Vato and by rirtae at authority —x* tain M of tarn* meatod tkt 22nd d., of Aagnat, 1M4, by C. C. Hotoh r^sraAa?Jgri.v iatorod in tbo ottoo of the Rewtator of Deeds for Sorry County, In nook #*, 182, nod of Dm* of Trust. having b~n mad. in «*>gH at tha not* iiwnJ mm at npwt of tha holder of mM nota. I vUImII for eMh to tha highest bid dar in front of tha bank of Mudnt Airy on ■y. tha ltth day of May. 1M7 * U tha following Jaarrihad lands, to wit: A certain lot, tract or pareel at Coaaty, State of North Carolina, ad joining tha lands of R. L 1 STTYilton and oa tha i . of tha Uatehor road, R L. I 4« rain, weet'aevea hundred and throe I faot to tha branch; thin down tha aa it imnndarn to Jaat abort a maple; thane* tooth M dor. 40 rain, east aeven hmdrad faat to tha Hatehar road; theaoe with aald raad tlO faot to tha bsghutar Con taining nine (9) acrea, Mora or loaa. Sale made to aatiafy a balance of |500.(K), with intaraat thereon from Swiry 15, 1M7, and ooota at sale tO Add. ThU April It. 1MT. J. H. rOLflER. Too Much "Acid?" ImhIMcAeU AUTHORITIRS agree that anas A cm of arte add I* pr due to faulty Mdaey action, to Of tUi toate material slakes its preeeace tot by sort, M joanta. a brad, languid ft i by the use of Daaa'a ndaagdiuretlc. Ooan'a pie. AtAj DOAN'S "JE3 r Dmt,t,c la (to Kldbaja l Co..yi,. Cfc- Buffalo, g T. MAY PLANTING DAYS ARE HERE —BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY Ws are ready to assist with professional land scape advice, plant mater ial and planting service. Call Ua Today Limfley N-,|_, nuncncs, inc• POMONA, N.C. SetrMMnn AM Vanr Trnmi" taM Un Trym at] faa4 and kind «M alra ta ma aM aa I barama vary tarn# AM tbaa tW Tiyjiilw svaa t**e • Mi tr*mj*Mlth» rail, •bl.-h abawM Wt wall ■■■>« ba «aa "Wa ka»a • r nialn kara «h» la tba afparita ta aa." Trwnpatar ftwaa raa malt "Coaata Mala Hwaa la »arj faM, aM Oaa* Mat* Hwaa la watt ■ >■11 Oaaata Mala «aaant bail*** to aatoa. Ma UM "»at 111 MM jraa that rw mar al wajra Mil Oaaala Mala kacaoaa ba baa • black kaab at tba kattaai or lawar part If hla Mil. "ONab Mat MM baa laral* rtttla "TbaM faatbara in «rtj laaktec •aw. bat aaaa baaatlfal wMta faatb ara wUl cana to »ta«a af tba «ftjr m* mm af Mr kwr ami 1 >a town thay wtti k MB MM that to Jha^way •^urvrffi ,-tMM Aaatratto." MB »* 1 MM • Blark W» te M Mar Aaatralto. tea. Too T WmI «r ~J»a.~ MM TriDllll. -I haMitl thaacht that baaaaM I mr da think | I gTMt Mai Of | -I Mat MM mm*. 1| Mat Hka ta try la thtak wkaUar ona | la "That te M tba adnata 1 talk aMt anjtbtr.s that tea u> wgiaaftoa of |an«TaMr It I Mat «Mt waU. aar 4a I I «n yaa ara Mry larga aM Mry aafalfl thaM a# i -Of MM. I thtak It te a|ea nraM prato whlta, bat jM'ia tea to haM by way af fraa tha aaat af w li "Taa, Mack ^ af yaar laaM far yoa ■ara • tea* Mil af eta a learnmi *111 be • widow If aha warrlev Vow kave It "ok* will M aa *14 maM The thimble waa ancleatli won. on ihe thumb and from the thani> H Ufcaa Ita aama Alao tka iay»li<- qml Itlaa attached ta N are dae ta Itt < •• nactloa with tba tbamb in former times AM tba laraMc eualltle. of iba thumb belong ta the aart«iui eoleuce" of < hlromaary -paiiB'oirv la tba eommoa uaau far It- -aa «*w tlced by tba Ohal4c«aa. tba Egypt '"*»• ta (bet all tba early raoaa af rUil.ia tlan aa wall aa by tba Romans The Idea of life and daatb alao appears ta haee attached to.the tbamb for rb* "ijna of Ufa" lia> Ita origin in the "mooat «f Veno«" at tha baaa of the tbamb Alan there waa tba wall known signal of tba Roman ampi tbaatar; tlmmba op far Ufa ntMl thnmba down ft>t daatb. la tha case of tha vanquished r'adlator Prom tha dedication of tha thumb to Veno» wa rat tha Idaa of lora aa connected a ltlt tba thlmMr of tba unmarried wonmn and the ld*a that if ahe bring* tier thimble to the tiihie ahe will b« a widow. Ma evidently tn do with tha thamh'a connects. with hamao Ufa. Bringing tha thimble to the table la evldeatly a "thnmba down" signal far tba fatnre tiaatmnd Jaat why la not aa evident tinlea* we may auppnee that removing the thimble and plarlnr' H M the table la evmbultc of arpera tlM er sacrifice: or perhapa a part af aoaw forgotten ritual having to do with the thamh. The old maid anper atltloo with retard ta the thtmhte haa a like orl«ta with, the widow super atltloo of which H la ataraly ■ variant WmMe UtfUHm Watarwarba lead mMIc arllltlee ta tha parceetajp af planta nnder ia« BldMl awMrWp All af tba tea largaat rittee la Aa United Rtatea own apalla. aM every awe af tba third af tea have them aMar ps'IIc How It Started By Jean Newton tOPTLV NOW TH* LIOMT Of DAY' THIS I/m, vkidi for •»« thrao «Mrtm of a caatury baa »ub< all aaar «ha Kcfltab apraktnj world and la Um agartlaaataly aa tba "»r— Bat." may ba aald ta ba a pr«4td af octrtda. Tba author. Oaorga Waablagtna Dmum. aald af hla aaraatora tbat "«» tDrtaan vara m af war (Mb tMr youlb up and 1 aai atrlctly la lla*. wMh tham." IMai a btabap, bowaaar. bla lighting *ai aloag thaologtcal llnr*. Balng alao a h%b rhittkim darlnr tba aariy Klghtaaoth caatury. tbara va« alway* plmy of flgbtlag at band f It waa during th« halgbt af a battla royal with Itn broadar faction of tba church tbat tba blabop ratmmad lata cm* day ta bla atudy. Opaalng tba Blbla. aa ba latar told of It, la tho ught of tba aattlag aa, bla ayaa chanted apoa tba morda: 1M my prayer ba aat bafora tbaa aa Incanaa and rha Hftlag op of my hand, aa tba arming •acrlUca." Tba eontraat batwaaa tba aratwhHe fnallct aad tba paacafal aaaolmr hour, hatwaaB tba calm whrdt la tba gtxxl boob sad tba tutrmail la bla m mind Impraaai t Mai ao daaply tbat ha waa Inaplrad at that moment ta tba writ lag of tba Immortal hymn: Hoftly now ih« light at day radM apon my sight away." Before long Ihana worda wara known wherever English la *K)fcat> Aad though It waa la tba "Ma tbat Blabop [kwne par^ad to bla raat, tbay arc at III mag arary Waduaaday araolnj during chape' aarrlcaa at WL Mary'a Hall, tba wellkaowa achoot far glrta wbleb waa IMnuM by tbatr aatbar. lOaorWMI OPENS MAY 5 CLOSES MAY II MB VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE n&MR NOW—NMm trm hTh—i»« Mr wmgsgw mum tm mt m Vate far mr Amrtta «Hr Mi «Am. VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN nf, ImM by noon Lm THIRD WWto ff«U Airy. rovm ruxK-A Airy Drag cMW. kf 4 kr Dnf Co. SIXTH by Drag Co, ud W. 8. Wolf* Dm* bo. bo by tfao Big 5*7 tinted portrait, to 10*20. TMs port roll ill Is BABY SHOW AND PARADE A boot M babios hov* already boon entered ia tbe eoatost. Watch for th« Baby Show la the OoV Par Wo prfi ■till THE MANAGERS VOTTNC PLACES—Ballot bouo will bo placed la afl . In Mount Airy. A daily bulletin will bo delayed in Airy Drug 8torc ■bovine the rotoo wcorM for «Mk to this Ml all at Cart or-' , May 7, at 3 ». M. to tbaak DON'T BE Extravagant!! STOP BUYING— WATER PUMPS OIL PUMPS GAS SAVERS SHOCK ABSORBERS ENGINE SUPPORTS DASH SUPPORTS RADIUS ROD BRACES FENDER BRACES RADIATOR SUPPORTS TRANSMISSION LINING HIGH SPEED GEARS SPEEDOMETERS ACCELERATORS ANTI-SHIMMIES ANTI-RATTLERS Exanivt Gas and Oil Back Seal Foil of To»b And a Bundle of Har Wire Chevrolet comes fully equipped and there are no "extras" to buy. Tne most beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet; history can now be purchased at the new low prices, and on easy, convenient terms. Ask us. 4 Buy a Chevrolet and Enjoy the Difference