one-third You Pay No Premiums A BANK Account is an assurance against failure, and an assurance . of success. It is the only policy that protects against every form of human disaster. i> Why be without a Bank Account here? It is an insurance that costs you no premiums. Rwourcw, <1,<00,000.00 » * I FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOUNT AIRY. N. C. T. 0. FAWCETT, Prm. W. W. BURKS, V.-Pna. E O. SMITH, Cashier . D. C. RECTOR, Aat Cash. t. o. fawcktt, uwuiu. jm i *• ' £ TfeGbneietc Sam isS^e CONCRETE street* are safest—wet or dry. They are rigid and endur ing under the heaviest trafbe. Econom ical to build and tequinng little maintenance, the concrete pavement gives uninterrupted service. When you pave, pave with portland cement concrete. Its attractive appear anct and other exclusive advantages make it appropriate for business streets, boulevards and residential districts ai&e. Laredo-Homi-eract H outytolda. Hay ruroa Kttam to 14* day*; 4MJM Mammoth TiUM-Utf*, planta, tknt to In feet tall. Ahf> attewd production aa On* at the boat yieldara of aood Kajr, bat the hay to wirtil mm to 14S day*; 1M.TM aoto Virginia—Growth aprifbt. thro* to At* foot to hofefct. Yiolda food quality ftmy aad food yield af Bead. Makoa probably tho hoot quality of aoyboan hay. Saod do no badly. Mataraa to Itt day*; 207,0001 aaod to haihol Extract from a circular tottor pro pared by E. C. Blair, Extoaaioa Afro-j nomist and aont out by tkto aaya—"Laat yoar tho Larodo proved vary lucitiiful in Surry County; making ^|00 poanda of hay par acra oa onlimad land, and MM pound* war* a ton of llmo por acre TMa varioty otanda ahoad of all othora far the Piodnaoot Motion both hay and aaad yield of hay, H makee hay of Anal quality, moot of tho ■mall that half a buehel of thorn wffl tow an art*. Tho Larodo alaa ma turaa early, ao that it (an aaally ha followed by imall pain. I will ba glad to holp you ■ood of thia varioty. Lot m know j »our M«li at one*, allow in* a haHl bi»M of seed per acre. Planted In rows and cultivated on* batM will plant 5 .icree." Prom the above you aee that Mr. Blair w rrry enthuaiaHk about this particular variety la this county. I have had only two complaints daring oar test of last year bat very many farmer* have laid that this «w the only bean for thi* county. While ail bean* have their good point* yet we think that the Laredo is a 'ery Aim bean. This year seed Is very cheap and the price ranges from ItN to about four times aa many beans la one bushel aa hi the Mammoth Tel low you see the seeding per acre la very law and this would be a good year to aead heavily. In the Office here at Dobsew there la te be seen fifteen varieties of aay leana on exhibition. These varieties were planted on the same day oa identical ground, fertilised the same way and palled at the same time. If yoa will come to the oftee you caa examine the entire different varieties and deride for yourself the particular one that yoa win like. Many farm* era have examlaed this exhibit and have expreaaed a desire to increase their acreage. Seed can he secured through most HAULING? l*sk These Used Cars Over Ford fc-Tsn. Nf express body *-Ton, mm body I-Toa. wtth cab ... Graham Brothers lft-Ton. stool gravity dump bod/ IH-T«i lo«« whiibm, Graham Brothon 1 Vfc-Ton, hand hoist Graham Brothon I Vfc-Toa, canopy Oody • o o i Tanas to RoUablo Partios ' Norfleet-Baggs, Inc. 8outh Main at Bolows Winston Balom, N. C. feS, . ■ ... ■ . . Wi y in*1"' is the message of the J^^Cautomatic Electric Range Goa* arc Um tedious boor* spent ' In cooking. That U why the •» sag* of Uw Hot point AitoMtk Electric range la, "Mother, Come Out of the Kitchen." for with the Hot point la the kitchen. Mother ha* time for recreation and other drtca. It ie like having a maid at no Mti We an- waking a special offer that pots a Hot point Automatic ONLY $10 DOWN Electric Range within the ruck of all. Thifc wonderful offer include* a low down payment an extra hag time to pay. and an allowance for your old etove. And we have Hotpoint Ranges to fit every ^pareo and^j^urpoee. let ua tell jroo about the epertai, time-limited offer. Watch this paper for farther anaemcemeate. *-.*••• • 4* J#,, •■ . Southern Public Utilities Co.