500 Delegates Expected to Attend State Sunday School Gathering Here Ofreniag Seuioa Tkur»day Ey» Tfcrt Baptist Clmrck" Noted Speaker* pta from mil |M <d tko state, ft. r. smu. «r Iiiinm. w< ml oet wgwl rafMate te all mom ten o< tke immIiUh for a Ml Tke mooting places will bo at the Vim fcyttH Ckarek, Ceatral M. ft. Ctoarck. and tko National TWtr. Tke kaadquartors will ko at tko Mae ftidgo kotel where an Individual tele phone kaa koon iaatalM witk No. Ill «ad an iaformation bureau will ko ■alatalaed daring tko tkrer days' session B. V. Doyork will koro reg ioter tko arriving delegates. aaalgn tkom to tkair respective homee and any itthtr •ssisMuw® Any ono wanting information In ro gard to program. Urn* of mretiaga. aaaignmontr. ate., ahoull call phone No. U*. Viaiting delegate* will be enter - tainod In Ike komea of tko city under wkat ia known aa tke Harvard plan, tkat la, tkey will be given breakfast ia tke komea and secure tko othar two meals of tke day at tke kotel. tko Win. and other places where food ia Able Speakers. Many well known and abb speakers kan baa* secured for the convention, Mon| them being Hon. R. N. Simm*, af Raleigh, noted attornay, and lee«h ar af the Simnu Baraca class in hia km city; Miss Henrietta Heron, of Ctacinnati, one of the foremoet Sun day School worker* in the nation; Dr. D. W. Daniel, of Clemaon Co liege. R. C., one af the moat popular edu ••tare and apeakerm in the Carolina*; Mr*. H. I. Finch, of Rocky Mount, a devoted Bible claw worker, and oth er* who have had wide experience la thl* field af Christian endeavor Opening fi***i*n at Firat Baptist The four-day invention will hold it* ft nit *ea*ion TOursday evening at the Pint Baptiat Church, taginning at • o'clock. C. W. Andrew will pre •Me at the opening *e**ion with Rev. R. Gibson Davis leading the Mtng service Mr. Davia ia «n experienced man In thia work and will have charge of the muaic feature* during all the *e**ion* Judge W. F. Carter will deliver the address of welcome, followed by response* by Mia* Heron and Mrs. N. Buckner, of Ashevills, state secretary. The keynote addreea of the evening will be delivered by Dr. A. E. Corey, of RtnaUm, hi* subject being "Christian Friendliness." At the cloee of the meeting an informal get-acquainted reception will be held. The initial open Friday with Mr. in# »bo at I Tha devotional ginning at 141 p. m. Km iAk B. C. BwUHTand MlMrtec Um mm! Dante I, at CWauon College, fnwmu ta Um Sowthaa»t («r hia after dla nar erationa, will deliver hia «Mnaa on ~TW Joyful Ufa." ba willll at 8:45 o'clock at Um » antral MeUtodiat Cbarch, with Mra. Dickeraoa, Um PUIathaa pnaUial. tea In charge of Um Ba*. I. R*MU likan Among Um speaker* will Im In Um afternoon at IM Um Ma rata* artU gather far Um Am! b«Mi for Um ea*ntng jraar will ba elected and Um naxt convention city chaiea llr. Ml will itmUi and Um dwm i tonal naarclaee aril ba eoadnctad by the lav. J. C Griar. UaAniafced bu« diacuaaton on l>i—, tad by Mlaa He run, ara on Um program, ta addi tion to the • taction of liliiri and m lection af Um 1MI aeeetiag place The "Quiet Hour" at AM will ba in charge of Mra. H. M. Finch. The Saturday program will con clude with n ami and praise service U-ginning nt 7:M p. m., with Mra. Z H. Km in tha chair and the de votional exerciaaa lad by tha lav. J. 0. Krvin. Installation of the near officer* will be in charge of Mra. Finch, and the seeainn will eooclude with the "Quiet Hour" lad by Miaa Heron. The xunriae prayer service nt 7 o'clock will open the Sunday pro gram, with Mr*. Finch nnd the Bav. J. C. Griar in charge. At t:SO the 'ielegate* will viait tha varioa* Ba raca and Phllathaa ctaaaa* nt their tegular *e*»lon* and will attend tha 'egular church aarviea at 11 o'clock. Cane Hi ding Kerr ice. The nil" meeting and ma mo rial terviee Sunday afternoon at 2:M at the National Theatre will bring the convention to a cloaa. John D. Barry, ->f Raleigh, arill preside, and tha Rev W A. Newell will have charge of the devotional exerciaaa The ad dreuses will be delivered by Mlaa Heron, who will apeak oa "Ufa'* ('r'»*ae»." and Robert N. Sim ma, af Raivgh. whoae aubjejet will ba "Mar shall A. Hudson and the Future of Raraca-Philathaa." The roll call af •lectaaed Raraca* and Philatheaa will be conducted by Mr*. Buckner. The convention will dose with a con aecration service In charge of Mra. Finch and the ainging of "Blest Be the Tie that Bind*." A Few Banquet Ticket* Avail able. Mr* C. C. Hale wtsbe* a* to sn miuiuc that • few ticket* for the Harare- Philathea Convention banquet, to br spread in the dining room of Central Methodist Church Friday night, will be available for local people. The*e ticket* may be purchased from Mr*. C. C. Hale at fl.OO each The visiting delegate* will have to lie taken care of first, then the local delegate* and afterward* thoee who apply will be served as they corns. It is quite an honor to he able to attend this banquet and sit at the meat with thee* distinguished vis itors. and the few tic Let* available for local people will seea he taken. «et years useived today The members of Urn Woman'* Club | will rater far this kaaqast. Your, far another "MMm" Marshall A Hudwui. Pounder and late president of the World-Wide Barmca PhUathaa Kbit C'laaa Union. Mr. Hodaoa era* known a» "the man wM wanted a mlMa*,'* -Hi young people itadyiif Um Word of Ood and aerviac humanity in the mm of Chriat of a doxeo young men about thtrty ftve rearm ago. It aow encirclea the (lobe and number* more than a mil lion member*. U«ktei»c Kills Mm Nmt Mr. J. (aasell How man wan killed by lifhtniiw during • storm on* day lut WMk. When the storm cum up Mr. 'Bow man who *u about 56 ynn old was plow tag IB • field near the Gladeeboro Church and ant hi» boy to the ham with tha taara and he started with a sack of potatoes to tha shelter at the school; just as he psssid under a piece of telephone wire, which had heea cifl when telephone mhV< was discontinued, the Ugntning struck and passed from the wire, iwinflni a feet <>r two above his bead, through his body. The boy saa htm fall and called for aid and a neighbor worked with him as long as breath lasted, possibly thirty minutes, however it is said the boh broke his neck. Messrs J. £. Ayers and Kent Har inan of this city attended the fuaernl which was held at the Cladesboro Church. A Modern Lunch Stand. The Ci*y Lunch, opposite Kirst National Rank, will soon complete the remodeling of their stand aad win have one of the nicest places in the state. A row of arm chairs will be installed ss soon as they can be re reived from the factory and eieetric equipment will keep food and sand wiches warm for serving at all times. A complete tins of sandwiches sriU be tarried in stock, including barbecue. •I 8. Johnson is manager of the busi ness and has as his assistant Arthur Lawrence. Mr*. S. N. AIM, of Auatin, Tax., and Mr». H. E. Hauaar and littla daughtar. Mary Franca*, of Andar wm. H. C-, are gu»«t af ralativa* bar*. ARE WE TO HAVE A BASE BALL TEAM? Maui Maatiag Tharaday Night Ta Diaraaa Ptaaa Far OrgaaiaaMaa af Dak. If Mount Airy la to hava a haaa ball club during tha coming »aa«on thoaa intaraatad akouM attand tha nte»« maating that will ha bald ta tha eKjr Hall Tburadajr atgbt thia waak, at 7:S0. AU arba appra«Ut« tha valaa at a good haiahalt etab far • dtjr ar* argaatljr raqaiatad to at School who will enter mm collage or taachar tnitim acbool la the fall. ft ia eaay U recall the ti«o wfcea the mra|t HUM* fall that only rn>Mtloni Had aajr aead ai geiag beyond tba kick achool aavraa. 8imm of Umm who law Ml jrat daridad telly where they will re will ao doubt jata the majority In aoa tinulng their dlilii In Ufkar taati tutea of learning. 1W liat aa wa •w* able I* gat II fallow*: HInb Hubert A lira. I faming; WUMa Clif lon Haughn, turmlng; Capltola Mae Briton. N. C. C. W.. Qraanab.ro; V.j Max Branaock, McCtellaa Btara, Raby Ctbal Cook, aa derided; Annie Faw oott, Randolph Macon, Lynchburg. Va.; Katbrya Loalee Fiwcdt, Mm College, Wlnaton-Salem; John P. Oil hart. wiH ga to college; Ethel Maa Goad, aa darted; Maria Owym. uade ridad; LaaUa W. Jackaoa. too youag for collaga, will tab* caBaga tratatag la tar; UIHaa Jobaaoa. Meredith Col lege. RaWigh; J*^^Hampton Joba tinel, will aatar U. M. C. ta the fal; Katbarina Long. Teacher* Normal Collaga. Kara villa, Va.; Aaafc UIHaa Mabe. undecided; Grata Mailta. Normal; A ania Maaeey, commercial -todant; Wlnaton McKtanay. Mate 'ullage, Raleigh; A Me* Lm Norman, undecided; Wallace SheKoa. Uahreral ty of North CaroNaa; Gila* Smith, helping ta hia father'* (tora aad will go to Daridaoa Collaga, Davideea; I Charle* Sprinkle. farmar. StaU Col lege. Raleigh; Araette Taylor. ««• mercial atudant; Carria Taylor, Mai dub Collaga, Raleigh; Katboriaa TU Weat, Meradith Collaga. felal#> Youtka Mwat Gat PagwJU Ba fera Bamg Employad County Welfare OAcer 1. F. Arm field aaya than are a numbar of young boya and girb in thin city who daeire to work about tba factoriaa, but ara undar pro par age to be em ployed without aa anamination and permit from hia aflce. He ariil ha in tbia city every Saturday for a faw week* and will be glad to give tbaee xaminaUon on Saturday aftetaooaa. All between tba ages of 14 and 1( mu«! have permit* front the welfare officer bafore they can aacure an ployment The cloeiag of tba aeboola Ha* raleaaad a numbar of boyi and girla who want to aecara employment and Mr. Arm Aald will keep oAce hour* in tbia dty on Saturday! ao that they can be given the phyileal examination and aeCure the proper certiilcata. Early Morm.ng Fir*. Kire early Sunday morning de stroyed the store of Fred Boamer it the quarry. Mr. Beamer had owned the store only a few months and it waa in charge of Raymond Beamer. The loea to the stock ia estimated at $3,000 with $1,600 inau ranee The building was the property of the quarry Assistance of the Are company, which brought chemicals into use, saved adjoining property, although lite front of Miufeell's new grocery store was hadly blistered and scorch Troop I Scout New*. Since Troop 1 of Mt. Airy has been reorganised the boys have pass ed many tests and now nearly every one has passed at least the tenderfoot test Recently two beys were voted late the troop and will ha initiated soon. A new patrol haa been added la the troop and they have throe potrolo now. In the laat msetlag Some Tobacco New* From Southern Section of Georgia in the la the Of til ■ua tkrtt, Mi mm Lacy aie PaSlea and CyilMi Vt cmhI« tor tfca pupil WUI Ftak P«r Ti eo, Via. Mrm Haywood Merritt will paay them a* tar aa Cv Mr. Mmlu aad Ma boya Mi wondarfal lack at year that they foil of picture* of torn* of their klg|Mt catchaa ee that they could UD thair Aah atoriee with out fear at contradiction. Judire H. H. LeweUya receatly ac iiaired the Sanitary Bakery la t^la rity and ta making plaaa to greatly improve the facilMaa of the plant by the addKioa of more midera eqaip ment. Ua* Kroner will continue la the capacity of baker. aad thai* i» no mora capable awn than Gaa. Mount Airy ia large enough ta rap port a local bakery and Judge Lew ellya ex pacta ta aMkhe the aarriea aad product such aa to gala the undivided trade of the city. Demon* tra ting EUctric Rafrif LOCAL CONCERN TO HANDLE PONT1AC CAR Smith Motor C*., lac., AcccpU A|«kt For GmmtoI Motor* Product. # Smith Motor Co., of thu city. ha* hwn incorporated with J. D. Smith. Jr, r. W Smith and Ja*. r Aahby u the atockholders The now con •*rn ha* accepted Um dlnct nm> for Pontiac and Oakland and will re ceive thoir Int •hipment of Poatiaea in a few day*. The Pontiac haa boon rwnnlaeturid only about a roar. Mrs. H. S. Weinberg, dtuonatrOor for Frigidaira*, will spend next week >n this city (or Holcomb A «K*nu for this county. I hiring the weak Mrs. Weinberg will aieet with varioua club* of the city and explain to the ladies the value and conveni ence* of electric refrigeration, and on Saturday of next week a public dem i>n«tration and exhibit of Prigidaire rahinet* and uniu will be held in the store of the local dealer. crap* that u> the lkik of af Mtrck. through April, iM Mm ftrat p«rt of May. TUi very irrtKikr aad < in them *111 Ht |fI lh ■ mount of cultivation m the planting* tn in bloom "It la »UU dry except for a locally Iwn and there ovtr Matt*rod territory The early ttkicn ha* bo sun turning yellow at tho bottom and unlm we get rain immediately eaa not amount to much Summing the whole crop ap It look* like about M l*r coal of last year's crop and af imor. irregular qpallty, hot you that tobaeae U a crap that out much better than one would think if it could have ratal before it la toe far guao. At Naahrllle there hm only been a few light ahower* aiaea laat September,* moot of tho water courses have (topped running aad the •warnpa are dry eaough to bars. TW A la pa ha river below Valdoeta haa boon abeolutely dry aad duaty far about ais woeka This will give yoa a pretty fair knowledge of the atte ntion here. The boat proa poet for tohecro that I have teen Is aroaad Vuialia. Our individual crop la lata with a poor ataad, but i* not from the drought so far. "Yours very tretp, -j. m. wr :» Fined For Drfrm* UxUr A|» In Um lUcardtr'i Coart Monkf Judire l-eweliyn fined M. T. McEaight $10 and tlw cost for allowing on under the »r* uf 16 year* to 4ri*i hi* ear. Th» cut wu Um mult of an accident u> tkr Httlr girt of Jamaa Lowrjr, although It waa never eoa kmM that tha ago af tha driver, who waa Nr. McKaigfct'a daughter. eea trihuted to the accident The child WkM a h>l«wd ahull when na ever oa South Main atrevt mm

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