CraMrfMM Smmtd Shetland Skmwls A IbMliml wihumi* t*tla Iwt the Mni; Shetland ah; ->t« are ninui ward . at halt •> ten the required hoflh, «rli quarter { by toclf. and P*1i aft the atltcbaa •lot % th<> alratfM the number Aifi .1 tmirdill *» H» «(*•• at th* aha' I required; ilieo* »► take la al aari mil «f th* aiiddl*. to form th* cori *r M »h* shawl, ju> we proceed La* of all. are aiakr a aqua re for th* •It. I*, put a Quart*r to *arh «ld* wit! onill* and yarn (wool), much la tfcr -am* way aa you grufi th* to* of a at-ckinr Then w* a*w up tba ear a*r and th* ahawl la ttnl»h*d." Star Not Accorilln* to Kepler th* "Star at | B*t' l*h-on June tkn< of Jupiter aad Saturn In th* rem Mliutloa I'lacaa, Mm two p!aa*ta ha- I lac ao clow aa U) awm like a aiiifla •tar. ThU -.>n)o action la recorded aa hating occurred about T R aad aright pt «thly .Mi.rifle with III* birth af Cbriat A u other tb*orv la that tba j Mar of Rethtakaai araa a r*. Nirft -Wall. to. ilar WW* to to < «- mm t*a wif» or th» -I ha* M« Htk hla «a« M MR b-Ma- watar with a lot at n.aa la It. aa' I fiuH a r*4 bat pat •' < '*r+*4 ir» m r%« back af Mi ta' tHui Uiut Uriah a plat af taa villi a > Mat a»ti, aa* at a bo* i sat n«a *■> at a Ma (hat IMM alone wit* bm«I claa M aaH. aa' ba'a bad tbraa ar four apaaaa •" Qaarbrm > paia-kUlm aaa a* 0m« aa If I art ta glva aacb a* aajrthiaa. ar try ta As tatx-h Mr Ma aatll raa caaa an what *"« tblnk aitetf Mat Than ! rachaaad i him and raalljr gWa Mai him. Archibald'^ Primi— Little Archibald '« of aa Inqalrlag Kttn Wlwii he "oiaea mtni aay tblag k* dooo aoi uadorataad k> to seldom alow la a Mac far la for. na tion Mo vim he waa told to oatar lala • visitor for tan tnlnnlea, bo mat airalght lo flu- pni-'t that bad Inrvr eated Mm from the moment IIko maa bad removed hie bat. "Sir. Juaaa.' hi- .iftkad. "why l» It reo'ee »«♦ tin hair oe yoar headr "WaU." waa the reply. "I wort aa hard «lib iuj b< .id that aj lair doean't *o» a rhoace to (row; lay tiralna are too bu«y " -«>h." *i»!d Archibald. light dawn lag u|k* bin. "ae Uiat'a why mo'iier doooa't grow • M*fr"ha." Wor rioa Good and Bmd The «tr»n«i' thing about worr> la lhat It dow the lumt mlechlef rn'ian concerned with tho meat trivial mat tora. Tbua to worry about bad tuck, dmnaotlc Infelicity disagreeable aegh h»r» or the welfare of tbo boy at oat log* or la tbo army, prodacoa notitag hut fatigue of body aad aool. wheroaa a bll of aniloty concerning tho col.iay or goraa that bava takoa an ai>«ft monl la tbo noao or throat, tbo an. noytng ronatlpatloa that doeeiopa frw bnd dlotnrj habits, the \e.aat «oll la tbo hark yard that needs cal tlvatlon or the narrow limit* of tho faoiiiv osrioqnor might l>o tba Irat •top toward longer lite aad a bigger Income Kirhange Amethyat Saparatitiont Tho a met h v at waa worn la aacMM Egypt. Amethyat araraba wora highly oateomed by Btyptlaa soldiera. who wora them oo tbo battMMd aa a charm agalnat death aad tho shafts of war. This practice sarvlead la to the regarded aa tbo at owe aacrod to WL Valentine who la aald alwaya ta have carried one A powerful tallamaa tor tba pre taction of rMora aad their 1 a winged imago at a Ho roe apoa aa amethyat. A of thla belief la that tba of aa snythyat will give Ttgilaaoa ta ealmneoa la tba U -J— muKS i Mulnr UiJac \UKS I wi'l haw, th» baUnra of thU waak. a ok load of Kantwky MuU> H ■ Mala* Caa Ba In Um> lot an 1 -<*> Don't ■ at axtra ar'a vrlfkini fron^J ."a. r. w. HALL With the Same Care and Skill We use the same care and skill in building and shaping the ad* vertising placed with this paper that the potter uses in molding his wares. To aid us In this important work we have a specially prepared series of illustra tions that add greatly to the pulling power of our advertising A Phone Can to No. 141 WiH Bra« TUs Service to Ym The - Mount - Airy - News