the goeat of Mr. \ and Mrs. John Onn Mr*. R. R. Jat-kMh and Uttio mm toft WadiMidar to itai hor p»mU Mr* .E. r. McKinnw .pent last w.-ek with Mrs. Eariyloeve* Hi Ni-w York and rrturmd to Ih hoar Wed rn-nday morn in* KramgRM ojr Mrs. Reaves. Cum I. Bowman ha returned to nchool at W rut town, Peun„ after ■pending ,the spring Widay* with Ma parent* Mr. and MnkW. H. Bow man at Tbt Hollow, Va. Chairman C. W. Andrtu want* to assure the public that pka for the riming Barara-Philathea convention ar« going forward and «rj sign point* to a great conventia. Mr*. T. H. Worrell >pm last week in Baltimore. Md., whore tm visited relatives aad attended a onference of the M. E. Church. Hhewill viatt in Roanoke, Va„ before retrains. A. E. Smith ia now at hfc home in Uii* city after (ponding several works at Martin Metnortalfcoapltsl. His friend* ate glad to note tat W ia able to drive out in his car ccasioti ally. A daughter, Mary Esther, %ta born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haw ia the homo of her Bother Mr*. T.B. Mc Cargo last Friday. Mrs. H»e will bo remembered as Miss Loot* Me Cargo. Mrs. Robert Harris hys beet criti cally ill of pneumonia at Fane, Gap, but is improving and will be bought here just as soon as her conditio per mits, as she suffer* with astftta in the higher climate. Miss Lucile Haynes and rirnd Miss Edyth Covert of New Yorlfcave returned from a week's stay inBer muda according to word receiv« by Miss Haynes' parent* Sheriff and Mrs. C. H. Haynoa. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith vited their daughter, Mra. J. H. Johion, of Durham, last week and weraar rompanicd home by another dauglar, Mia* Elfra Smith, who will beWe for a via it of aeveral weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. William Merritt Ire **»wd into their new hoaa*on Raw ley street. The structure Uof stucco in English style of MCtt* tore and contains eight rooma nd all Modem conveniences and impne VQClltf' ♦ Mr. C. r. Hanks. IUmo, Mo, WJ. Hanks, Jr, Stuttgart, Ark. R. "J, Hanka Pulaski, Va., G. N. Hankatf El kin have returned to their hon* after having been called here by 1a death of their mother Mra. W.r, Hanks. i Messrs. William and Roger Allri recently visited their sister Mrs. .. K. Hauser is Amililim, 8. C„ who. very serioualy ill a brief Mfr arillm by her little daughter repot the^ mother wsaewhat^ bettor. Mt born It The Junior-ten iur annual banquet rieen at Um Blaa Ul|f Hotol Fri day night April lat. «n on at Um MM delightful of thoee happy affair* and nk affort waa *pared to wain the orcuion a mrmonblt oat. Decoration* m yellow and gram carried out the earner claaa color*. (. arm were laid far *er*oty-two ad William Patterson preaident of the junior cUm prreided and he offered a tout to tha aantora which waa re apendad to by Miaa Annie Pa«Ntt, preaident of the aesior claaa. Miaa 8ae Mm Hendren touted Um fortuity and gracion* reaponae waa made by Miaa Anno Bmuoa. A tout to "the future" eu glwu by Miaa Sara Grave* A delightful feature of the affair wa* a song to the junior* rang by the aeakm. TalWt- Allrad. Miaa Eaaie Talbart and Mr. Baa ■ell Allred were quitely aaarriod Sat urday at noon in the home of Rev. J. W. Sin mom who officiated. The brida ia the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Martin Talbert and the groom a ran of Mr. and Mra. Veatal Allrad. FOOT SLIPPED That TITLE INTEREST ING enough for a SCENARIO, bat wo have a HUNCH that H was OUR foot that SLIPPED last week whan we PROPOSED to IN JECT mm PEP into our ADVER TISING. It'» not to much what to SAT aa what NOT to aay that ha* us up a TREE. W* couM make those ada INTERESTING iust by SPILLING what wo know about »ome PEOPLE and It wooM be MORE Interesting for US whoa they got WIND of Ik This BUS INESS of being LITERARY !■ the BUNK and if just TELL you about N0RRI8 CANDY which a LOTTA customers are baying that OUGHT to be interesting ENOUGH. Moral: Your foot wont all* any hi buying NORRIS CANDY at thla store. -c r. c." Mt. Airy Drug Company pu. m haUaiMmmKLm H. & K.r, whkfe 4*7 of UM h ragtatered in book 76, page «, unite *i Ma af tru*t for Hurry Coaaty, defauK having ham mad* la the pay ■M of Mm aotaa aacwed tberafcy. I will *atl for caah to the M|lml bid 4-r M the Ma^ IM7. It,afc4rjii»uw,i T^aSff&gsgyjaEi •4 m follow*; Ha»»l oa tha watara af Stewart'* rraak a»d b*glaalni| at a bweb aa the waat (Ida «f tftawart* eiwoh at the erawth of a diteh, C. C. Hatchrn.' corner and run* up tha nater of the ditah N. •) drt. f I 1-2 cha.; thence « 27 <jef. W.I eh. to a poiat la tha cantor of the dltrh In tha waat edge of a bridge C. C. Hutahana' earner; thaaea N. 7* 1-2 dag. W. 20 1-2 cha. along^ (\ C.^ Hutchan*'^ la* to a^iUln Sttt hSa 7^y»j. i^*he. to a hareh oa tha waat bank of Stew art'* creek: thence with aald creak n. 82 dag . E . 8 1-2 cha. »a tha bafia nmar. containing 10 1-2 aerwa aim or lee*. Tha aaa baing lot No. 1 of J. W Whita farm an *urvryed by Vratal Taylor and aold by Linvitla Ball- Hutcneoa Land Co. on tha above data. • A perpetual right-of-way beginning near tha laaa bridge which apana Stewart'* rraak on the Mooat Alry Pnbaan road and running arena* lot Ma. 6, twelve feet wide and rroaaing tha aomar of thia lot at tha bridge and continuing ap tha ditch to lot No. 5 aha!I remain open perpetually for the free and unreatrirted aaa of Iota No*. 1, 2. 2. 4. and &, *av* and oa-' rapt the ownar of let No. fl may Alt a fata acroaa *aid road where nix { paature fence uu**a* la two place*. ■ale made to aatiaty .the balance doe ea aaid dead at trad of |M2.n» with intereot thereon from March I. 1*26, together with coata of aaie Thia April «, 1»27 Edw. M. Llnville, Truatee NEW HATS LAST MINUTE IN STYLE Hate a alow m IJJI Nmm Ow $SJ0 They art genuine values. SPRINGS' NEWEST PIECE GOODS Om lot of Suntab material la a large variety of colors, SS la. wide, and our price* will plttM jroo equally m much an the aooda. ' All ailk Taffeta, in a food range f | JO . of color*. at yard • Ladle*. you abbold inveitiiatc thi*. Rain Coat* for the April ikovm. Draw Goods—Ladies, this is piece goods headquarters. Soles prove H! Satis fled customer* make the repeated sales. Plat and wash crepes. Georgettes, in silks; Rayon silks in every desired col or, guaranteed fast color. It sure you see them. Everfast Prints from foe. to 25c. per yard. Beautiful patterns to select from, 86 inches wide. The Barnard Co., Inc. 27 Mala Strart Mount Airy, N. C New — At Hale's — New _ " Caster JUST RECEIVED Caster for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Selling 75 Ladies' hijfh cUm Munplf Spring Easier COATS 75 U4Im' New SprAtc EASTER DRESSES k" UdWa* Snappy EASTER OXFORDS - MMul 1 ■ " 150 Ladiaa' Brand New . CASTER HATS 100 Mitoa' and Children'* Hate 9 100 Mi-n'a and youn# man's • nappy fancy band HATS • * * LADIES' NEW SILK HOSE LmUm* full fashion (Fashion- $|.4t f| Jl lit) Silk Hose. 1 I W* guarantee this Imm to ba •*!*] to say $2.00 «r 11*0

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