Error in Notice Delay in is held far, mm! that th< bt open (or regtatmtkx length of time M stated il are oftrad for Mb ex It U u Important that all details Im exactly aa required by law. K. H Mm baa baea named aa rag latrtr is Ward No. 1 in plaea of D C. Mow man wbo could not urn foi baataees reaaona. Mr. Dixon will baft tba booka at tka city ball begin atec next Monday morning. Cad Carter ia legiatrar for Ward No. 1 aad bia book wUl ba kept at tb< Oraalta City Motor Co. TWa eefccs! basrd aad board of town ramail«aiiinari bald a joint aiHl»| ia tba high arbool Tuaaday night al which tba tax situation waa ad and it la reported that tba board will aooa iaaaa a «tatam«nt that thay will guarantee tba paopla tbal aat mora than a tax bty of 10 eonti additional will ba aakad for tba opar of tba urboala tba praaant Wvj ' M canta, tba additional 10 caati 45 canta for achaels. Hm law tbat tba voter* arc being aakad to approve |hw tba town a right u Wry a total of M canta. Mayor 8yd nor wanted to bold tba maximum rata dawn to 50 canta in tba voting. whiU it la understood that aome wanted tc make it aa high a* 70 canta, tba wide difference resulting in a compromise oa 00 canto- And now it will he newi to tba public to boar tbat the achn-1 board ia willing to guarantee to oper ate the schools on 45 cents, if such raport proves to he correct. The. advocates for tha election art busy and will leave no stone unturned in their effort to sea the election car ried. The school authorities say (1 la imperative that tha election h« carried; that the heat interaata of th« schools are at stake. At the meeting of the W,,man's Club in thia eity last Friday afternoon J. H. Folger wa> praaant and explained tha situation to them, urging them to support th» meaaurr. He went into the queation of higher taxation for our town, and wanted aa much aa any one to kee| It at the very lowest level possible but he held that the welfare of tlx schools made it necessary for the sue caaa of the coming election All who take part in the abettor will have to register. No prevtoui regintration will have anything to * with this one. And ohm jrou Kan registered It will b< necessary to ft to the poll* and vote on election da] if you want to be counted favorinj the measure, for to fail to rote ii equivalent to voting agaiiet th< bonds and taxee The law requirei that a majority of the registeret votes shall rote in favor of the am ore, and to fail to vote counts affainsl H. There is no now law under wkiti this election is being hold as the saax regulations apply to this one as havi applied to those in the past, that u the bond elections, and there to ni disposition on the part of any ew to rover up anything about It or V take any advantage of either side a the f sstiML There we rortaii regulations that Have to be i to in holding the eteetto are being, carried oat strictly to th> kg Fref ». i Boooon mmi by Pr, A. S 1; "Tt» Mind OaMiil." Sataan Tirk*ta have *2.00 for tho «i* p*rfo a chart* of M cNte for liagk i Dr. J. 8. Moor* of Dm »ta OMHit of hoalth It ta Uw working «•» a inhadwla of th* county tor tho during which Kw ho dontal work for alt ackool < twoon tho akm of ill and 18. will work in eooporatio* with county hoahh Jipartmont and wlU | gladly rooatvo any particular pointinonu. TUa work In froo and th* poop to an uH *• f**| in tonk with hint and tot whan and whor* Kavr m Dr. ftimnor will nual campaign againat ty and ia now -naking np hi* Kat of ay- I pointmont* in th* county whor* fro* | tncdiM will b* (iron. S. P. U. Civ.. ■nag—«, Monday n«nin| th* Southern Pub lie Utilities Co. «u boat at a ban quet at the Rhw Ridge Hoial to the head* of tha various departments of tha local organisation. Supt. Whib lock *w toast master and during tha ••vaninf distributed appropriata and amusing gifts to tha various gueets. Miss Mobly, cooking demonstrator for the company, of Charlotte. was present. alan Mr. Lao Herndron. of the Hot Point Electric Co. Mr Whit lock told hi. Assistant, that he waa highly plaaaad with tha progrees the alactric range campaign waa making a* they had already aold 70 par rent of their allotment and would soon be over tha top. The rompany employ* &T> people hare and the foremen and haada of tha var ious department* repreaentad them at ' 'bf banquet Monday evening Men Hava Narrow Eacapo. The force of workman putting up th^ »teel frame work to C. W. Ful ton'* n*w garage on Dixie Street had a narrow eacape from aerioii* Injury bnt Thursday afternoon when the derrick and a span of the ateel work fell while they were putting St in J place. The strong wind that waa blowing from tha woat unbalanced the derrick and whan it tumbled liaek-1 ward* it also brought the steal work with it. Fata Jones was cti top of the derrick and came to the earth with it. sustaining several bad bruises Contractor D. H. Cooke waa i on one end of the steel beam and came down as it did. falling about IB feet, and receiving a had gash in his thigh. Several other workman ware right in the path of tha falling steel but were fortunate enough to be ' missed aa It came down. | Bus Lina Acroaa Mountain. A nice cloned ear this weak hegaa ' a regular schedule between this city and Radford. Va. The ear leaves i hare at 11:26, naming there In time 1 to make eonncctioa with a through > train to New York, also afford!^ eon •, nection with trains to St Louie and Chicago and other weatora pointa. This has will alae enable one U leave > here at lt'21 aad reach Roanoke la UaM far sapper, going by Hillevilla, > , Pulaski and Radford Fgppy Safe klajr M Voting h Contest Wat Lirdy Affair r imd r«W. Jr. II «• by the number of In the WMm' favor, It was a'l t; ooateat and Um friaada aad rel* thraa of the bahiea had the privilege o4 »aM«| aa often aa thajr lihad aa that no om could foal hurt tf their favorite failed ta ha among tha priaa Each htkjr'i friend* had tha privi lege of placlM thoir favarito at tha head of tha Hat. Anyway It waa lata of fan to watch tha Nat gram from day to day and tt araa certain that arith thirty-two habiea in tha ram mat muat land and othara fall bah tad, a* only aix maid ha priaa winnera. Fred Folpr, Jr.. lad tha tat wtth <7.000 votes which antitlad Ma to a sMvar loving cay. a half hy tha pictare hi ad by tha Eckenr pair of baby ahooa donated hy tha Hawlu-Boylaa Co. Sscaad priaa waa wo* hy Catherine Martin who raaaWad a protty white ■•Id ring with a donated hy I aoaar Third priaa wiaa»i waa Sara Aaa Walhor and aha I anal»ad two gold priaa araa donated hy Tha Mount Airy. Fourth priaa waa waa hy Klton Brannock who racoivad a lira piece brankfaat «ri donated by tha Mount Airy Drug < ompany. Fifth priaa an araa hy Marijo l-eitch. who locetvod a toilat not do nated by tha HoIHngaworth Drug Company Sixth priaa waa wan by Elisabeth Faweett who racoivad an Ivory powd er jar, ivory aoop hoi and powder puff donated by the W. 8. Wolfe Drug fompany and the Turn my re and lamn Drue Company Mouat Airy Citimams Sumim» •d to RaUfk. For K«*rtl <lay* thtrv ha* hern in ttuion *n investigating committee in Raleigh sifting °«1 the charge* o# graft that h»vr bm preferred against thr state sanitary oAciala. It ha* been charged that in many rawi there existed a conspiracy be l«rai th* unitary in*poctor* and the contractor* which brought about the investigation. One. of it* result* ww the call for several of our citi *en* to conie to Raleigh for the meet ing Monday. Thoee from hare who were required to attend and give evi dent* aa to anything they knew were J. D. Smith. J. C. Hollingaworth, J. V. Fuller, H. Schafer, Reuben King. J. K. ilinee and A. G. Bowman. Wind* Do Dau|w to Powar During Sunday and Monday Mivara wind* prevailed In thi* taction blow ing down tree* and telephone and light pole* at place*. Sunday after noon a sever* guat blew a tree acroa* the power line between the two power plant* on Ararat river, dragging with it eight polea in ntcceaaioa and put ting the local power plant out of commission. The storm had no effect on the continuous flow of electricity as it continued to come over the lines from Winston-Salem. Without con nection witn Southern power we wooU have been In the dark far Mr rral hoar*. Road MiiIIm at P» Uski, Va. The state highway commis*ion of Virginia held a {public meeting at Pulaski. Va, Madsy to hear rep seta and suggeetlons on the needs of road* In that section. Delegations from Galas. HUtortll* a ed. The Carroll to to i Gap road before aa A. V. Went, mi this by tha C. 0. Dwk IV rim play School" will ba rNa la hi tha National Mt will ba (lurpd. At »:M P. M. Friday in Um High School auditorium tha elm iwnlm will ba hald, with tha iwmtHlw of awards and dipkxaaa, tha and othar axarciaa* by tka At 7:4# P. M. Friday Dr. I C. Brook., praaidont of Btata which will ha tka crowning mat of m ratira pi mini. Tha followinc girl» and bay* win ■cobra thair Jlplr—■ Friday aftor Hiram Harbort *Allrad, WtUia Cbf • Baughn, Capitola Maa Baboo, «. Max Bran nock. Baby Btbal Cook. Fawaatt, Jokn Fltihofh Gilbort, Bthai aa Goad, Maria Gwya. LaaMa Wal lace Jackaon. Lillian Johnaoa. Wada Hampton Johnaon, Daiay T. William Hanry Klngabury AHca Long. Annia LilHan Maba. Vfar. pmU Graca Martin. Anaia Myrtla Maaary. Winaton Baovaa McKlanay. A Maa Laa Norman. Wallaca Aagwtaa Shalt»n. Andraw Gilaa Smith. Ckarlaa Monroe Sprinkle. Arnatta Naakatta Taylor. Carrta Kliaabath Taylor. Katharina Babaoca TilWy. Varona Allrod Waat sTorr Tha poller hava atartod a cruaada of "aafaty Irrt" for aatoiaU and havr paintod tha word "atap* ia iarga whitr lattara at tha principal atraata that coma in to Main. It ia not a law that raquiraa ona to coma to a atop at thaaa point- bat tha polira hava paintad thaaa placaa aa a warn ing to tha public tk >' tha«r rroaniticn an dangarou* ona and thoac who want to play «afa would do writ to hard tha warning No Trout Fishing Without L. comao Soys County WtrdM County Fish Warden. W. F. Thomp <u>n. of Devotion, was in this oOoa Tuesday and stated that wf were misinformed in statins that people could Ash with pole* rut from the river hank and use only one line and hook at a time without license It is unlawful to flsh in any stream which contains trout withcat a license un less you are on your own premises. A man may take Ash from streams on his own premises during the open Mason without license. It i* unlaw, ful to take flsh other than by hook and tins even U you have license Fifty dollars reward will be paid to the party who furnishes evidence .to convict any one of using dynamite in any stream at any time, as a means of taking Sail. l icense may be secured from the following deputy wardens: W. U Steele. Mount Airy; P. C. Wall. PUot Mountain; W. M. Gray, EUrin; also from County Warden W. P. Thomp son. Devotion and CM of the Court I.ewellin Dohaon. County license coats only license te flsh anywhere in the state costs $2.10 for North Carolinians Non-resident flihsrmsn must pay the sum of till to flsh In any of the streams at the state. The following notice is copied from Mr Thompson's fllea and la the last word regarding the new law ing Ashing In the boot streams at t ot of "On petition of the County mistooers of Mitchell, Hurry, Ji Haywood. Yancey. Avery, II snd Alleghany Counties, we extend the provision at the Wide Angler'■ Act to all met taking flsh from the trout str tald counties, aa >ndh< by It. at aaid act. The Ashing puhbc will, therefore, take notice that a tieeaee to take Aah fnuMf of the M sMuutaMM hook and^Sae, or rod ami reel Aahlug will ho i Mali 11 -By ocdjm e< the hoard r imt. •J. B. County Agent b htttmrtint Fanners About Been Beetle Wkit* by Ml T*T •ila **TW Golden WtiistJa" r«M by Um lower ibmnUry grate. On 1 Sunday ni«fct Bar. E. W. hi, mt Mount Airy prnrtui Um annual owaa Prof. Warran and hk i • dabt of gratitude far tbie tw Dr. apnka for only a abort while bat ImM hi* eodience apellbound HU ad draaa araa thoroughly enjoyed. lav. C. C. Hajrmora W Mount Airy W the c being prayer TWt for the hick arkool on Tueaday night. Ivan Jarkaon, praaidaat of tka aralroMad tka tory hy Roy Briiitlr; pma ky Hutchena, grumbler by Maria Simp oon; will and teetament ky La la Brintla; propkary ky Baaaia Atkiaa; and valedictory ky Martka Brintla. Or. W. A. Newell of Mount Airy, de livered thr addraaa. It waa a maat erful and timely preaentation of truth and wa» mark enjoyed. Thr faculty for tba paat year cor Mated of Miaa Vera Stamey, of New■ ton; Miaa lva Scott, of Pinnacle; Mi»» Marie Wouda. of White Plain.; Mr*. W. E. Woodruff, of Mount Airy; Miaa Maude Simpaon. of White I'latna; W. W. Harrington, of Tay loraville; and I. O. Haaaer. of Skoal* It ia expected that moat of the facul ty will return for another year Central Methodist Church REV. W. A. NEWELL. Faster Sunday School .... »:46 A. M Morning Worship ..... 11:00 A. M I Evening Worship 8:00 P. M. Prayer service Wed.. . 8:00 P. M. Junior League «:45 P. M. Intermediate «:46 P. M. Senior League 6:46 P. M. ITifant haptiam will be a part of the morning aanrire Sunday. If par ent* cannot bring their children for public baptism the rites will be ad | ministered at home by appointment i with the pastor. Rev. J. H. Fulghum. president at the Mountain Park School, win preach in the evening and his choir will render special mask. The In. Mr. Kulghuai ii well known hare and this announcement should insure a packed house Mrs. A. B. Macon will hsve charge of the Junior Epworth Missionary society at ?:!• P. M. Sunday. The faithful service of Misses Kelly. Beper. Aiken and Smith of ths | school facetly as teachers In the ■ Sunday School will be greatly miss Three Invitations here far ths giaiteatleg saerciaas sfj the Nates ' Hospital, BIMiwnal. Vs.. Uw cisas to be hsld la ths wealth CTeh of that cHy May M.IAP IL Aa Uunn* this vmk (tx fertiliser teato were »t»rtod under the direction «rf County Agent H. E. WUte in coop eration with mm of the moat pro r*»l»» fa i «ei a in the county On Monday Mr. Livingston representing Swift * Co.. H L. Parker and Coun ty Agent White laid uif 1 1-4 arm of r<M>d tohacco land on Mr. Parker'a farm. Kive pbt> of 1-4 act* Mck were laid off and definite amount* of differen' analyaia will ha applied. Careful results will he kept by Mr. Parkor. On Wednesday E. T. Floyd, Spec ialist on Tobacco from State Collage with County Agent White distributed fertiliser on two different laat plots One of tha demonstrations will ha conducted by H. E. Taylor, R. «. Pilot Mountain, and tke other one by W. A. York, Round Peak Mr. Tart ran a demonstration laat yaar and secured some very valuable reeulta. J. A. Long, Vander Cave and Jeee Putk have each fertilised 1-3 with a new synthetic German fertiliser called Nttro-Phoska. This is a very high grade fertiliaer and is being tried for the flrst time in Surry County. It is to he hoped that the six de monstrations will he carried oat «*e ceeafully and that he able to gat I use of Child Not Struck by Car We regret very mach tha Mrs. Arthur Asfcbura the dent ia which waa run over in April in sui artieie la our laat iaawut The child en ran over by Mr. laid Brew*. ef Danville. Va, and the Nelaeai car happened to ad hi

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