I BUSINESS Builders 3T^fc."5.Sv~ ktoda at tora*. Hum or jfcim» nw (m Ntni L. A. f'-ol, 217 fajrlur Suaat Mt Afcy. W. C. «*_ rOK *AL«—*•» Um mb! M fen N* »r» atftrtac jrw Mm Nana j^lg I coniaWu rHd» tor OH, at Um prim W W7 ft0 loa will H»4 Ufe prtwtohtt. tow C&. Ml' Airy, N. C. , KMT Mr feaa iWri apart. (rf^orD^rai— witk^vrvaU . in r. d 3 Ktttrall, phonr «N. lt». PMi J. ft T. ft MtCvn M Bun A« l-lp. for Mb. Haa r>»*« _ 147 Virginia St., Ht Air; N. C. «-»c. WiU Taylor, 2I» Galloway St Mt W)» SALE—A fra* Jam; n*. alas a heifer • meatfca eld. Both . ■■■■ _ . WhIU Plaiaa, K. C. ft-«p roll HALE—Thro* rittac tor«, w» at* off e^ag to you at Ce, Moaat Airy. *. C. * - POB BENT—4 naa fceaae a Mais straaL Aral Aui condition, water MM^ifeka^ Ba^i^ W.^ Hiia PUBN1SIED ENK Mi. Mra. E. atootha, aval labia Jane Ml Mra. f. McKiimay, IW It— m. KOR RENT—Oae two unfurniahaH roaau IN Moor* Aw*., Phone 4T4 •-Up m RENT—<4 or 4 rmm •Mftaml «ttk pHrat* ba*. W. E. WMfd. itiwL Ijtit *2 fMt front, b* ttTtat daap. Immadiata n >■>■■»■, Thia property arkad for ah, Tanw if Tn will !>•»_._ w» will try to 1 f M«)rYourSUyin Mount AiqrBtPtaM ^ , ant and Your Vtot Here — Profitable WAGNER'S Sc. id $ZJI DEPARTMENT STORE Aky.fl C Baracas— Philatheas % We Are Glad To Have You In Our Midst The Merchants Association of Mount Airy is de lighted, and our citizens feel highly complimented, to hsve you visit our city for the next few days. The city is yours, and we would have you enjoy every minute of your stay with us. If you cannot stay longer we want you to soon come again. We are proud of "our little city and want you to feel like it is yours. Look over our industries.' Inspect our granite quarries. Visit our stores. View oar mountain scenery. Drink of our health-giving Sulphur waters. Travel over out net-work of improved roads. And be one of us while here. The Mount Airy Merchants Association t Mount Airy Drug Co. Pr»tW Clothwf Co. W. S. Wolf* Dnu Co. S. C Stewart ft Co. Mn—t Ain Now* Joha D. IIobpm