COUNTY BUD u », tit* IN • ln<l>l nthMt* for Dm entire mm If and submit tt to the county com Monday in July. "*"•> »fce budgeta will be Anally Dud for the year on tke basis at Om county's income Under tho nrw law ail cmmties will um uniform budgeting system. After Um btd|tb haw bam finally acted on, th« depart mm tn will know rxartly what they may upend next year Each line of activity will oparata under Ha own apportionment, aa tha fundi arc not tranaferahle from on* department to another. Upon submission of the budget estimate, and at least twenty days before the adoption of the appropri ation resolution, the budget estimate shall be filed In the oAce of the clerk of the board, where It shall remain for public inspection. The law farth er re<|uires that a ropy of the budget estimate be furnished to each paper published in the eonnty The county officials mast also . to be published in at least one news papei published in the county a »um mar> of the budget estimate, show ing r.t least the total appropriation recommended for each separate fund or function. TV responsibility for the carry ing out the budget system of handling county funds falls to the lot of the county accountant. Na purchase la legal until countersigned by the ac eovn'ant, who is personally respons ible for the purchase orders he ap proves, and personally liable for ordei i approved without sufficient fund to lake care of them What Is a Diuretic? fw| 'tArr Lramhtf •IrValurofCtccm •tonal llm. Every a,.- l«i«• that a u« ative Mimiihtn llw hnwrh A 'liurrtir i«r(nrma a similar function :o tiic kidney*. Undn thr strain of our irvdern life, our organ* nr apt to bccuuir sluggMh and require am at anre. More and more people arc laanunr to uae (fean'i WHa. oc raahmalty. tn tnaure good rlimma tion which ia as eaaential to good health. More than 50.000 grateful uarrj have given Domn'm signed rec oaunendationa. Scarcely a rommu nfcy but haa iti representation Amk your neighbor/ DOAN'S TS8 iHwal • % -Sat ' Kidmgj* .Lit, Cm, ii.hh.KY. K to i* "Otaafca," mM a «H>tOw. "aaa • |rwl rartaty of waa|Mi Jut M a iff to lmw> by hto laM • tblaf to Iu*wb by tba inatramenta ba car rtoa Tan can uaaally tail by a eroah'i waa poo what parttcalar lln* of rrlart MlU> be fu!)uw* A drnadt- *fn rraaba awl a grrat many mm kln<to at waapno* thas tbay 4a mnm. Tba •vara** criminal to caataat with a waapAM. "A larva |mrmiU|a af rrtmlaato ban o*' riM nthrr weapons anMy far tba |tf»t«l. "Whan hold up* arara qulta datactlvea uii<r.«f>i.-.l thraa I (bay ran from a auira. Ona af bad a formidable marmrtn* can. Ha bad eat off tfta ruuuOoJ polnu af tba bat lata and bad (Uttaarl tbaat oat. ob rlaaaly wltb tin* intention of piawtag a blf hoi* la tba anatomy of a alrtlai ba ml(bt fM inclined r« abaaC Tba it nffina to abatr tba raUoaa • and cruelty af tba aaaraga crtml aad bow tlttl* ba raraa for banian lite. "Tbara an* pMiy af at* to tba da partm*at today arha can racall tba tla>* whan run toting rrtalnala w*r» ararh mor* th* airaptloa than tba ral* lnd**d. there war* any a am her of profaaalnnal rrnnka who never aaad Araarnia la their liaolaaaa. Tbay aaad other weapon* wlil.h answered tb«lr purpoaa hattar, and noma of tbatr fa vorlte weai«>na ara seldom aaaa ar hoard of now Th* oluh waa a prlmltlv* waapoo and waa superseded by tba aandhxf. which worked *(Tf ' velj and l*ft Ira marks A abort pleea af rulihrr b«aa waa naoH for th* sum* purpoa* 1 ha sandha* I* oai of l it*, but oecaaloa •My <-ropa up. i j»»» • iiii'iong wmn nmmnifn nir iih* Mii -Hart. A Mow fr.ii* ■ ImM Mack Jar* will pal no your qutrkly to MMfi AkUi in the Mark Jack jr» braaa knuckle* and frequently a victim I* uMlilf |u an; wketlxr bf has l^-n hit by our or lh« other Roth of them nre orcaatonally mmI today by thug* Tliey ara regarded aa deadly weapoo* andjt la aa aerloua an offense to have th.nn Id oue'a po«ae»aloo aa a ptatol "A few yeara ago a lotig aharp Mailed kriif«» or » dagger rled with the pistol In popularity. Indeed there vera far mora atabblng affraya than shootings that rane under the net lea of the pollre The w I elder of dagger or knife often used thaae matninietita with deadly effort, and occasionally aome one would he stabbed to death In recent year* [hare haa been a Me falllui off In such crimes and Instead of being atatihed people are now shot Ounman a Weakling "The rmlotlli criminal la a re cent product He attained bla full prominence a fear year* ago when crime waa rampant He to a different product from the eld-type rrlmlnal arho wa» at rang nnd rohuat and did n<it need a gun The present day gun men are Invariably puny. underalae<l men. and are weak mentally aa well aa ph vat rally Ton see InnomeraMe ex ■niplea of them a* they drthMe Into ; station honaea; and they are all alike , —sallow, frail, understood. the alcksat , looking lot of criminals the world j sver aaw. "They are only daring when they sre under the »pell of narcotics. A large number of criminals are roe Armed drug addicts, and In order te keep themaelvea supplied with drug* they will often take ■ desperate chance. Some ef these criminal ad dicta apend f8 to ICS s day on drag* j A good many rmnka who hold up drag store* do au to get narcotics It la common for one of them to demand narmtlr* of a druggist If tbey ara •nahle to get thetr favorite drag they will hold op a store to get money with which to purrhaae drags •H to aeldom ciimlnaU get drank when tbey have earl ewe Work to 4s. They realise that a drunken bold sp man wosld not get vary far. He w—lid he Mow In art ten nnd liable to surer the whole works This Hap paced whs* s drunken Indian attemp. ad to boM ap a fhtrogo MM " • teat of "mtm arlaa." Hot ha 4m mi IN la A* llMafl ha dooa talk of the ■» of mtaatrat fliMa *kn be la of Ma l la (W day a mlnifrH mm Mrs whoaa hair i>n»i of apt h*n fa llm IN 4ar* Hi tha Mart-far* art hrlnaa op tamra that rawd Ilka a rail nf hotwu of rha man who hav* aawaad mllllona. and ami of wtimn haaa "Hilly" r.nma on (ha «v ta tha *«ldai> altera Ha haa known thaw all —Lev Ttawkata4*r. Jack Hawrl;. Al tlmrg* RraM, and all tha laad Inf fnnatrra of tha la at DO or •» yeera. Skip Frozen in Arctic Gets U. S. Radio Bills Montreal—Tha ataamar Ha; Maud*, lorkad In tha frome* watara of tha Arrtic ocean at Bernard barker. haa baao nrdtliit tha apodal far-North from Aklatlk, Nortkweot lerritortea. Word waa aant throogk thla atttlo* by tha crow of tha Hay Maud* to Montreal that perfect roroption arrompanlad all tha pupaaa Aklatrlk la altaated hi tha dolta of tha Markanila rltar. which aaaptlaa lata tha Arctic ocean. aboat MO rnllaa waat of Bernard harbor Tho latttor la a minor hay of <'eroaat Ion fmlf. about Haa (kfrrM from tha North pola i>n a »< ti«iula arranged nrarly a yaar la advance. four programa aaot from aa man; atatlona hate rater talnrd nwiuhara of tha Royal nana titan mounted police, tradora. trap para. mlaalonarte* and other Inhabl l ant a of Ilia rrmotr Arrtic. The fart heat north «-t t lenient ta tha world. |ietilnaula. In Klleamera land. la Included la tbaoa poata. whtrh ravalve tha > bevrlnr radla entertain Plan to Move Canadian Town to Higher Land Hell* ('.win. K. C..— Kealdenta hor* I have ilM-litnl to tirn tMr rlllair I KrtoH the rlvwr and transplant It ' bodily «n ■ bluff. wh«r» tbe rlew of •»«* Wad I 'twia rang* pnki to better. Kach aprlng when the aaow melta id Ih» highland*, the Bella (teots rim goea <«n a rampage. Tb# town la In no da ml In piacea and aeaa threatened with deal ruction. U waa d»ia«d cheaper and aafrr to move I be town than attempt • hanging the coura* uf i he at ream or build barricade*. Townafolk here an optlmlatlr ner tbe m.dn« They ara certain, any tray, that the arrDery will be batter And ara eagerly awaiting a maaa meet ing to be held aoon, at which the> will draw lota tor altea of tlielr now bootee. The government baa gtren them the new town alte free of charge. Rome difficulty la anticipated Id moving the town acroa* the river, al '.hough a majority of the bnalneea houaea and humea ara frame atrwc tmm. Trdu Ap« Moerow.—Peter Koaiov, explorer, la bark from Tibet with a atory of train log a hldeoua ape of extraordinary In telllgeoc* an well that he hocaoia a member of the expedition. Wed ia Lion's Cap Jeraej City, ft. J.- Married la a I Ion'a rage Cmeat p. O errata, chanf Nar, and hla bride are oo their booey moon with a rabataaUa) gin af raah and furniture mi : Short eat Railroad in ; World Sells far $1,100 Kalama. Waah The tows of I Union. Ore., now ewna the abort- ; [ eat rallruad Is the world, baring ! > Md Is and pari haaad the utility ' | at s aale tar iMIsqsast taaea ! 1 The toad. aoM by the ahi riff. ; ! owed say tb*s*a*da of dailara. , i yaara ago to raaawt Iks terrl ; tory with the Ongis abort Use \ . st (tsasi The pore baa* price ; li m tarlaSaa s lira—tt*i» Watches Jewelry LEONARD'S Akry't » ALTER D. LROM ABO, I The News Ads. Bring Qack Reals This Is Hie *Gang" And the Service Truck That Has Made Our Service Department Outstanding DODGE BROTHERS CARS No better auto service can be had in Mount Airy, ao why not form the habit of comin* here in the first place? If your car won't "*o" phone No. 42 and we'll come for it. GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS The new Dodge motor gives 20 per cent more gasoline mileage, 15 per cent more power and 20 per cent faster get-away. Silence un known before in an engine of this type and smoothness that thrills the driver and his friends are embodied in the new motors. New stand ard gear-shift transmission, a new hot-spot manifold, new silent-action clutch, new finger-tip steering unit, new oiling and cooling systems and 24 other vital improvements, all go into the great history of Dodge Brothers. All Dodge factories are now operating at the highest levels of the year, with further increased output necessary almost weekly. Over seas shipments of Dodge Brothers motor cam established a new high record oh May 5th. Notice the charming new color effects, the smartness of the body lines and then come to us and take a spin in the new Dodge. RARE BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1927 LICENSE TAG FREE With These Car* Dodge Brothers Sedan Dodge Brothers Touring, New Paint Dodge Brothers Touring, New Tires Dodge Brothers Touring Essex Roadster 1 1-2 Ton Graham Brothers Truck Tell Us Your Auto Trouble*. Wo Give Re*! Service tierson-Joyce, Inc. MOUNT AIRY. N. C . • . «,

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