to the cttjr of P*n«, ruin H WM win or loee with no chance for escape (M tetk tf i hidtin wm mew mmrj. How after hew, through «M •ad mow atora part W tka Una, •lone ha piloted the little air ship •eer the waste of water*, and thirty three hour* after rtwthf he neatly dlopped down la the laadtay Add at Phrta la the preeewe of *6.000 peo pie who had fathered there heytag that the here would Bet fail la hfc ef fort. Who knows that this bmiy not ha over the aeeaa. and tha* what aow appear* te he a wonderful feat mmy In aa oceaa liner? A LOOK AT THE DARK SIDE Some folks cannot clow (heir «y« to the dark side of life as a part of the paxmnfr day. Wc happen to b« in that class. To illustrate: Rev. Mr. Mrvin, Methodist preacher of this city, and ye editor, went out for a drive one day last week and carried the preacher's two small sons along to rive them the pleasure of the outing. The drive was over the new Fancj^ Gap road and up the mountain where the new construction is in progress. The little boys were thirsty and we stopped by a mountain spring near where a bunch of convicts were at work. A white man was at the spring and we asked for a drink for the boys. While he was serving them from k bright dipper, just to make talk, we made some remark about the fine road. That started him to talking. He appeared to be a man of intelligence, forty years o? age, one «oukl have taken him for a boss or engineer or in some responsible position with the new construction. While he dipped up water for the little boys he remarked that he him self was a convict. We asked if he thought he would be able to live through hi* term of prison without becoming embittered and be able to take up life again when free. He anwered by saying that he thought he could if he could live until his term expired. And then he went on to talk in a serious tone, but without a show of bitterness or resentment, and said in sulwtance something like the following. He made a mistake and cot into prison. He belonged to one of the best families in the State of Virginia and was simply the victim of a mistake. He did not apologise for having made the mistake, but he repeated the fact that it was the making of a mistake that caused his fall. Now to be able to live through his term of imprisonment is his problem. He is a man of education and refinement, not accustomed to hard labor, and the authorities of the State of Virginia intend that he be given light work, but he is being re quired to do work with a pick and shovel and it is too much for his strength. As evidence of this he showed his hands and they bora evi dence of sunburn or some skin affec tion. We asked him if he had appeal ed to the higher authorities far re lief and he said he was hoping to get his case to their attention. About that time a passing automobile brought the conversation to an end and we drove on up the mountain and the convict in cttiaeas clothes went back to his pick and shovel to take We place along with the bwly negro and the strong man who can do the work required with but a minimum the punishment that ear white eenvict can perform R. We are net able to solve this qwea ai tka paapte af tkte a*y to fWM «1h a Ito'IIImU to'acfev to to*« It to • itoy. TW| aay that VDIm Straat IM Vlrgtete to llll«l> ii ratting to to • «p»MM«a North Mnla Thto building will bo romodolod. oa4 *eo Foot 4-room bouooo aonr tbo Quarry (or not or ante, on rory roooonnbto 1 W. W. BURKE f A Friendly Little Chat About Our Piece Goods hjti rrm SILKS AND WASH FAB RICS FOR SUMMER Expreea and Freight shipment* have btra received hy us almost daily which will enable ua to supply you with the mod popular fabric* for iumm»r wear. Certainly, we have never «how* soch a complete variety of materiala nor as eztenaive line of color* aa we now have. Let ua urge that yoa viiit our store at an early date to see for yourself that we really have something to advertise. We will help you select, plan the mak in* and ujU you where you can *et the garment* mad* if you prefer. PRINTS that you will appreciate. More than SO patterns from which to chooM. Saw Punjab print*, Pananc K'nta, Veranda print* ana ti*te print* 36 inches wide and all guaranteed tub fast colon. All OC one price, |ier yd. Mvt Colors t —Fo.#. —Orchid —Blue —White —Green —Peach —Maize —Tan —Monkeyskin —Flat Crepes —Crepe de Chin* —Silk Radium '—Georgette Crepe —Hunan Pongee —Tub Silks —Printed Shantung —Printed klatiate —Soiaette Printa —Voiles, Plain and Fancy —Taffetas, solid and checks —Rayon Alpaca, printed plain. The»e arc the genuine Sol esette Print*. A standard cloth nationally known and advertised. Many new anal) work tie>ipis that you will like. The price we quote is at a lower Afure than the regular price. Of course the colors are iruaranteed and the price ia only. per yard. 39c i> *n«i plain colon. A wonderful cloth for children's play.ulta and dr*s*e* Color* ar* fait to washing, per yard. ISc Sun ami Tub faat *uiting, not too heav v nor toe light to he durable and practical for many purpose*. QT per yard. <5DC Voile* In plain colon are alwaya la demand far cummer wear and we have aelccted the quality most wanted. The rotor* are jruarant.-.-(| fact, all the baat ihade*. OA p., yard ' 39C Polly Prim printed voilas P*r yard - :w inch Rayon Alpaca in plain color* of white, fried, roac, blue and tan for dresses and princess slips, per y*d. 39c en, row, 49c 59c Printed Rayon Alpaca, guaranteed tubfaat colors in ma ny pretty design* at per yard, — Sweetbrier Silk is one of our most popular fabrics in solid color* of every new spring and summer shade WA per yard ...... • Organdy with permanent finish, colors in rose, 49c Farmer price on " 59c blue, maize and white, par yard. Shantung in four bast plain colors. this cloth «tc. yard. A new lot and a I low price, per yard, Printed Shantung, per yard — Rayon Novelties in fancy prints and checks, per yd. aac. White Broadcloth, per yard, 41 eta. White Cocoon Broadcloth, per yard SI.2S Something new in fancy pongee checks, lavender, green roue and yellow with a small whit* design $1.25 n the center of check, per yard Sew tub silks, many patterns from which to select per yard, Striped silk broadcloth per yard. $1.39 $1.98 Sunshine Washable ors in rose, blue, mailt-, orchid, pink, and block, per yard. Flat Crepe, col monkey akin, ue»h, white, navy Silk Radium of the bettor quality, per yard. Taffeta in changeable colors, per yd. V $1.98 $1." A"*$2.' EXTRA! EXTRA! SPEC1AJ 200 extra Itmmry double thread white hath lCr loweU, liu 20x40, each. * . :h. -v ■ - *r Hawks-Boyles £o L Ahrayi SoMtkbi Nnr.1 MOUNT AAY, N. C mm