ll.SO PES r*A* Of ADVAMCI A BUSHED Bl MM d v «»■■■■ ,i■ Wil IV* IV* JlinmODI if II • Mm of pillow* will anpp** ef the roaf. liberal ar of akylifht* will i+n t MIMm for the prop. Op of lltllll, | | Thie warehouae wm run feat yaai h y K. K. fltiomon* and S. A. Geor®« M mm of PtedmeM Mr. StemaM Km owned for a number of yaarm, which time ha baa conducted • brp fertiliier boatnea* In It, and of tka Warahoaaa, tba member* of the ftna will give that Ha nan. Mr. StaHWNia and Mr. George en joyed a Hborml patronage Wat year and found that they war* at a great diaadvantage en account of tba aiaa of tWr warabauaa, bat with tha now 11HHU11 tboy will ha abla to toba ear* of large hraahi with aaaa. Thia will ghra Meant Airy thro* larva tobacco warehouae*. all operat od by pragiaealve and osperieueed tohneeo men. Tom Haynoa and Erneat Brown will be on the Joh over at Planter* Warehouae, and Jim LoWII will have everything in aMp thape oat at Lovill'* Warehouae, and with Rufe Simmon* and Rooote Owrfe preparing to handle tohaeoo In large quantities—all thl* will make Mount Airy one of the moat attrac tive tobacco market* in thla belt. Ml noDHn HUM MM naul Robber* worked the combination on the ufc of Joe W. Fulk. irrooeryman on South Stroet, sometime Monday niirht and want away with $126 in good cold irreen hack. Mr. Fulk made a depoeit of hia check* Monday morning but failed to put in the caah. leaving it over until the next day. Whoever turned the trick evidently knew aomethinir of the aurrounding* and it looka like a local job. Mr. Fulk ia not certain that he turned the eon#>i nation off when he closed the aafe door, bat the party who opened H either knew the combination or knew that it waa not locked After the big door waa opened it waa nee easary to ehiael open the little door to the money drawer which waa an eaay matter. Entrance to the atore WW made through the feed room door and by breaking the latch on th{ door that connected the main »lorr u> ihr feed room. Mr. Fulk ia unable to recall any auapiciou* character about hia pram iaaa the evening before and the o flcers have not a aingle clue to the guilty one* State Privilege Licene* Now Do*. Sheriff Haynea adviae* the public that on May Slat all apecial privilege licences, both county and atate will ex pire. The county licenae will be ae cured from him while the atate li cenae muat be had from Raleigh Among the claaa of profeaaiona and tradea which muat aecure a atate or coonty licenae are the following Dealer* in cigarettea and aoft drink* autoa for hire, doctora, lawyer*, den tiata, druggiata, harbera, gaa dealer and boat black* To fmk Frigidaire Salaa Beginning thia waek Holoomb i Midktff, looal agenU for Frigtdain product*, adll hoe* to their employ « who la-time demonatrater of tkfa article They have aocored Mr. M« Hauler, ef Greeneboro, wko haa boea with the Frigidaire Corporation foi a number <4 yeara aad la thatoagWj familiar wfth the line The Mam Hkin aad FUat Mountain aad Umj te aoeor the Mi tkamwUi Gaa. K. Snow h4 E4w M. Umrltk toft tkto etty Wadtoeeday «Ammm . for Now TmI City, irton ttojr wtl f Mm«M la aatakltoking • aUk aril te nm of tke dm <rf tkto Mate Mr. I*M iai Mr. I.lnWIto to «m than paraana lly. It to lllflm to atate that tlwj Marian rotating to tke advent* gee M tkto eertton for any testlto enter prtoi. StoU F«r4 ud Wtmmm»U4 It Harry Bowman and Lannto Ntokoto, two wall known eharaetera of tMi city, ara to jail and Bowman haa con foaaad to tka tkaft of a Ford roadater from tka atraata of tkto city mora tjian a month ago. Tka oar waa found ky ofltoor Jaaa Monday atorad away in a bam want at tkto «tty a fow day* ago. Tkay kad dtomantl ad tha ear and knd takan tka kody and fraaaa up in tka toft of tka barn wkar* tkay pi tod kay an It. The angina and abaala tkay concealed in a haaamcnt. tkay being too baary to a tor* in tka barn. Ntokato den lea tka rrim* hat Bowman impHeataa t#m atoo. Tka a to ton Ford balangad to Mr. Co*, ctork at Parka-Balk, and had a 100-paund anck of flour in it at tka tiaaa. Thia to tka third time tkaae young man harr haan arreatad on charge of ataaling car*. Several montka ago tkay ware trailed to Weat Virginia where tkay had takan a car, and aa aedti aa tkay had aarred a term for that riff en ae they onae more took up tkolr old practice of atenling eara. OM How J km. The Pink Kawley KomnpUn on the Fancy Gap road ni burned Tuesday afternoon about Ave o'clock The ovner of the place. Arthur Jones, operatee a Ailing station nearby, and neeirig the flame* rutfted to the houae ind who al.le to *ave moat of hia good*. with the exception of a quan tity of com which waa atored in a' I \ acunt room The houae waa one of the oIdeal in thi* part of the country, waa two »tory and built of log*, later l»tn* Ixiarded up riving it the appearance •>f being a frame houae. Mr. Raw ley Mild the place several yearn ago when he became feeble from age and moved to Winaton-8alem. where hia ohlldren were living la tk« Recorder'* Court. living crippled and unable to aerve a term on the road* for encouraging ' vouag hoy* to steal rauaed Judge ' l/ewellyn to paaa a sentence on > liynum Key, of thia city, in hi* court Monday that will rid thi* section of , him for the next two year*. I Jut fall R. E. Hinea cloaed down hi* brick I yard operation* for the winter and when he started up laat week he i found that all the braaa to the amount of $126 had been stolen off 1 hia enginea and boiler*. It didnl take the officers long to trace the theft to Harvey barnea, a half-wit - ' ted youth, who admitted the theft and aaid Key paid him BO cent* for the braaa. Another young boy iratiAed that Key had offered to pay him fl.fiO to ateal *ix braaa boxing* off the "Dinkie" railroad ear*. Judge Lew ellyn gave Key a auapended sentence on condition that he *tay out of lit. Airy township for two years. Joe Taylor paid ISO and the coat for operating a ear under the influ ence of liquor. | Will' Freeman for speeding paid $10 and cost. i Clarence Tatum waa lined |60 for carrying a pistol, and Forest Heath paid $50 for violating the prohibition laws. The caae against M. T. Mr Knight and his daughter growing out of tha serious injury to the Lowry girl tai this etty some weeks ago win mm up for trial aaat Monday. Mr. Me Knight's daughter was drtviag thi ear wfcea R struck the gtri, aad riM being under age ia charged with vio lating the law that piaMMta t)m driving ef a ear bf • liwsr while Mr. MtU|M la MtaM far iHialwg a i perse* te drive Ma ear kaewtag than ta he uadsr the lawful age. l« yaare W. C. Lewis M a located hi the fare of tha Blue not far from Roarine Oa# haul. Al by own of abitit] i, far they ha< ilpment for an eateadw The oat lit m staan atored awajr far tha mw>ti» of tha me* wha were to carry aa Un operations. TV plant waa loeatai hi an out-of-way ravine, two all* from any acceaalble roadway, y« largo quantities of parked on am'i backa to the iton, up tha ateop cliff* ft opera tad by two man but thay their escape la tha undergrowth. TtM Hear* found IMO gallon* of boar rannad goad* of ovary variety— aralloavaa of light bread, two . of coffee, frying pan*, pot* and ket tle*, and 10M pounds of gran stated augar in 100-pound bags (terte away. The officer* could *ae ac profitable way ia which to remov* the large amount of augar te the road down at the foot of the moun tain. aa thay Just dumped the 10 sack, al sugar, all 109-pound sacks, out *o the ground, raked dirt all through it and then to further complete their task of destruction they poured tha 1200 gallon* of bear over on H, tha whole mixture trickling its way down the mountain side through the bruah and crag*. When oflWr Thnmpaon told Sheriff Hiynw of dntrojriim the »ugar in »uch a heartlea* manner HU listener* rould not understand why Frank rould no! have nalvaged the •ugar at leant, hut Frank *atd H would havf taken him a week to that >u(ar down the mountain, and at the name turn- furni*hing a health) target for the Wim-henter* of thr liloefcadera who rould <>a«ily have am tiuxhed him from the mountain craga Deputy Jew Momla> la»t Friday dent rayed a (team outAt naai Round Peak The men had Aniahad their I run nd carried off tk« Hq*o% M the Are wan Mill burning under the furnace Ami Saturday night he and Deputy Walter Jone* made a lit tle round down on the Ararat river and tore up another crowd'a steam outAt, with a -mall amo'int of heer on hand Flat Rock High School Corn Tin rlofline rxerciae* of Flat Rock Hiifh whool will take place daring the week of May 30th to June Srd There will he two program* given. The Araet will be given by the grade* ['« Tuesday evening. May Slat, con minting of abort playa, recitation*, etc Admiaaion to thi* program will b« i free. The aerond program will he given on Friday evening. June Srd, by tb« ►tudent* of the high icbool. Thit program will ronaiet of abort piaya, monologue*, etc. A amall admiaaion charge will he made. Thit exercise will bring the aeaaion to a clone. Muaic will he fumiahed at theaf program* by Prof. Joeaph Warren'i ore heat ra I WEAR A CRIMSON POTTY FOR FLANDERS DEAD Sal* W Hmi Pi of day, May M, wbleb U roally tal Day aad »ni|M| la aofcmi to rtauua pappy oa thte day ta of Um bay* wbo ibaf la No Haitt it piacad aa yoar i My la bayta« Hula lawn to bo ooM Ml Day. (art maa Mag bio M*. aad tnutkii yaa aad otbora ta bay Mo popyio* oaro oacb yoar aW waar tbom la oiowory of tho doad. Tho dorl»od fraai tbo ado will bo to >io>Mi eoaiforta far Mm M ■MO Of aaa uuo yaar a aow interact la in)ortod lata tka Mia, ao H baa boon aaaoaaood that a par cant of tbo leoal oalao wfll bo lata tbo aowaaat fund to awn flarry notoiaao, who sloop la to tho rid bom* to root TbU fact atom* nhould ■aaroao roopoaoo to tka pappy Mia, i wben wo rowoMbor that H lo aa op port uaity to baaer both vary own. 1*0 mIo will bo andor tbo diroetioa ot tin , tbo Logion IN FLANNM FIELD* By Mm MeCree. In K lander* Hold* the poppies blow IWtwMn the rroawt. row on row, ' That mark: ow place; ard la tke *ky The larlu, (till bravely singing. fly Source heard among thr run* below I We arr the Dml. Short days e#u We lived, felt dawn, aaw »umct (low, I^a-il and were loved, and now we He la Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from railing hand* we throw • TFW torch; he your* to hold it high If ye break faith with a* who die We shall not sleep. though poppies Tn Flanders field* AMKRK'A'S KKri.V By K. W. I.Hard Reel ye in peace, ye Klarulrr* <fcNui The tight that ye so bravely led We've taken up. And we will keep True faith with you who lie asleep Kach with a cross to mark hi* l>e<i And popptea blowing overhead Where once his own life-blood ran red. So let your rest he sweet and deep In Flanders fields I ear not that ye have died for naught. The torch ye threw to us we caught. Ten million hands arid hold it high And Freedom's light will never die; We've learned Jhe lesson that you taught In Flanders Aelds. Honorable Awarded Pastor. Alma Harrison of the seventh grade. Rockford Street school, receiv ed first place ia those given honorable mention when the Clean-Up-Week posters were graded by the Extension Division of the University of North Carolina. This is the first time posters from the Mount Airy schools have hew entered and posters were judged In competition with Durham, Charlotte and other larger plaoes. Following the prise winners Alma Harrison's poster waa next ia pointa of excel Icnec. Happenings Twenty-one Year* Ago Interesting Itemx Gleaned, From the Files of The Mount Airy Newt 21 Years Ago This Week tka walU will bacfe ia • few dajra. Attorney W. R. haa morad fro* thU city to Pilot Moontaia. Mr Tl«<«.tt m aiiaatar of tte m> bart K will ba two n«ft« Miil Ik naw pk>M ia randy nnd to te mm Onaa tha aid Itow MMt Mppty Hi fall dmannd Un watw *nrta*>: and you will ba aavad tha Ina an nil ianca at having la aaaipiy with mm I ramlattMM. CM tUw Auf Tag* Hm. Tka Sorry hlaa Ca., Chavrola I daalara of thla etty, will ifiin kaaA tka atata auto up tkla yaar Tk lieanaa axpira on J una 80th, aW aril ba aoid far • half yaar tkla tea with tKa uma ananaI i, hatga m ba ton. Tk* ckarp far tka Ugh* ean Forda, Ckarrolata, Ovartanda. ate. will ba *M. Tbaaa racalring cant from tha kfirfat at Balaigh eni gat lieanaa bar* by prnwlli tk card. Or tkajr ean (at tbaaa by pra •anting thair titla, if tka mm li rlaor. Tka aaaaa rait abaart ekaeki appHaa—that ia no ebacka win ba ae eaptad, tkla ia paalUra and no aacap tion will ba maim. Tka naw lap wil go on aaia tha trat of Jan*. Frmm DmUI Work im Proeraei More than sl*ty children rseaivsd I rntmrnl during the dental cHttfc *1 franklin school and the clinic open ed at Lowgap Tuesday with seventeen receiving treatment the first day. A clinic wilt be held at Westfield May 31 to Jane * and at Pilot Moun tain June 7-10. Dr. Moore will ha in Dr. Sumner's office In Mount Airy to fill teeth each Monday Maun Airy Scbwlt Co—a to • Close. • 'lasK Day exercises were held in the high school auditorium Friday afternoon when the salutatory was delivered by Pitahugh Gilbert, the valedictory by Misa Annie Faweett and diplomas were presented to tha graduate* by Mr E. C Bivsoa Seventh grade diplomas were pre setted by Miss Grace Foy. Among the other awards were prizes for the muaic memory con tost presented to Mary Bondurant. 5th grade student, Blanche Gwyn, 6th grade and Ruth Bowman, 7th grad< student by Mrs. Will Holhngsworth. These prises were $6.00 gold piece* given by the Kiwanis Club, Pythiar Ixidge, and Mount Airy Merchant! Association. The contest was spon sored by the Woman's Club and rec ords for the contest were furnished by the club. Miss Pauline Barber received I gold medal given by the local chap ter U. D. C. for the best historical sketch about Gen. Jkobt. E. Lee, pas sentation was made by Mrs. P. S Roth roclc Four books were presented by Rev W. A. Newell for the local W C. T U. to the four pupils who had sub mitted the four best easays on so KM phase of the temperance question and the two Gnwa prise watcbai gifts of the Leonard Jewelry stort were also presented. "The Charm School" a play in thm acts given Thursday evening in th< National Theatre by the high school graduates was witnessed by a full house and much favorable rowmawl was heard « ersry aid* legal dim the players. The elaaa was aariaM by the athletic coach, Mr. K. L. Sides who played a leading part. On Friday evening Dr. C. C Brooke delivered a fine aad inspiring address to the graduates sad agaii the theatre was filled with aa appreci ative audience the hlghut standard of ohlrstlai Ideals aad wm a fitting meaage fei the gtadaa»i aa tfcey go e«t to faei AO-Night Qurrd Is Fatal Far Negri )aat la Um | ta ha I at i Vinson Um Vinaon It Mm mm wfca hat Mi Kfa I way of tlM Mg (wt|4hn |Ma( la (I hand* of Callaway, Um rfMt Jaat how and why Um mm mm* known. tapcrt aaya they M baa playhtf die* far Callaway ik.rt *1^1 f Viaaeai fai ing to dti kta Um tall aaaaaMt da him whM ki ckaaH » Mil. firing M« a should have baas a Am has It that Callaway wast la hoMl a waak Man tlM Vh Mtf al Ma own opinion aa to why th " la far pobHe worship Callaway nil I Vtnaaa'v home and killed Mm. TW aay there was a itxuh far paaaai •ion of Um gun bafata the fatal aha was Bred. Faar shots wara Ana am Ma toek alaat Immaglatai; Um affair tha murderer fled am am (hiring Um nmmtmtm af Ut day. hot wm( to tha homa at M ahan night caw and ha aaah about without hatag mm . Pattaraaa want ta Us thinking that ha aright katn there aaad Mra enoagh hi had and be was found secreted in 1 rarrat in what ha thought a aafa hM log place. Tha dtaar punched bin in tha rib. with his pistol and hi aotranderad without a show of raaia Tha daad body was brought to tM rolorad undartakimt ntablishmaar and prepared for hurinl Tha daaM man ha» a sistar liwng in New Yorl and the remains will be held for hat return here before any rflapoaitioai li nude of them Th. ifeod man *u known Here M I j food nrfro. Ht >u reared in tin "tat* of (ieorgta »n<i came here ill tin employ of R A. Georre, who mploy fil him i-ight year* ago in Gcorgi while there engaged in the tobaee huaineaa. Mr. George found him t be a good and truaty hand and valiM him highly aa a laboring man. R had worked for Mr. George far etgh year* prior to hi* death. He mania after turning to this city and haw« i wife and two children | Henry G alia way ha* a police reeor i and la known among the whit* folk l who know him aa a had negro. H has lived here all hia life and hi ' people live hare. He haa a family a ■ hi* own. He ia a bif burly nagr with all the appoaranee of a man • I paaaion and low diapoaition. Thoa who know moat about the eaae thin it ha* many of the aar-marka of i Arat degree murder. It i* aaid that Callaway and Via •on, in company with several otkn returned to Viaaon's home eariy 8a day morning after a trip waat af th city, where they art (uppoaad t< i have been oat all night. So far that haa haan only one witneaa to th ahooting found and he can give var little of the affair ody that tha n port of tha pfartal followed aMM emMMng in drink ffraa* daring th hoara preceding the illniting. Gal la way ia bang hald wtthont head aa win remaia ta Dahaoa Jail aadfl « next tana af rriadaal eaort, wW will he the laot af Oetahar

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