C" ' t0t' ,WB ta* IS6 06. »•« rfc**' *• am. n.«. 0.n«» i"""' "7# «*•«, W"|JV* «« •^r^w'lfT#'* "N ta* $17,04. mt »l.7». Hardin, A. S., 1 tat, IMS ta*, IM.21 cort $1/70. J oh MOT, O. J; 1 tat, lMt ta* $M.M, «•* 91.1*. U*T, Mm. L., I tat, IM tM m.77, cost 11.70. C«ry«r, Jaa., 1 tat, 19M tu, f IS M, ao urn, n m. 1 tat, ltM tax, UN, I tat. 1M« tax lt.44, "White La*. I hit. I9t* tan $4J0. ml II 70 BUCkFUM) TOWNUUF Atktea, J. L_ 76 acrea, 1*M tax. 947JO, coat 11.70. BanNycaetlo, W. L. and C. B„ 2 lot*, 1936 but. 914J1, coat $1.70. Mm*. J. F., Jr.. 1 M. 1M tu, 110.4* coat 11.70. Bowman Mr. Ola. SO acrea. 1999 tax. *7.00, coat 91.70. Brown A Holcuab, hairs, 1 tot, 1926 tax, 114.61, coat «1.70. Brown A Lrt't widow. 96 acrea. 1996 tax, 911-97. coat 91.70. Cw, Burw), 2 acrea, 1926 tax, 910.40, coat 91.70. Caa, L W., 96 arraa, 1929 tax, 929M. coat 91.70. Cot, A. T_ 12 acres, 1026 tax, 911.66, coat 9170. Darin W. 0., 96 acrea, 1026 tax. 937.62, coat 91.70. Davia, C. B., 17 1-2 acrea, 1096 tax, j 997.43, coat *1.70. Dosa, B. Murphy, 67 arraa, 1926 tax, (29.46, coat 91.70. Dosa. V. R. 66 1-2 arm 1026 tax. I $25.37, corn *1.70. Doby, R. L. 101 acrea, 1026 tax, 956.97. coat 91-70. Donar, J. C„ 100 acre*, 1026 tax, 908.60. coat 91.70. Edmund*. J. I., 1 acre, 1926 tax, $9.66, coat *1.70. Gardner, i. W., 1 1-2 acre*. 1026 tax, 969.68, cost *1.70. Hardy, V. H., 35 acre*. IKM tax, *12.58, coat 91-70. Hutaon, J. W., 64 acre*. 1926 tax, 916.34. coat *1.70. HuU'hink, C. C., 45 acres. 1 i»2« tax j 985.01 roat 91.70. Houaer, Mrs. Nannie. 97 acre*. 1926 tax. *38.31. coat *1.70. Lone, Arnold G~ 175 acre*, 18261 tax. *58 45, cost *1.70. McCoimick, J. E.. 102 acres, 1026 tax, *60 70, coat *1.70. Martin, Mrs. V. It., 11 1-2 acre*. *22.60, cost *1.70. Penry. K. H-, 228 acrvs. 1026 tax. *00.62. coat *1.70. I'oindexter, Mr*. 1. T., 85 acres, 1026 tax, *33.30. cost *1.70. Reece, J. A., 242 acre*. 1026 tax, *62.88, cost *1.70. Reece, E. 8., 706 acres, 1025 and l!»2i; tax, *703.61, cost *2.20. Robinson, J. C„ 60 acres, 1026 tax, 96.20, cost 91.70. Rumlcy. W. L , 58 1-2 acres, 1026 tax. *44 2«, cost *1 70. Sliced. A. J.. 1 lot. 1026 tax, *5.34,1 cost *1.70. Snow, E. E.. 77 acres, 1026 tax. *60 61. cost *1.70. Snow. T. W., admr., 50 acres, 1026 tax. *16.25, co»t *1.70. Snow, G. H„ 52 acres, 1026 tax, 920.40, cost *1.70. Spence. Mr*. Mary J., CI acres 1026 tax. *10.10, cost *1.70. Stanley. J. A., 10 acrea, 1926 tax, i 920.97. cost *1.70. Stanley, F.uirene. 100 acres, 1926 tax, 949.10. cost *1.70. MmIot. Mrs. Emellne. 142 acres,1 1026 tax. *4640. coot $1.79. Wall. Hubert E., 56 1-9 acres, 1926 tax, 9*4-39, cost 91.70. WllMna, Butler, 9 1-2 acrea, 1996 tax. 912.11, coat 91.70. Wood. J. G„ 242 acres. 1926 tax. 92X7.47, cost 91.70. Wood. W. t„ 80 acres, 1926 tarn,! 999.97. coat *1.70. Doaa, Mrs. Kate. 24 acres, 1996 tax, 910.42, roat ft,70. C alatad Caa—r. Lewis, 10 acrea, 1999 tax. 99.94. cos* 91-70. Doltson, Lixsie. 19 1-9 acrea, 1926 tax. 94.90. roat *170. . Hawkins, Moaea. 49 acrea. 1996 tax, 999.91, cost *1.70. rMttpa. Cortiller Row lea, 1 lot, 1999 tax. *l.n, coat 9170 Robersfm Win B., 11 acrea, 1919 tax. 92.79, coat 91.79. A Ilea. H. L, 99 acrea.' 1929 tu S&fr=== 5-Vfe* iFa, it tfA1 zJA. , n. M. A.. M .11 emt |l .It. m, D r. M rA% IM.SS, coat 11.74. : ll.Tt. iTB» IfeTt. Mat |J.vo r.n «Mt 4t"r«A" A>hhum. Mrs. Ella, 111 wm, IMI tM 140.75, ««* 11.71. (M, Uur. 44 mm. IMI tM 124.11. «wrt 11.70. . J. M Mm. 1MM tM •170. t. J, n mm, iwaa tM ■irtr-Vi.. "21 J?" *r ** *"*" Mm," / i"' "•* fc7* l0" "***■*•* Uw^g-.V^1* ^WSLfV'JSmV" """ ■•siHH V*"*" "~ At** — "• •«'». Wn.fe " *«•* '** tM Ktew arts Creak MM Allred, Jim* F., Bat., 70 » 126.17, «Mt 91.70. Mrs. M. C., 120 KfM, 1921 tax 118.10, eaat I l wm, MM lu •8.70, not $1.71 i fiiipM*. Crawford, 70 mm, MM tea I 'd^I* ictm, IMS Ua I2.B3. MMt II 70 I Varaa*. W 100 aaraa, ttW tea (A.M. «aM 11.70. Vrrwrw. J, ImAhi, U ama, UM tu 124.7*, mM $1.70, Ward #»»., M aeraa, IffH tax H.17, Mat II 70. Wmm, W. K, 100 aim, 1MM tax II2.M, Mat (1.70 WUttak.r, W 71 acm ltM taa IM.N «»t It.70 Wtlaon, 0 8.. C ama, IMS tax 17,0*. coat 11.70. WiW Waiter *.. M ama, 1M0 lax ltt.« Mat «1 -T# Wood. John. US Mm, 1*90 taa • 10.70, emit 11.70. York. Willto A., W aaraa, 1991 tea VK Mat 11.70. Yntww, O. W., 1% arm, 1020 tea enat f 1.70. lUyiiotd*, Hart, (rotund) 21 arm, HMD ii, iuiw mat 01 m wnrrriKto townsup Atkins, Mr*. Manr, 66 aeraa, I*» tN. 986.4#. cast It 70 Atkins, W. Y.. 26 inn, Iff — 111.17. eoat 91.79. Amhtim, W. W. W„ 8 vm, IM, W.7T, coat 91.7ft. AiHwilim. W. B 44 khm, tM. $M.7B, coat 11.7#. Arrin*ton, 8. L. 102 acraa, tax, 471.7#, mat 11.7*. Ai i iwataa. J. E . a urn, tax, Wii, caat 81.7ft. UMH, I. J., Mil 42 aeraa tax 918.66, Mt fliff. Chilton, M. L IM arras, IftM tax. 444.06, cmrt ll.rk (Mki«, W. I., IS aeraa, 19* tax, < i oh, , 0,t fx.70, Christian, I. P., 4M aeraa, I KM tax, 915.M, caat 91.7ft. TaIHim. R. it., 110 arras, 1926 tax. via.an Mt »i.t». Cook, M *., M am*. 1MB tax, $77.M, coat 11.70 rook. A. R.. M aeraa, 1MB tax, SIH.MI. coat 11.7ft. K'.ippta, R. D.. $4 acraa, 1MB tax, *ll.a coat »1.70. Gammons, JowlK, 42 arras, 1MB tax ,$23M, coat 11.70. (ianmoiui, Jorl, Bft aeraa, 1MB tax, nun. co«tji.7ft. ('•••aid, Will. 52 aeraa, 1MB tax, 122.1ft eoat 11.70. Goina, Vanca, B6 aeraa, 1MB tax, flBJII. coat f 1.7ft. Ham, Mr*. Manic, 4B aeraa, 1MB tax, $11*. coat 91.7ft. Haraon, Grid;, a aeraa, I02B tax, II5JW. fwl $1.70. Hill. L F.. 42 aeraa, 1MB tax, tlZJM. coat $1.70. Jessup. Jake, ta aeraa, 192B tax. 986.16 mt $1 7ft. Jester, M C., aatata, a aeraa, 1MB tax, $ 1 9.K2. caat 11.7ft. Joyce, W. V., m aeraa. 1MB tax, IMJtt cost $1.7*. IjiwTfnrr, J. g„ 17 aeraa, 1MB tax, >43.32, coot $ 1.7ft. Lawaon, A. S„ 41 acraa. 1MB tax, 936.06 coat 81.70. UwtoD, Man. 22 aeraa, 1MB tax, $7.3*. cost 91.7ft. Uwson. /. H . 25 aeraa, IftM tax. 1I6.H5 rost 9170. Moar». J. H., 2ft acraa. 1MB tax, 316S8 coat 91.7ft. Noah, Armanda, V arms, IftM tax $4.71, cost $1.70. Noah. Mrs. E J. IM aeraa. 1»2B Ux. SMB. cost 91.70. Roberta, Ada, SKI arraa, 1MB tax, >.19.86, cost $1.70. Scott. 8. G., a aeraa ,192ft tax, $15.70. i-wat 91.70. Slata. Millard, 119 acraa. 1MB tax M6J0 caoat 91.7ft. TayW, T. L., 118 acre*. 192B tax. *47.45 cost $1.70 Tilley. E. L, W1 sera*. 192B tax. $55.60. cost $1.70 White, Arrinrton and Atkins, 24 acres. 1926 tax. aJW. cost $1.70. White, D. C.. 9 arm. W>96 tax, >1.37. coat 91.7ft. Wiiaon. G. R.. 7 arras, 192ft tax $3.53 coot $1.70. Wilson, A I-. 49 acres. 1926 tax, $43.60, cost $1.70. Woud, Anderson. 31 arras, I92B tax. >28.51. cost $1.70. Cnpney, Ceo.. 46 arraa, 1926 tax, >34.22, mat $1.70. Cox, Bart, Mti acres, 1926 tax, >30.i»l. cost $1.70. Klippin. Tom. Ml arraa. 1926 tax, $8.86. rost $1.70. France Floyd. 62 arras. 1926 tax. >26.44. cost $1.70. Hatrher. Burl, 8 arraa, 1926 tax *6.68, coat $1.70. Hatrher. Arthur. 19 arras, 1926 tax, $14.87, coat 91.70. Hill. Ludy, 27 acre*. 1926 Ux $8.56. rost 91.70. Jeasup. V. R„ S6 acres, 1926 tax, >22.77, coat 91.70. McArthur, Chas., a aeraa, 1926 Ux. 916.46. cost 91.7ft. Mills, W. T. 56 arras, 192* tax, »49 ft2 eoat 91.70 Mills Bros.. 40 arrea, 1926 Ux, J23.65, coat 91.70. Moors, Columbus, 26 aeraa, 1926 Ux, 914.51, eoat $1.70. Moore, Early. 50 aeraa, 192ft Ux. 947.96. eoat 91.70. Payne. Bertha, 20 aeraa, 1916 Ux, 911.62 eoat 91.7ft. Smith. R. B.. 262 arras. 192B Ux. 91M.7B. caat $1.70 Smith, John A., 64 aeraa, 1M9 Ux, >68.80 eoat $1.70. Smith * Ft—««. 27 aeraa. 1MB Ux. 9U.41. east 91.70. StrirkUnrt, Goo., ia aeraa, IftM Ux, $87.1ft. cost 91.70. TWs May 17th. 18T. C H. HAYNCS, '•Surry CoaatV. 1. w. LICENSED CIVIL P. O. Mas 444 ML Airy, M. C Ufi piaa Ihlnc* »«». thaa, aa m la fcaaa mm turn nmrvia mm paaaltla w%m «• look bark fro* m 1«—a» rtawpntat. Laf * $*i lata a* aaarriaa. aa lhat Cfca grownup par— wa'ra fa lac la ha aat aa many yaara from saw W) la tl Mri atraac Lat a aat gal lat<> Uttla babtla t f alilftln that will Mod trap tju> nw> l»miat tat «■ all anrH bard na l play hard, an lliai wtwii tka prrmm w»'ra giHuc la ba loofca harkwanl ha'll Ami Ma yvntto MB atM«urn|vii»-iii and a»H a aualtar W Old Left in South Whll» I artagena, i 'oloMhta. la • I M tha araat nM of t)M t'i Hf Tha Rpularda, whan they i aa their expedlUoaa to the tail of t'iHvmMa IumI Ml their effort*, tha Mlu awry af a I Aden MM, B Dan4*. u4 I Ma to their tag to aaaa Matertala with wkM be la fa oftea parta af aaml athar Or ha wtahaa to m • a*4 thla refrata mrrlee What ha doe* ha doaa ta good and If hla pMM l« net ap to ear Mandnrda II la aat haraoaa af Intent Ma of tha rntortiaaa of hi* R W. Gordon, ta AdvaaHore by Wind Tha wind 1-aaacd a eertotn railroad accldeot In tha aaatora pan of tha United Mates last jr«-ar whan It Maw aand over tha track. Two yearn ago tha wind Maw an Anatrtan train off tha track. Man-b wtada ta Hrlttah India ta 1KM Maw over In can of • train a* It waa croaalug a bridge and two »f them pitched Into tha water. About 90 paaaenger* war* killed. One morning a train front [terry to Bar too port. Ireland, waa caught ta a gale that uncouple! tha car nest to tho engine and rolled It down aa aaa it Thmir Axwtr la M IMrlUii'iirf mi, wliirh mum arhool INdut link recently, thla ten teaca waa «i»«i: "Thai the moon I* uutcW of pw> The blank lo be Ailed la with the rmMt fitting of a llat of word* "Improbable.'' unlikely," "abaard." When the piiper* were looktM over there »aa much hilarity to discover thai the learlier of aatronomy had flil'-d In the blank with the word "Im provable," Instead of "ahaord,"' which was of i-onrae the nwxt appropriate Springfield t'ulon Why tkm Choir Smug The choir waa peeved at the mlnla tar and la grt even with hlai all aimd they would not Join la alaglng the hymn* at the moraine service. Rut no roe loyal aoal told tba preacher a boat the plot. "We will bow sing that grand old kynui, We're Mar liln to IUoo.' " tba "omitting tba Tha second verae begin*. TM raftwa to slag who Gad." Tba whole choir mew * day, "all good Cathode*" ware j to waar a whlta ararf aa •la« liadga. Tba Here Is New Foot Comfort! HARMON'S Mate StrMt lUmwi Airy. *• C. NO CASH AND CARRY BUT PRICES JUST AS LOW! m 70c LOOSE VEGETOL LARD. per pound, . 4 lb. BUCKET. VEGETOL Lard 8 ib. BUCKET VEGETOL $1.35 4 Ib. BUCKET SIMON PURE M. Lard «WC 8 Ib. BUCKET SIMON PURE GRANULATED SUGA& 7. oer Dound • » BEST MEAT. OA per pound. ZVC 5 Ibn. BEST LOOSE COFFEE, 5 Gallon* Keroaene Oil 90c Try a Paafcai* of Mr Calrj Cm—i Cam 1—1 L"1 J™*™ "in- kJk::,! ■ Iff HmtkVUm*.