rW. * c, ■.& Th« defendant above named will been commenced is the fltiMMp4Ap M m_.. — - - - Buptnor wmrt or »urry toonty, which action I. returnable on the Urd day of May, IM7, for the recovery of tlw sumof lt.lM.Ot. due Mid plain tiff by not*. Thr denfendant wjll also take no tiro that a warrant of attachment waa issued by tho Clark of the Super ior Court for fern County, Nwth, Carolina, on the 1Kb day of April. 1M7, a«ainat the property of anld| arrant is dofotMiant. which warrant la return •hie before the aaid Clerk of the Superior Court on the 23rd day of May. 1M7, at hia ofllre in Dobeon. N. CN when and whore the defendant la required to appear and amnrer or demur to tho complaint or the relief prayed for will he grunted. the i»th day of April. 1W7. t. T. Lrweltin, Clerk Bwfrortw ' Court. MO. state'oIt NORTH CAROLINA ; of CertMkate of To All to Whom Theae Presents May) Come (lllllll|: Whoraaa, It appears to my satis-1 faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all tho itockholdfro, de mited in My oAoo, that tto Lovill tMs Company, a corporation of tW* State, whoaa principal oflke la situat ed at Mala Street, in the tows of| Mount Airy, County of Surry. Star of North daroSna 7c. C. Lovfli beta Uwtjent therein^and in ckar| II, haiT eo«gJ4eJr^wWi the^ re , _ Utoa, entitled ''Torpor, tione," preliminary to the ieauiac of this Certiflcate of DUaolutleU: - Now, therefore, 1, W. M. Everett, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. an the Uth day of April, 1MT, Ale in my rf ice a duly executed and atteeted con sent In writing to the disaohition of aaid corporation, executed by all the stockholder! thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceeding* aforeaald are now on He in my aaid ofllce as prorided hy la#. In testimony whereof. I have here to set my hand and oArial eaal at Bale^rh, this Uth day of April. A W. N. EVERETT. SRcreeatryf ahrd shr Secretary of State. "For t*n year*, he conaUtent ty aad per* latently (M|tt iw| effort of Mm |W4 poopte of Wo atate to sub ait th* liquor ((Motion to a refer endum. Bo »ppo«H( local option, •ad advocated tnereaaed prtvilogue for the aaloona. kagur hoar*, aad "Of UMh* coatemptlblc thteg* that Mortal Man coald bo guilty of, ho up hold tho iniqaitou* talaoo law, which ia (iMpio language Moana that every kind of a lodging house or don of « faano oooM sail liquor alt night lone aad all day Sunday, in tho faoc of aaothor >tato law which reqoirod th# liloovu to eloM. "Ho voted to foreo hotol bars late owr X00 dry tewaa; voted to rvpoat tho law providing mm protection for schools aad churche*. Hi engineered th* paaaage of a hill permitting sa loons within 200 foot of ^private school*. "Hi* cohorts, made up of under-1 world politician*, liquor-lovers of all j parties, thf out-lawed liquor inter ests, politician* Who are hungry far pie and power, and a few good men whoM they look to think for 'them.: are making a amot strenuous effort to becloud th* real issue. snd to. create aa artificial popularity for j thi* unthinkable r«prr*outative of all i that Christianity oppose*, ae far a* the liquor queetion ia nencomed. "The time o*i >iag politician would have a* think thai' the qaaaWow of thi* man's religion ia the supreme issue now. Shrewdly gotten up letter* aad newspaper articles are stateawnts an issued day after dap. "We are not intelaraat. Wa are afraid of a Catholic We weald ha afraid of a Methodist or aay other ■oft of being with Smith'* record and1 belonging to a church standing for the thing* th* Catholics etand for. It I* nullification. It I* morality. It la the liquor queetion. Governor Smith I* wet." "Brawn say* he I* always ready to grant hi* wife'* smalieet wish. Do you believe H?" | "Oh, yes—If it's small enough." j NoHee North Carolina, Surry County, in Superior Court. Jane Thompson. Admrx. of Scott D*'«' Jane Thompson individually■ r*. H. A. Thotapsor, and wtfa Dora Thompson, J. |. iSompnon and wife Lol, rtomp«». Mr. fTS! Bhaum. G. S. Thompson and wife; Verfje Thompson and H. W. Thomp son, Ethel Thompson. Mildred Thomp- ' •on,» Harold Thompson, Marirurie the paopia NMiji tarn. K«k| in ikt m«i atery o( the kmn. "A large |.mrtir the raai denta pn»Mii far drinking Mar by atortng the day the leree brake," ha mM. TINT alao atored othar ee aanMala cuafaHy and thoaa Irving in ona atery Mini moved to thair nfllkbon with two-atory homea. I •vat promptly to tka hotel and kept water and food at my atera. Wa did not naffer except far tha lutwiaa ience. People whe did net taka thee* prtvaultoim wara driven to Uw cara of tha Rad Croaa. , "Tha water probably arill cover fireenville far two or thraa waaha fat but Groanville paopia. inc fading myaeif, ar* aHiiHng to tha town aad I ahall return there a* mm ma tha ■rater recodea nuAciently to parmlt work. My wtfa rnd rhiidran will re main ia North CaroHite until danger •f epidemic ia paat. fireenville ia Mia at tha heat placaa ia tha country to live apd I have n<« notion of de serting it. "The aituation ia hand at Green riUa, apparently. Sanitary condi liona are good. Everyone ia batag riven typhoid aanua aad othar pre cautions * re n ha at red." * Strong muKciea. aad high morals >ho«tld. and 4a haw* a iarga piaaa aad lortiaa in aeary normal haaaaai Ufa. Tha aehaal boy ar girl, who faila to give thaaght and oarafal atteatian to the lawa af health. and to tha da raloplng of a atronr vigurawa naJ ririla houaa, te apand hia Ufa ia, ta making a graat miataka, aad ia making aa error which a HfatHna cannot correct, nor eraaa. This ia tha BM>re forcefully and fearfully true whan we ronatdar tha relaUonahip which axiata hatwaaa atrong muaclea muscular riant until hi* moral* fail »d. and then he >u physically "punk." If .a fallow to only "phyiically At" Im to scarcely half a man; an as or mule may be "physically fit." But if in developing a physical bouaa, he re-inforce It. and undergrid it with a (odly moral stamina, ha then he roine* a mperior being, and able to •tand among hi* peer* a* the glory ind crown of God'* creation. It to a great delight and pleasure to thi* patron of the Mount Airy ichooto, to note the splendid work of soaeh, "Boh Sides" in ear High School [ think that no single member of the fscutly to In poateaa to reader a mors positively splendid service to the stalwart youth of ear than to "coach Bah." And to the belief ef thaaa wh tack things, he to deing it after a noet Manly fashion. To aaa haw car tose hall clnb has tightened a*, brightened op and gotten into "form," is a striking snggeetioa aa to what Is being done This befa« true. It to up any exhortation to the patrons at Hifk J. O. EKVIN. New Ortoana, April W.—TIm prat rat flood in the Miaalaelppi Vnltoy la haI aiMtiUn n»|aat wig|La* I# not inf lUfiQfn Fsuuiropnf n wouio m»a from the manner In which It bant Into pi ana. For It realty bo ran with an unusually haavy rainfall in the Cumberland ValWy, In VmUti Tennaaaee. la the latter part of Da comber, lMt. Thie rain rent the Naahville gang* from tt fact Dor. 21 to foot Doe. II, breakin* the record. Tha affect waa to brihe tha Cairo imi« from 90 to U.R reot h» Jafc. «. Haavy raina In tha Ohio Vallay dariac thia poriod prevented tha fall ot tha Cairo gauge below 40 feet and rent It ap agate to SSJ March H. TUa point wna only two foot below tha record of «J feet, Daytoa three aaeeeeaive riaaa woo Id have eanea^ a fAirly high level la tha j tower river without the raina In Weaieaippi and Arkaaaaa. By ] this time the lower river waa carry ins eoflataat water to Jaftlfy a pre ] diction at Mi feet at Me* Ortoana. north of Match SI of tha Ohio By April *0 tha cage at Cairo 1.7 aen than th At Vieksburg the river tad above tak tall iUp states Jam. 10, aad at New CMsaas it has b*«a at tta 16-foot, or atae* Jan. *14. So tta preaaot flood is not only klgta than onjr attar bat aha of greater extant ta It tad boa that such a combination of oarly aad widespread thaws, id widespread rains following upon a fairly fall Hear, tax any levees boiJt. Tta fact is that tta upper river] pours water into tta tower rirer rapidly that the nsoath will it. This aondition arises froai tta 41opos of tta terrain. Tta northern bad is steeper than tta southern. Con sequently tta southern end under even ordinary conditions, thing of a iw'irii. Under onditions aa prevailed this tta valley la not saSeiant in to hold tta disrharf M of tta This tensify than k n of Htaly to la. there is an 'age of large rata ef of tta valley] I removal af| m of tta ^YDNOR * SPARGER lOUHT AIRY. .N.C P. a Baa 444 M. Airy, R. C Facials AJrjr «• b* May 9 to 14, iadnire MRS. W. P. KELLY, Turamyre&Lamm •01 Airy. N.c \ YOU SHOULD NAME IK SUMY COUNTY LOAN I TRUST AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: TV Trvat Cwtt! am that W. r. CAKTOt, 8YDNOR, Sac. *