphate u acid phosphate, the potash as murate and sulphate and ammonia as nitrate of soda, am monium Kulphate, for the minerals, cotton seed meal, moat scrape, tank ace. or Ash amp. for the orgaaie matter. Be careful and aae that th* tag contains the above for the boat tobacco fertiliser. If you want any good analysed take it up with the Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, N.( C., for they have paid employooa to'do this work who are trained In sampling and are sunt oat lor this particular kind of work. 1%o County Agent l« forbidden b^ regulatioc to NOTICE! k . _ . . r . . - To ' •' • •' : - : ' y'* ' ; «• A» ^ S. P. U. Customers AU Mb far eiaetxic •onrica, light, heat and power. are payable at the empur*! efflce on Um ftwt of tha north. Na diwMrt is allowed aftar the 10th of tha moath and It to nmtrr fa discontinue sendee fa each taofaaoo where hUla are aot paid by the 16th. tern Public Utilities Co. 4o tUa bind af work. Tn aaaaot alLrtST In* wMi aurtoviala wbtab baaa aot iumtf that tba tubaeaa Am baotla ia Mm to tba rotMC plaata. TWa aad spraying tba plaat Ma. Uaa Ha of lima at tba imt( of I pound to 10 (allona of watorj ar tba plaata Mar ba duatad with po«tla>ad araaa ata of M «r UHMU of tot ad witb «aa aiftad woad aabaa ait tba rata of 1 pound of potaao ta 4 pauada of aabaa. Wbatbar tba fbraar cbaaa ■ at had aaana to ba aa aCacttoa aa tba otbar. Tba ebatoa of Methods will tbarafora 4epand upoa tba equip ment aval labia aad tba aapariaaca in •prayin* It la am* abflar ud cheaper to duet tba bo4a than to ■pray them. All that la required for duatinc la a thorough mixta? of poteon aad aabaa aad tbat tba aack ba raada of cbaaaa cloth or atbar tbln malarial tbroach which tba Mixture will aift aiowiy. Mil aabaa aad poi»or thoroughly until tba wboie wu ia ll«ht (ray In 'color witboat etreak* aad apota. Duat lightly aad uniformly ovar tba whole bad, cara being taken not to ffet too much of tba mixture hi oae place. Series Opens April 1 Now U The Time For YeuTo Join Start Your "SAVE A PUCE OF EVERY DOLLAR" —THROUGH THE Home Baita? & Loan Assoriafoa G. C LOV1LL, Pmkknl GEO. K. SNOW, S*. A Tw* Unbelievable Values Await Your Choosing Here SHOP HERE FOR EASTER V If TOM will take the time to com km your porch——. I at ■ price that < to Mil at drastic reduction*. Tan taw money. That'* taaawiaMi to belie**. Now I proaUae jroo a ran traat in bargain*. It you will trust your maka eoaapariaona, thur good* will reveal Not only will ym tad value* to the ■tantly addad to cwylato the line, wUl tad ay prieaa "under the you it«t (hopping to Mount Airy I rour fagMnin. and U good good*. fair tiling to ym, I will merit it J ;« to lor a Wok-arouad. It will ha a to akow yw. Aftor yoa kare i Wo laava tkat to you. to akart with yau to aw I ,& ,Jr^. ''Get h Ob These wmmmmm ' ' -0. Hare are genuine shoe values—price* you cannot duplicate or near dupli cate when quality is considered. I am heavy on laige and small sizes, so if your feet conform to them you will share in a great saving. Come in— look them over, and save! fa^eSeiy •**7 i*y, :u «ycij i^r. *v« v»v*» auvwwi vp* «mv family, tod Hosiery k something I can surely give you a bargain in—and the range to not limited, for I have sizes and styles for Read these W. G. (Smdm