Tbt Mt. Airy News /•* flJO . ,7» to All • WlMiiH of *• IM Board and tha latter of iaritntian I* avary dtlM of Ik* town. Thia N the kHWtiM g( tkt 1M« InmfMr and the reward. of the rig hteoua sod tha panaltin of the unfaithful. That waa back m tha daya «Wa thia lifa wan itiamd aa tha training ground of tha fatara. Right Or wrong, tha CUM haa cowe whan the dattaa af tha day, thia pnaint Ufa, bmo'i lahtlini to hi* fellow nuu bam and new, how to make thia praaaot Ufa ia— tha a»oat to each and all, how ta lift tha and roparatition, how to maka con dition* rach that it ia poaaibla for na to lira together in pian and goad will—all thia ia' now tha bardan af the minda of our moat u.eful man rather than diacouraing by tha hour en tha fatara lifa. Of all the men who serve the public no man com* to Ma task with a batter training for hi» Mm than the Modern minister who haa tha heaait of college and winery train in*. The man who haa thoa bow taught and trained for hia dutie* aa • minister may have hia head aaonf the •tars bat ho eerteinly haa hid foot moat sorely piaated on the ground, and knows the datiaa ha aa susms toward his fellow* and tha ^ligation that rest upon him aa ft J man who earvea. Hia training has been rath aa to make it clear to him (hut Ms life must toorh the Uvea of hi* people at every point. Ha mi We - th. ru in sickness and health, in pav er!;- and want as well aa in times of pr parity. He saee them at their bet ', and at their wont. If any man wh • errres the people know* of all their needs and all their (ailing* the mil uter is that man. His relation to the people hi such that it is out of the qui ition to di voire his service to them fro n any phase of their life. When the minister aees that H is his duty to itand up for the right* of his pe< i|e and advise aa to their beat int- rests he is entirely and wholly erituin his right am* doing the vary thirgs he is »upT> «ed to do. To call hiir to task for ait expression of •pinion aa to what the need* of Ms people are is the right of any man, hat K ran be aafely said that the ■tiriater can be depended upon to answer for tha faith he hold* and the position be takes. When h is a question of morala or character or high ideals, the aver age man is alow to speak Ms mind, for he knows that ha himself is no saint and that hit heart la Just like the heart of Ma neighbor, far from being what ha would like It to ha. In such times and on such aubjects it beet mes eminently fitting that soma man of character and high ideals, each aa the minister la supposed to ha, itand up fw what his people de mand in thei^ leaders. Every man who knows the miada of men knows that there arc ao aainta, bat ha aha knows that mmm ha* ideals aad that they flfani of thai. preachers aad their taachers that they ha atea of each high typo that|tWy beeeaae patterns of all that adm res vtrtae and huueHj aad ■ulwiety aad wants thaae taaght to A waak hi Mm miniatar* of Ota citjr «Mt on miri aa to iWr pac tion about rmploythff a »opartnta«d •nt of tha nchoola far na*t tarn Thalr action *u made a nubjact of comment and nawa in tha iaaoa of tha payor laat waak At ooaa tha Chairman of tha School Board caUad ■ martins of tha citiaana ta which tha mtaiatam war* summon ad ta ana war far thalr raaolutiona and to bach thrro up. When the n. Tht' paperv are full of news t wac day* about China, There la ao much of it that the buay man haa but little time to wade through it all. lie re are some of tha high apota in the die patchea that are coming to thia coun try: ' A teriiflc batt?: ha« bean racing for aevcral day*. T.vete ia nvw na responsible *«*■ rtiment in China. Miaaionanea arc getting out of the country aa faat aa they can. The warring fat -ions are aplit up and many soldier* and officers are deserting their ktandard for i ftunti Conmh ■MM m Iki Ant Mniay to July. NettJwr thf Ctwity CoflMiMiiuSM nor tj* iWHT hov* UJ rf» Jackson'a conwr nuu 8. 86 da*. ftt.lt eha. f • and Dr. P. W. GREEN N«rt To of th« «y« mi BE PROUD OF YOUR i " Appearance EASTER MORNING PLEASE YOUR WIFE AND SATISFY YOUR OWN PRIDE. SHE WANTS YOU TO BE AS SMARTLY DRESSED AS THE OTHER MEN YOU'LL MEET ON EASTER MORNING. Now cloth** for ham are an too. YmH ba»» all mww um (or tlx suit jrwi got foe would got one • ttt later »njr wajr. Step In omr ton uxtey and you h«vr mm in • kmg ti«M. And w»'r* glad far you to look at tha prica ta*a. youH ■ay thay'ra pricad vary m4* ante. Simmons Clothing Co. (tolfttten. Kim Latf T* DM MOUNT AIRY, N. C New Draiie«. Cotti tnd Hats, far Euter and Spring. A bif ship ment just received. Now being shown for ftrat time in lit Airy. They're attractive ui tow la prior. |m Dm lArl ' Dainty New Materials ARE BEING SHOWN HERE IN Ready-to-Wear and Piece Goods NEW— —HATS —SHOES —HOSIERY —U-WEAR THr A B C, Start offer, you the cream of the market in pretty material*—whether purr Kurd in ready-to-wear or * u piece good* from which to mahe ytxr itnrnnb. Not alono h variety Nbtudinc in our collection, but prices are equally pleasing, as your visit hew will prove. There U yet v ample time to leMct fabrics to banade ap far Bast* and Summer wear. iMwmber our ready-to-wear raiments, millinery, etc- before you buy, a* we will saw you money and please you with your purchase. New Brian■, Coat* ami Hate for Eaatar ami Spring. A time hi Mount Airy. They're wonderful? atlsastln and low h) price.