tar. --** looks Open to AH M at MwM Airy. N. Cr aader the act of Cmpn. J «, 1*71. Attn* B. Smith, of tkt of Nm Toefc, to m* MMk to of Um people. Maay tktak be to tke h(W raadHali U toed Um Pwotnti hi tko wit paign. H« to • MM Ito effort to rid tk* i to to • Catholic la religion. To nt way jf think tng to to lmp.-s itbto. la tko march of progress hu nanity toi ahrayi toft behind those kings that wort harmful Ufa and ko march of piugioaa from tko tni nal atate to tko atoto of enlighten nent to Tory aimilar to a Journey rom aa old ooiuUa-y to a bow toad, la paopla maka piugioae tkoy ara onatantly Ivppini off all tkat to at loubtfu! value. Of nwm tk«ra H thraya mm piidlti aa to wkat Would bo top pod off. Alwaya tkora ira tkoaa who dollckt tn calling tbem •Ivee tko aafo and aaaa, tk* coaaor rattve, who ara totk to part wttk aajr king tkat kaa booa a aouree of aatto actioa la tko part. Just aow tko race of civilised moa a trying to rid tko land of krtostoat ng drink. A If rod E. Smith to owe of 1m toadari who would go back to tka laya at tko Mlnem. In all tka history of tko raeo but row timoa kava man turned back to liaeardod customs tkat kava booa left Mkind because of tkoir declining raluo. This to alaaoat certain to ko tko hiatory of tko proooat tamporaaoo movement. Tko aaloon to gowa and Tor good raaaoaa. Tkora ara many arho would bring it back. Governor Smith to one of them. Tka raoa will not go back. The whole trend to a forward move and tka very fart tkat Coventor Smith belonga to that claaa that would revert to the former day* and again revel in tke ao-called de light* of tke liquor traflc, makee kim in impoaaible candidate in tkia pros wit day. Men who have a forward look are the men who will toad aa enlightened people. Governor Smith I* not in this ckMfe THE COST OF COURTESY. The chwpmt thine in the whole world is kindness or courtesy. It KMta a man al wolutcly nothing to be kind to those ha meet*. All this waa strikingly proven recently by a re porter on a great city daily. We Found the following in the Monroe lournal, one of the heat county pa lter* in the state. "A new* reporter of u well known New York daily paper wa* assigned to the task of writing a story on *Courtesy in Business/' All stories In newspapers are supposed to be sewn stories, and being a news re porter, this man tackled his job in an inususi way hoping to introduce the tlement of news. "His method was simple. Taking a lollar watch which needed only small idjuxtment to start It going again, lie visited the smaller jewelry stores in New York City. "The smaller the store the less time the clerks and proprietors had to tmthrr with the man who brought in the dollar watch. In some places he iras laughed at; others told him to throw the junk away and buy a new watch. "But when he visited the better ktore i the treatment became more courteous. Finally he decided to put the experiment to the acid teat. "Steering his course, he entered the liandsomely appointed, luxuriously carpeted sales room of the greatest and most exclusive jewelry estab lishment In the city, a store the name which is a hall mark of value the world over. Here the sale of a ten thousand dollar pearl necklace and Hfty thousand dollar tiaras causes no unusual excitement, and of all the ■tore* he had entered, this store re ceived him with the greatest courte ■y, made the trifling adjustment of his dollar watch in the post gracious manner, and invited him to come back tomorrow and allow them to see If the piece was properly working." Is there anything left of courtesy snd ifntie way* among people gen erally today? If you want to get a low down on this subject In Monroe go to the post office and notice the action of people coming in and going nut of those wonderful doors. vTheee door* are hard on the hinges and until recently It was impossible to optn hut one of them at the time, snd there are two pairs to the em trance. Step aside and let some one pass before yon while yea hold the doer. Bee how many people recognise the coarteey with a thank yoa, and how many never so much aa grunt while they aecep* the little attention. And note the fair sea as well as the mere masculine ping* Human nature eeaass to be a quel thing to theee who 4a Ml «n4er*taad It Walk along a street and notfce that an old negro Ma. aged and In tan, win graeefatly lift his hat ta me Mb he mm aad refaee ts ML:* Lmm38f effort to chat is their nature to ha kind, )mm* popularity and (Mr hiimi in m. AD this vh pmw ts a ,I,Am If— mam Lm |La mL- ^ a ■■ i§ cmnniv# way oj inf man wno wtnu'd the dollar watch Dud. TW big man carefully adjusted the fl may little thine. It «H a part of hi* nature to ha courteous to all, and thus to Um man who carried a dollar watch. It aaaaM to ha a fact that a number of people make a men* of life in cm way or another. A short road to failure for all theee who moat Asa* with the public Is to loae eight of Um fact that the man who carries a dol lar watch ia a ha awn and May also he ahb to hay a diamond or a string of pearls. DR. E. C BROOKS - Mount Airy ia Mnf highly IwMwd thin «wk in having a* owe af her coomanc*mant *poak*r» Dr. B. C. Brook, president of State College, hlaifk, who will make the animal commencement aJiiim ta tfca Nation al Theatre, FrUtjr evening. Dr. Brook* ia easily on# of tha StaU'i foremast platform orators and dis tinguished man at tha day. Aa a professor In the department of education of the University of North Carolina, Dr. Brook* waa notor' for hi* outstanding ability and wa» chosen a* State Bepertetaedeet of Schools to aneeaad Prof. J. Y. Joyner, ' I nit the State soon found a pine* of greater importance for him or at least one in- which hi* contact with the college youth* would ha more vital and he waa called to the prsai dency of tha A. 6 E College. A* a public apaakar Dr. Brook* ha* few equal*, hi* style ia both convinc ing and entertaining, illuminated with sparkling wit or touched with pathoa with never a dull moment. Thoaa I who hear him once never lose an op | port unity to hoar him again. He i* the kind of n speaker whoee mesaage lingers with hi* hearers aa well aa , the memory of hi* pleasing personali ty. Dr. Brooks should have a capacity house when he speaks here Friday evening. G. C. Woltr is building a nice 8 room house on Willow Street adjoin ing that of his brother, H. O. Wolta. It will be two story of *hale brick and modern In every particular. Con tractor Matt Mines ha* charge of the work. The Norwegian Parliament ha* re 1 cently enacted a law which provide*: | 41 > for complete prohibition in the rural districts and town* to 4,000 | population; (2) local option in 44 principal cities; (S) denial of uae of the mail* for lending liquor; (4) n national referendum on the entire subject in 19S2; (6) a special govern ment fund from liquor to educate the public against alcoholiam. Previous to thi* action Norway had a law pro hibiting the sale of drinks of more than 20 per cent alcohol which per mitted drinking of some of the strongest wine*. NOTICE. Under the authority conferred upon me by law, and pursuant thereto. I will offer for *ale in front of the Tay lor Motor Company, on the 4th day if June. 1927, at 2 o'clock P. M., one Ford roadster. 1926 model, belonging to Odell Beck. Snld sale i* pursuant of statute for srork. parts and storage on said ma •hine to the amount if $44.M. Taylor Motor Co. mm. 4mld hatp MM tfcte maaa mmt, by gtvlag omly ow dallar aad nmM« aa maeh la ratara, tfcati mm la tMa Graat Mi of Mmmt, braaaa m«dal T Who woo Id vaat nw for 11.00 T Aad think of tho uppurt unity of hoaarlag jroar fathar tho "ttaraal Camp" hjr phdni thalr nam* la tho "Ooldan Booh of Mam ory ." A ad w\at ooald ha a woaiar mMmbrann of tho Hrlag or da ; ciaoid laothoro of tho M'a than tho oarollmont of tholr aaaioo la tho "BlJrar Booh of Momory" and i*> otn tho ailrar modal for a proeloaa hoop ^ho? • Thlak hoar much plaaouro It |hw oar Hrtng ntorana to hara tholr naiaoo placod thora while thoy art yot Urlai, by lonmnni who earaa for thoai, and how thoy do oajoy waar tng tho fold atoda)—It la worth mora to thorn now than ftowara altar thoy ■ara daad. Tha aduh aarollmonta ara aaeh 96 and thaaa |i an roll man ta aaeh ra ualaa a gold or aUvar modal. North Carolina moat go "oaar tha tap" la i thia graat Southarn Drtra, aad Barry Coaaty can aad will halp la thla "Uadar tha aod aad daw Waiting tha Jadgmaat Day. , Low and taara far tha Biaa; Taara aad Iowa for tho Gray." Mm. P. 8. Bothroeh, Chairman for Barry Coaaty. A Faw of Mill Dackar'a — « For the beneflit of tbaae of oar i*aJ»i* who did not Into tha prW lege at attending the cooking classes and electric range demonstrations re cently fhnn In tho National Thntn for three consecutive afternoons whan Mias Viola Decker, a nationally known cooking expert and home eeon umlat, demonst rated tha mixHif and baking of theaa and other delicious food thine* to aat, wa asked for a copy of bar recipes and submit than for your approval. . Tha demonstration eras pat on by tha Southern Public Utilities Co. to advertise electric cookery and par hap* no other manner of cooking guarantees the abaolote success of these or any other recipe* every time, bat If you are generally succeaaful in cooking similar product* on soma other kind of range or if yoa use an eketrie range in your own home yoa should have reasonable success with theae recipes for the result* a* demonstrated by Miss Decker were certainly very Ana. Tropical Gingerbread One-half cap batter, 1-2 cup sugar. 2 egg*. 1-2 cup molaaaes. 1 teaspoon ■oda, 1 1-2 cup floor. I teaapooa ginger, 1 tea*poon cinnamon, 1-4 tea spoon allspice, 1-4 teaspoon nutmeg, 1-4 teaspoon cloves, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 1-2 cup cold water, 1 package Baker* cocoanat southern style. Cream butter and sugar, add egg* unbeaten and beat thoroughly. Dis solve soda in molaaaes add to cream and butter. 8ift dry ingredients to gether and add alternately with cold 1 water. Lastly add cocoanut. Pour into a buttered pa* and bake at SfiO de | grees for 90 minutes. Halasea Mamay Line bottom of baking dish or casserole with mashed potatoes. Cov er with layer of cheese sauce. Then a layer of salmon which has been flaked and lastly cover with china sauce. Bake in a moderate oven about 30 minutes. Two cups milk, • level table spoon* flour, 1-2 lb. of cheese, ssason to A Regular Size 25c. Can of PtlaoHve Talcum Powder F-R-E-E-! With a purchase of a tube of PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM Phone Us Your Order W S. Wolfe Drug Co. "The Bast of Everything." - "A pit* where you in warmly Sunday School, l:4i A. M. Lpworth L«a|w, 7:11 P. M. Dtriae worship and preac Ing at It A. M. and • P. M. "CnhI" "Say, old tap, yoa Mi M li grot need wiM exerctae. Too aaad to pl«y golf badly." "Na, 1 donl; I Mad to play (olf wall. That'i the troable wttk a* now; r*o(ay gam*." Under a dMd of treat executed to m aa IiiiIm for Sorry Coaaty Loan and Treat Company by R. L Cook to aoeure a not* for 9M0.00 which la now daa and an paid, 1 will offer (or aaia at public aartioa to Um U|kMt Mddar at tha Court Houaa Door la tha following raal aatota: Adjoining tha landa of Waalay Shore. 0. 8. Cook and othara: Batte ning at a rack, Waalay Shore corner, in Apaeraoa Una. ruaa N. ft.7l dag. E. 19.78 eha. to a atake, C. 8. Pouc | corner, aaat wttk Polk line 10.lt eha. to a rock, thence 8. I doc. W. IMtl cha. to a rack, la Shora'a line, theaee W. Il.lt eha. to the begiaiag. Coa talalng 20 acrea mora or leaa. Thla 30th day of April, 1M7. C. M. LEWELLrN, Traatoa. by A. D. POLGER, Atty. Non-Rust Screens your Horn* wtth •tightly mow at *nrt, will «avta( you effect totar will nr« than ■p far k. Kiffkt bow to tka ttaa ta pat •r- and kaap tha Hat a«t. We Have What Yon Need for Any Screen Job WhmImm MU» m vt inaowi • • • • * ooc« Doors $1.7S «p Wiro GotonfaoJ or Mack ( any wMUi yw warn) If you want lone larvtoa from your wraans. than bay Opal tha baat wir», (tka kind wa «all) and yon can forcat tha for a tone. Ion* tima. Oat oar prtoa* bafora yo"j bay screene. Holcomb & Midkiff Mount Airy, N. C Kelvi r\ at or Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigeration To Whom It May Concern AH Kelvinator units sold by the Carter-Walker Furniture Co., carry the usual guarantee by the Southern Public Utilities Co., which the company makes to its own customers. All Kelvinator units sold by the Carter-Walker Furniture Co., will be installed by the Southern Pub lic Utilities Co. All Kelvinator units sold by Carter-Walker Fur niture Co. will be serviced by the Southern Public Utilities Co., as long as they are operated on South ern Public Utilities Co. lines. . (Signed) C. M. WHITLOCK, Mgr. Mount Airy Branch SL P. U. Co. The above arrangement with the Southern Public Utilities Co. will enable us to install Kelvinator units in Leonard Refriger ators which we may sell or in the ones which have already been sold to our customers. This guarantees to you the beat service possible for electric refrigeration. Kelvinator units and Leonard Refrigerators are manufactured by the same organization and the combination of these two articles gives assurance of the best to be had. Sm Our Display of LEONARD REFRIGERATORS IN COMBINATION WITH KELVINATOR UNITS Carter-Walker Furn. Co,