The Mi. Airy Ncwi aa4 Mi*, a. A Vfc, wmm hi the eKy m B. C.. I* Um J. Mat mt kar i Jr. Ita Mm. Dial mt Ft k* M. O. FnrWr. Mr. tmi Mra. B B. Short aad Mrm B. 6. Dm* >p«nt ■ few day* in Aaka of G . M A Park, Ga., will return to hit Mr*. J. J. Laaka and children laavt tana ia Stoke. County Dr. B. M. Brown and wtfa. of Km m« City, Ma., riaKad Bar. C. C. Hay mm kare ana day laat waak. Mian LiUte Maa George kaa return ad ta Wiiuten-SaWm after rlaltiaj kar tiater. Mrm. William Sydnor Clotea Sparger who taught paat ackaol year la CJaytoa kaa to kar konM in tkia city. Mr. and-rMa. Gaarge Ward wil] ae tka M. H. iBa straa Anna Aothanraitk aad Gay Derrick, of Marioa, Va., war* rwata of Miaa Hclan Moaday laat Sunday Mrs. M. M Carter entertained haa kawten with a mountain trip and pink dinner at Ruarin* Gap laat Mr. and Mr*. Swannon Smith, of Hillavillc, Va., a pant the waak and kara gueeta of the family of W. I. Monday n a—ul kn horn* in Greenville, 8. C., after viaiting her p«rnu. Rev and Mrs. J. A. Cook. Misses Mary and Minerva Moor* leave Monday to attend luamtr school at the Appalachian State Nor ma] at Boone. Mrs. C. E. Anderson, M» 11. C. Anderson and Mr*. Camant Biffins, of Galax. Va., visited their *i*ter, Mr*. 8. M. Hale, this ereek. Mr. W. S. Maatin. secretary-treas urer North Carolina Granite Corpo ration .spent the past week end with hi* family in Pennsylvania. Mia* Elixabeth Campbell, of Madi son. wa the iruc*t of Misses Eleanor and Katherine I-on* for the high school commencement exercise* Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sparger and children aiul Miss Bess Merritt will move this week to their country home near Brower's Spring for the summer A *on, James Love, Jr., was born to Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Stone, in Koa nok*, Va., May 21). Mrs. Stone will be remembered here as Miss Thelma Martin Mrs. F. L Smith, Robert Smith and John Frank spent Sunday in North Wilkesborq. They were ac companied by Mis* Lillian Hunch, uf that city, who had been Mrs. Smith's guest for the previous week. Prof, and Mr*. H. M. Finch and baby Helen will spend three weak* with relatives at Merry Hill in Bertie County before going to Chapel Hill where I'rof Finch will attend sum mer school, returning to teach here in the fall. las cream supper at Flat Rock Prsabjrterian Church, Friday evening May 28th Cake, candy, sandwiches lemonade, and ic* cream for sal*. Musk by string band. Everybody in vited. Miss Margaret Payne, of this city, has been choeen as one of the mar shals for the commencement at Greensboro Collage for Women, Greensboro. Mis* Payne is a member of the junior class and will serve dar ing h*r senior year until the com see will be named. If you have not bean waited on bj a member uf the committee call Mrs C B. She Hon, phone t» and tell hei how many Baraca-Philathea is legate) yon will aecomatodate In yonr boas* Yea are only asked to >rseH* bed and breakfast three eight and marm tag*. They will be rsaponeibie fei T. fc L. Clnas Mm**. The TEL. Claaa ef the Pint Bar Mat Church will held It* regulai May tm at 1M o-elaeh at the Wmm Aftwlll! vT £T iHmi/JI • Mr bratWr, Mr. J. D. hrp« - Cilty Waiter* OAmt F»nd Arm Mi wUI nat ka to Ma afld kar Friday, tort will ka kara hlwfci ttma ta Mat tka »**»!* kara frMm Mr. mmI Ufa. E. H. UhmH mm daughtar* Miaaaa Franaaa and Laan Nail and K. H. Jr., m anronta t< tkair homa to tMa <*Ky aftar apand in« *tx month* to I hair homa to Wto tarhavan, Florida Mr. and Mr*. E. H. Diim >pm (ha waak and with ratotivaa to Wto tkara by Mlaa PaaHtw Kdwnr la « tka ackooi fanhji, who wtirmi U kar homa to Haadaraan. Mr*. T. B Bladaoa and motkav Mr*. F. G. Joknaon, la ft Monday fa) Mr*. Bladaoa'* horn* to Baltimore Md., wbar* Mr*. Johnaon will *patu the lummar Mr*. Bladaoa drove kai r*r and waa accompanied by iwi friend* aa far aa Aakaritte eo«ata| hara from Aakarilla alone Mr. and Mr*. Gray Satterfteid, at St Look, Mo., Mr. and Mr*. lUtoi Sattarftald and rkild of dotow. A to. and Mtoa Virginia Sattarftald, tlbmr ton at N C. C. W.. Greonebora. Wf Wadnaaday aftar- via it in* relative* ii tkU vicinity. Vtoy are children at Mr: Jama* Satrertteld. dec«a»ed Viaitor* H—orad With Pratt, I ^ Part to*. Dunn* their stay here Mr*, < Ur •nee Sawyer and Mi*. Homer Car man. of St. Alban*. Vermont, houst twill jf Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sargent were (w>t> of honor at two delight | ful bridge partiv« Mr*. W. J Byerly *» Iwatn* <«i Turxtay afternoon, when bridge wai I piayed at two table* and on Kridaj Mrs. Cullen Merritt wai hoeteas and again two table* accomodated tlx players. Before coming to thu city, Mr* , Carman and Mr*. Sawyer were en tertained by Mr and Mrs. Strfnl for a week at their home in Oriental. Central Methodist Church REV. W. A NEWELL. Paster Sunday School »:46 A. M Morning Worship 11:00 A. M Evening Worship K:N I* M Prayer service Wed.. HtOO P. M Junior League fl:4f> P. M Intermediate 6:46 P. M Senior league 6:4R P. M Morning worship with «erroon b> the pastor a» usual Sunday at 11 A M Sunday evening Ret D Vance , Price will preach the baccalaureaU sermon to the graduating class ol Martin Memorial Hospital Training School for Nurses. Splendid music was rendered bj the choir Sunday morning. An effort will be made to enlist additional tal ent and bring in a numl>er of youna people into the choir. Mrs. A. B. Macon will have ihargt of the Junior Mission league Sunday evening If this vara not true wa wmM atiH k b* obHjahaa to upfeoid tlto . credit of amr ton far generoeity aad . hospitality sad opaa aw hoWMa to ( these ftattan, making thaw faal wal ( mm ami leaviag • good impression with tham to carry back how, 't We want than to think of Moat Airy with raal pleasure and appraal ■)taw. Of coarse we will taka car* of tha» bat let as do it fraaly and generously ■a that tt will ha a pleasure to all eonearaad. Bad aad braakfaat far tkraa nights and morniac* i« all that in being aakad. Othar meals will ba proridad (or away frowi the homaa. If for any raaaoa It la aat possible to taka delegate* there ara noma vacanciaa in hotels aad •Ixtarding houses whora they can ba placed. If yaw have no vacant rooms but will furnish break fast phone Mrs. C. B. SbeKon, or pfcoo* her if you have rootae bat emm\ furnish brwakfaat. She may bo able to place tham in yawr neighborhood aa that it will ba convenient for all coararned. If yoa have neither rooma or breakfasts to offer phone her or aaad her a check to pay for your delegates' beard elaawhara. Mrs. William Sy*w Mr*. William Sydnor ra hortMl ■t fuur table* of bride* hult Thur* day afternoon. the younger matron* and young ladies bcist h«r |w*U, is compliment In bar sister, Mia* Lillie Mae (ifotfr. of Winston-8a lea*. Pink and whit* run and peonies decorated the attractive hoot* and, the hi(k *ror* pn«e wa> won by Mr*.! Raymond Sargent. the honor** «ai preaented with an attractive novelty bracelet Refreshment* were **rv*d IB two courne*, a aalnd course with ic*d tea being followed by ie* cream and la««es. Salted almond* were nerved I in pink row cup* Child'* Birthday Calibration. Little Mia* Katherin* Fuicher c*W brated her fifth birthday from 3 to & o'clock Saturday afternoon by en tertaining thirty little friend* at a party in the home of her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. T. D. KuMwr. Little Mi** Mary B. Cox won the prix* a bos of heme made candy in the peanut con teat and Little Mi** Love Monday a< child'* vanity in a rieuini contest. ! After game* and contest* were I over ice cream, cake and candy were •erved. W. M. Taylor Pataed Away. Mr. W. M. Taylor aged 74 year* passed away Kriday, May IS at 6:S0 o'clock at his home on Hine* avenue. He i* survived by a wife, one *on Tyrie Taylor and one (laughter, Mrs. Bessie Scott, of Shoals, also 16 grand children and Ave brother* and one »later. — Th* funeral was conducted by Rev. E. G .Davis and the remain* laid to rvst in Oakdale Cemetery, Saturday afternoon. Good Customer Ed. Linville come into the STORE the ether day and we noticed that'hia FINGER was WRAPPED UP and we asked him what had HAPPENED and he said his WIFE always uses his old razor blades to do VARIOUS things with when she SEWS and she left one in the RUREAU drawer and he was hunting a COLLAR RUT TON— and you know the REST. Rut we sold him some ZONITE and some GAUZE and ADHESIVE TAPE, and then he bought some MORE RAZOR blades, (what d'you know about that!) and some Palm Olive SHAVING CREAM and when we suggested some CANDY for the WIFE to make up for the MEAN things he must have SAID to her, he LAUGHED and said he guessed maybe he HAD. and took along of NOR RIS' VARIETY CHOCOLATES. MORAL: Wivea, try this on your husbands. "C.P.C." MOUNT AIRY DRUG CO. Why Do Sailors Paint Their Ships • • If anyone want* to nee in ilnMt laviah oee of paint, vanuah. and —nmil. tat journey to a ahinyard, dry daek or My bi( napnit and watch work en tkiaf row >x*t» to dreadnought.; from dory, to Unarm. And tha ■Ml by? thin* from row boat* to dreadnou*hU; from dory, to Unarm. And that lant all. for tha dock, arepainted and the arm painted and mmjlkl^ is, in (fcavt, hi ka ex pi rience of area of navigation hare Hajhl oa tha« property on tha man and near it n not mafa—Mttfcer far itaaif nor for 1 baa protected by the only real protector-PAINT. VARNISH AND RNAKXL. TW anme rule appiiee to roor home, yowr hnainea* balMinc*—all yo«r pre that a expoaad. Follow the mlv of the man! PAINTS FOB ALL PI RPOHK8 IX EVERY DE8IRM) COLOR OUR LINES INCLUDE Water all's Flatco Watco Floor and Deck • WateraN's Saw Wall Paint Paint Parte Paint J. C. Hollingsworth Lumber Co. Mount Airy, N. C rvice ain! Always having a desire to render the autoists the greatest amount of service we have again made arrangements to handle automoDile state license. This will make it convenient for you to secure your tags as we will have a supply on hand beginning June 1st. Chevrolet Service Station means service to autoists and this service is not complete without affording you the means of secur ing your state tags. This we are doing at great expense but realize that it is a valu able service to the motoring public. — $ • • —CASH— 9 $ 9— The state will not let us accept checks for Eayment on tags purchased, and there will e no exception to the rule that CASH murt be paid for all tags. WE WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU. Surry Sales Co CHEVROLET DEALERS