. _ j. m,i> cm** Km *Mr~ •*, tU, *». »■■»• _ UM Oak it ■••••■•« **" of the Tur kitdrea if the OM to*: It la a prtellaaa and • to be with yoa oa thU kkA 4a 4j| wf J9 JOttrTlP/®Q lip 1® HOUIiwBI Ml * Httl* rye. ai They all h*N to Volatoad. 0*4 aa*a the Eta*." I wiah Brat of all. to |HI af ky iraar 1* to w la North CmiKm bu torgaiy bwn far by tha evident fact that tttog to tto flnaat city, located to tha hoot aection af Virginia. It la fltttoff that oa May Mth ovary loyal aoa of Carolina ahoald cele brate that evoatfal day to 1771 a Mora handful of far won, hearing from tha Hpa of a rwtft i iar, of tha battle of Lestoftoa had oceurred a Month boforo, • bled to the lot eoart hoaao hi iotte and there free from the domineering taxation at the Britiah crown. It vaa a aehool taachor. Dr. Cphriaa Brevard, who pat to writing the ft ret declaration of Aawriean independence, and a body of North CaroHaa farmer*, (any we ta revere their mom the itatoeawm of oar land aeneei! the futility at loafer remaining a ■abject people to an European •tate, signed thin declara tion. thuK igniting a flame of liberty that ahould never go oat until the de ciaion at Yorktown had riven birth ta a new nation forgrl to . who hefoi mind in inviting m* to mUnm you thla evening wu that ( might bring you a nwmgf "from hone"—that I should in a measure report to you how all your fallow Tar Heels arr prospering Perhape noma of you who la ft the state before tha year 1000 arc unawara of what has been taking place in North Carolina For many year North Carolina waa known aa the Rip Van Winkl* State of the Union. For many years tha State wu pictured in the public mind an a barren atrip of land over which it waa necessary to pa>« to get from Virginia to South Carolina. During these yaar* our patriotic aped binder* would point with pride, and aay, "God bless North Carolina, there aha stands,"—and aha did This condition, it ia fair to cay. wa» not due to lark of initiative or energy upon the part of tha people of North Carolina, but to the complete paral yaia wrought by the Civil War. When the Confederate soldier got home from the war he had nothing,--noth ing to get anything with, and noth ing to put it in. About thirty yaar* ago the old state aroae like a giant refreshed from sleep, and began to make tremendous stride* along all tha highwaya of progress, and today it can be said of North Carolina aa it waa of TVeodore Roosevelt, that bar "natural gait la running away." I am aura you will be interested la hearing about some of the outstand ing characteristics and achievements of thla truly wonderful state. The moat valuable and liilsiaatliig aaaeta of any country are the folks that Hva in it. Tha folks ia Nerth Carolina are the purest Aaglo ■lock on tha American Tha Geographic Magaaine om par cant of the of North Carolina la foreign born. Biologtaally oar .yaar ieaaiam is one hundred per cent para. Theologically wa believe in a good CM, a had Ml, aad a hat hail. laaU m ta North i • ta kmrmimmm ta fata hi mi North Carolina la tha ia th. plenty of It—mora than 17 of K, for beaoty and im. la from Cm* Hatteraa to tain you will M • treat variety of ■oil and cliaiata, a ma*»i variety than yoa will And la fata* f(M Mat ters* I* Bart—. A tot of tkia laad waa not origtaally productive, la fact ft. _ of aa to mix Tar Tool brain* with Tar Haal dirt. TMa mixture haa wrought mlraelee oa oar tanaa. Today wo (row am in the Unloa. Wo tho amount of cotton If aw had labor to pick It. A Now Yaakaa oaao »a««ooted la a farmer that ho believed that ml*ht bo aaod to advantage la pick iag cotton. Tho Giavgla farmor re marked that ho believed tho plan would bo a food oaa woro It not for tho fact that tho d— Yaakaoa would coat* down horo and froo tho monkey before he wa* broke In. Yoa, aad wo rrow peacbe* that blaah at thair own kivoltnoaa, and apploa that toaipt oa to forgive Adam for throwtnr Para Purine tho laat tan yoara North Carolina haa cllmbod froai tho to the «th atato la tlio Union ia value of agrieuKaral product* Only Texaa, Iowa and Illinola boat ua laat Wf also hivt • wealth in water. In a speech on bow to build up the American Navy, Mark Twain one* mi id. "It is easy enough. AU we need it some men and ihipa, we've got the water." North Carolina hat the water, from the mountains to the ■ea we have a fall of fi.OW) feat, and this rives us water power nuflcient to pull all the trains. light all the cities, and run all the factories in the state. Charlotte la the largeet distributing point of hydro-electric power in the world. Do you know that the Southern Power Company la not only lighting all the towns and cities, but is running ita lines all throu the country and lighting home* —it won't be long before a Tar Heel boy rant And a darkened place where be ran bug hia girl and not be seen While agriculture has gone for ward. manufacturing has not lagged in thv background. For many years the only thing we made in North Carollna was mistakes. We woull dig something from the ground, or cut it fiom the forest, sell it to our north rrn friends for ten cents, and then thi-y would blow on it and sell it bee* to us for a dollar. The only reaaon this process did not kill us long ago was because of our amaiing vitality. Thirty years ago everything we manufactured in the state waa worth forty million dollars. Last year a single concern turned out in manu factured products in the neighbor hood of two hundred and fifty million dollars. We have invested capital hi manufacturing plants approximately seven hundred million dollars, and last year these manufacturing planta turned out nine hundred and thirty two million dollar* in manufactured producta. And we do not confine ourselves to cotton. Winston-Salem manufactures more tobacco than any city In the world. At Canton, N. C„ we have the larg eat wood pulp mW In the world. High Point makes «are furniture than any ether city in the world, as eapt Grand lapMi, Mount Airy has the large* granite rjnarry fti the United Stetoe. At Baden, a* the TsAh river, we Wfcrt 4a we d» with owr mlghtf North Omlta. was slew to leave the If* all very wall to far tkm1* m hma haad to Mm w play. to a U how 4* yaa pall Wttk Um Yaa mt DM It Am to fc» Bat a graator thtag to 4a la to «at yau On Um goal llat'i jaat to vtoar; If * halping yoar fallow ■« to acat And __ A. OUUT. Doat frown! Baad Um Mil Airy m By. vtrtaa of Um I of • la a aqptote 58; «aSt*?3! tnutaa fir Ilwood TtQn aa laiiHifcw at 9*00.00, *hMr baa* auto ta tka pay ■aaat of UM aato therein Mcurad and at tka raauaat of Um holder I will aall far aaak to Um higheet bidder at pub lic auctlaa. to front a* Um Bank of Airy, Mow* Airy, N. C., aa HUM toy. Jaaa It. At I a'alack. P. M. tka follawtac to»crib»d raal _ Adjoining Um laato of S O. Mar ■iMfl « iL, In N*. T It •kai C, i I. On Um» Mm *•. a whkk !• t M "t T. M W. V( Ma M • ». O. Mat. II. iMNto mS^tS to! Malt m* K M M ir-Tt* ...... ■aL7*. nOTIIITM Friend Husband—Read This Offer §*«* Ctm i jj_f KITCHEN «£ "ffiEff* Range Help your wife stay voung. If you knew the strain of long, tedious hours she spends in the kitchen you would surely take advantage of this special, time-limited offer. Think of it You can purchase a beautiful Hotpoint Electric Range for only $10.00 down and pay the balance in 18 small monthly sums with your electric bill. NO INTEREST ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS Only $10 Down W MONTHS TO r AY $10 Allowance For Your Old Stove * Electrically Cookad Food Is Mora Delicious