i > N. C AT 2^00 P. M. T": One of the Finest Homes in the County Electric light* and water, and every modern con venience. Beautiful*building sites, all commanding the mM beautiful panoramic view in North Car olina. with a long range of mountain* to rent the eye upon. Adjoins An Accredited Stale High School Modern, new school building—jut completed. TERMS VERY ATTRACTIVE All furniture, utock and took will aho be sold at sale THE LAND CO. MT. AIRY, N. C. MARTIN BENNETT EDW. M. LINVILLE ■ - D. S. HODGE Natka The following writing has been produced to the undmiprd Entry - nktr: The undemigned claimant being a cittern of Surry County, N. C. hereby satsforth and lays that the following tract of land, to-wit: Lying and be ing in Bryan Township, Surry Coun ty, N. C. brtwee n Rutner's Creek and Crystal Creak and bounded by and adjoining the lands at C. C. 8moot | and Son* Company and the E. Snow { tract now owned by P. B. I.uffman and others, is vacant and unappro-1 priated and belonging to the State of . North Carolina and is subject to entry and the undesigned claimant lays claim, make* entry and prays for a grant for said land. This April 22nd, 1027. W A. HUFFMAN Claimant. W. F. LAWRENCE, Entry-Taker. Notice of Sale. By virtue of * dead of trust ex-, ecu tod to the undersigned trustee by H. R. Key, which dead of trust U registered in book 7S, page 6, records , of daadi) of trust for Surry County, default having been made in the pay- ' ■art of the notes secured thereby, I will aril far cash to the highest bid der on the »th day af May. ItST. at 1 o'clock P. M.. in fron of the Rank of Mount Airy, the following real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Mount Airy Township, Surry County and describ ed as follows: Situated on the waters uf Stewart's 1 creak and beginning at a burch on the west aide af Stewart's creek at the mouth of a ditch, C. C. Hotchens' corner and runs up the center of the ditch N. «0 deg. W. 1 1-t chs.; thence 8. 27 dag. W. S chs. to a point in the ceater of the ditch in the west edge of a bridge C. C. Hutchens' corner; thence N. 78 deg. W. 20 1-t cha. along C. C. Hutchens' line to a stake in the Bunker line; thence N. S deg. E. 6 chs to H. R. Key's corner; thence with his Une g. 7» d««. E. 14 1-t cha. to a burrh on the wart bank of Stew art's creak: thence with said creak 8. 82 deg. E. • 1-t chs. to the begin ning, containing 10 1-2 acres mis or less. The same being lot No. 1 of J. W. White farm as surveyed by Vestal Taylor sad sold by Lin villa Ball- Hutchens Land Co. on the above 1| Cf«« ** Dobrni raid tn4 running mm lot Ma. 6, twelve feet wide and eroeafog the cotwer at this lot at the bridge and continuing up the ditch to tat No. : . LIGHTNING STRIKES PLANE DURING STORM All Four Occapanta are Instantly Killed aad Ship Divae into Bay Af ter Reiag Hit by Bait. Norfolk. Va., April t».~ Lieutenant V. P. Marlnelll, attariai to tlw Hamp ton Road* naval air station, and Lleu Unant George W. Lehman. Chief Machinists Mate Pojmer and Machin ist* Mate Michnela, second class, were killed late this afternoon when a holt of lightning hit their plane, net*ling it plunging into Chenapeake Ba> off New Point Comfort. All apparently war* killed instantly. The tragedy occurred during i severe electrical and rain- storm that swept this section about 4 p. m. The plane struck was one of several fly ing from Philadelphia to the Hamp ton Roads naval air station. News of the disaster was brought here by one of the other, plana* the occu pant* of which witneased K. The plane struck was in front of them, those in the second plane said, * hen suddenly they saw it enveloped in a puff of smoke, then go out of con trol and plunge to the surface of the bay upside down. The second plane immedie'.ely landed to attempt rescoe but could do nothing because of weatltor con dition* and after an hour of fruit less effort came on to Norfolk. The tender Teaie was dispatched immediately to the scene and had not returned early tonight. The scene of the crash is about the same spot at which Lieutenant Prank A. Conant, Schneider cup race flier, was killed last fall. Both Lieutenant Marinelli and Lieut. Lehman made their homea in Norfolk, the former being at tached to the local air station and the Utter to the P. 8 squadron, of the scouting fleet, now also at the local base. Both were married. While thoas in the plane that brought the news of tk tragedy war* said to he practically certain the plane was struck by lightning and it* four occupants killed outright. Judging by Ha behavior after they saw the puff of saM>ke, the fact may not he definitely eatabliahed until the wwhad craft la laiaod aad brought here. Bo tar na la known hare thia is the first case s< Ks kind en Yeeerd of pa all plan* beta* at ruck by lightning although sneh a fane h aaid to have befaBsu gaa Inflated Otto Wood Stir, tap Trouble in Raleigh, April It.—nly after he had pull ed several hold-upe. 1 Donate Blankets for tfeo Flood ' Winston-Salem, April 11. — The Chatham Manufacturing Company of this city today donated to the Wine- j ton-Salem Red Croe* Chapter SOO pair* of flne blankets for the Misaia*I ■ippi flood "ufferrrs rrd the Ameri can Express Company will transport them without cost to the designatedj points in the flooded area Winston-Salem's donation to the Mississippi flood relief fund reached the 98MW0 mark tonight. Green*boro, April 17.—In a letter | to the ooaamiaetan* r of agriculture, a R. W. H. Stone at the farmer* union (1 aak* him to atop feed millers and' tead In bags en which and tax labels are attached with metal fastener*. Mr. Stone aayai far mora report the death *f —any' valuable animal* a* a reenH of etcplae or rHpe getting loot In the | feed and tiling swallowed by cattle. >1*11. Buy Building & Loan Stock and Save People are Building Homes Am! Saving Money by Investing in the • Workmen's Building §t Loan Association 35th Series Now Open 25c a Week Carries $100 Stock ■■■■■■■■ Workman's Building & Loan Association W. G. SYDNOR, PmsHsl M. H. SPARGER, m JOHN BANNER. Vie. Frssidsnt R. D. GEORGE, DIRECTORS W. E. Marritt J. D. krt«t J. D. Tlinfii I rs