Find U« Village Tokyo Jinan -A >llla*. I<»i to ih* world T<»> haa bo*n found in th* mountain* »f Hi* north II■ 162 la fcahltatiu had bow hoard of th* root of tlw world Tholr an«*o*tor» flod okoc dofoatod la war. Pygmy Scn«« of Hmmmrt A ra<* of pygmfcM haa boon dlaro« «rod la Now (lulnro la Iho l>wt<'h Ka*i ladloo bjr an Ainorlran to-loutlflr ox podltloO Thoo* poofd* uao alono Im plotnoota anil woapooa. •Irlil «o(rla liana. Whoa a wanla lo not marrlod. bo la auhJo< aanding aa Mm aa a waak PARADISE SHOWN ON OLD-WORLD MAP A<>i Mid Era mm! Towar «l B*M Ala* Figurw. Bawl Hwltaarland. Tha Ant map af tk* * <>rld aw turned oat by tha arltitliic praaa allow* ■ fauclful. plata aha pad unlvaraa with Adam mid Bva and tha lawar of Habal mack la arl daai *. according l>r. H. llaaalngar, prohaatr of tangrapliy at tha Unlrar alt) of Baaal In a lartara bafr>r* tha Oaagmph leal twirl; of Howl |w*tur llaaair gar point ad oat tha atrancc fart that tha art of printing, whlrh waa daa tlnad to prottoio knowledge, only helped to aatakllah ti.adleral ignorance by Ita Brat aestnrea Into geography. Thraa anrlmt ma pa nwtead far tha honor of haln« tha Brat plctora of tha aaiM turned oat h* tha rtftwntlKaa tiry praaa. (me of tbtar la In tha Rockefeller library, la Nr» Tork. An other vary atinllar, waa «M»*ara4 by Doctor Haaalnvar la a faliw whlrh had balanjad to tha library of tha re former Vanadloa. Tbaaa taro taapa. aald Oortor Hae alnger. ara alatoat Idaotlral except tar • fow Inalgnlflrant d alalia. Tha ma pa war* rat lato wood h| taro Herman artlata. and tha ton la la Oaraaaa Thar contain aorna known geograph loal farta of tha lima, combined wtth fanciful Idaaa about tha ontvaraa aap pi I ad by tha haat Imaftnatlona af tha Middle agea Paradlaa, wtth IHr (raat atrnaa flowing from It hoi da a prominent placa on thla flaieartta aap. Tha known lalanda of tha world ara ar ranged In a circle around tha main land of tha world. Tha third map. whlrh geographer* aar waa mada at about tha aama tlma. baa Latin tost. Doctor Haaotngar aald. Uim Glass "Stomach" in Digestion ELxperimeot New Turk.—Tlx- liuinan body I* • great democrary. a laboratory who* tb« nam* i-hemlral reartlona (o on In lb# of a grnlu* or nn laihertla. No! only ihU. bat the phyalra and cheinl«tr> of the dlceatlon are the ■amr In the body of ninn and III* low eat animal. Dr. far! P. Mherwln. pro feasor of phyalologlral rherolmry at Pordham university, told an audlaoca at tli* Mnnhattan Trad* arhool. TIm> proreaa of digestion can be r» produced In tl.a laboratory teat tub* Doctor Srhwerln dnlaiH. By rais ins saliva with boiled march or braad crumb* In a rl«»« container and k*«|> Ins lb* nilature at body teni|ieratura It la possible wltli the aid of cliem leal tests to show exactly wliat hap pens III tin- alimentary ranal. .the arl entlst explained. Knaj abould l«e ile flm-d, he said, a* substance* that liv ing matter ran otll'ie In growth and In the repair of tissue* broken down dui Ins the wear and tear of r\eryday Ufa. RaWkgfc, May M.—Htm Um Injwte Uom mini In • turn mmUh pw. Otter flMCtiOM of tlM MMtlM hM hMn m*d« tlM aubjoct ot *m4f by Um of tto Comity Govto MMt Adrtwy CmmMm. TW only (fact Umm l«jwctl«M CM to*a ia to p!!«»»«■« for * tow month* Um ijiirtliwn and «•!* of M far Iam for Um ywr 1VM, but Um a*niatatr*Una of ftaa*J af fllri hog!luting July 1 wUl not to alfoctod by Umm hOuartlMM, Miiri inff to tto lotUr on tkl> itkjwt ju«t ' »»nt out to Cktrlit M. Johnson, Bs hcntory. Mr. ku this matter carefully with Dr. E. C llrooks, CkilrMi of the Cfliilw, and with th* Attorney CtamL Tha opinion. th*r*fore, reprnmti tkt d* lih*ral* judfimnl of these officials on th« affects of Mm Injunction*. TH» attention of the county com miaaionera to atom called ta their re s possibility under the new legisla tion In tha matter of naklni a set (lament for all uncollected tax**, in cluding taxes derived from the i»b of land before the tax boolu are turned over to the sheriff la October. If the book* are turned over to the -hrrlff en the llrat of October before -«-t tiement for taxes of the previous year to made, the county commission er* are reminded that under the Act they are personally liable for the amount of taxes due by the sheriff The letter to as fellows: "In a few counties injunctions have 1 heen brought by taxpayers to pro hibit the advertisement and sale of land for taxes for this year. The question has arisen as to th* effect that the** injunctions may hav* on the County Government Act, be gin - ' nine with July 1, when we ko Into the next fiscal year. "After studying the Acts carefully and discussing th* matter with th* Attorney General and the Chairman of the County Government Advisory Commission, it saemi to be very clear that th* only effect these in junctions can have to to postpone for a few months the advertisment and sale of land for taxas for th* year I92H, but the administration of fiscal . affairs beginning July 1 will not be affected by these Injunctions "Your attention to called especially to Section S of 'An Act to Provide for the Collection of Taxes Within the Countiee of the State and For Set tlement of the Same.' You will ob serve after a careful reading of this section that the commissioners are prohibited from turning over th* tax books for the year 1927-2* to th* Sheriff until there has been a "com plete Mftlement for all taxes charged against him for the previous year" Renew Your Health by Purification Anjr physician will tall you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Parfect Health ' Why not rid yoursaif of chronic ailments that ara under mm in* your vitality? Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Ca lot aha, anew or twice a week for several weeks—and sea how Nature rewards yoc -*Kh health. I Calotaha are the graataat of all, system purifiers. Oat a family pa< age. containing full directions. Only SB eta. At any drug store. (Adv.) When You An Hungry 4 You Should CAT AT The City Lunch SANDWICHES RadT-to-Scrra Steak Sandwiches Ham Sandwiches Kg* Sandwiches Sausage Sandwiches Pork Chop Sandwiches Hot Dog Sandwiches Ham and Egg Sand wiches Home-made Pies. Cakes and Doughnuts Fruits Ice Cream Hot Coffee All kinds cold drinks Bottled chocolate milk —And plenty of service Now you can get a quick lunch or a square meal from a mod ern lunch counter. Remodeled and Newly Equipped Everything cl«an and Military. New heat retaining ovena keep our food* ready to nerve, and preaorven 'Ke flavor. Drop in for a aandwteh ind a cold drink. We want you to try our aervire and taate oar quality fooda. Wall be pleaned to have you :a!I, and youll be pleaned with what vou get here. Not only do we cater o your hunger requirement*, but car ry a full line of Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Chewing Gum, Peanuts, Butter-ICist Pop Corn, Etc. Eat With Us Today I—— Have WILL BE COMING HERE WANTING OUR LANDS. BUY NOW Attend the Auction Sale of R&ilroad eir Eyes on Mt Airy >W WHILE PRICE IS REASONABLE AND LAND AVAILABLE JUNE 11 I AT 2 P. M. THIS IS VALUABLE FOR MANUFACTURING SITES, IS LOCATED ON RAILROAD BETWEEN MIRROR PLANT AND THE HOLL1NGS LUMBER YARD PART OF IT ALREADY I ATTRACTIVE TERMS WORTH HAS SIDINGS. A POSITIVE AUCTION The LAND COMPANY • •• Mount Aiiy, N. C. ■ V i