AJBOUMA JUKI a, IM7. - ill's Mi«Bmo-nfefln frigm BaldSk—^Teacher Broughton PklktlMt Claas. John D. B•try. Raleigh — PMU«t Stems Bancs Mr*. N Bach nor, AsheviUe—Secretary H. C. Baraca Pkilathea Association ud National State Secretery. Dr. A. E. Carey, Kiinston—Pastor Gordon Street Chris tian Church, and Chnlrman of the Executive and Finance Committee* of The International Convention of Dlactplee of Christ Bo*. C. D. Crouch. Mt. Airy—Pastor Moravian Church Miss Bertha Catea, Burlington—Mambor Executive Mrs. W R. Coo. Winston Salow. Hon. W. F. Carter, Mt Airy—Attorney. Mrs. Wm. W. Dkkevaoa. High Point—Philathoa President. Dr. D. W. Daniel. Clemson College, S. C.—Director Academic Department Clemaon College. Rev. E. Gibson Davis. Mt Airy—Paator Pint Baptist Church. Miss Buth Dobbins, Mt Airy. Bev. J. O. Ervin. Mt Airy—Pastor Bockford Street M. E. Church. Mrs. H. M. Pinch, Bocky Mount Bev. E. W. Fox. Mt Airy—Presiding Elder Mt Airy District M. E. Church. J. H. Folger. Mt Airy—Attorney. Miss Nell Folger, Mt. Airy. Bev. J. C. Crier, Mt Airy—Psstor First Presbyterian Church. v Mr*. E. A. Huron*. Rich Square—Member Executive Board. Mian Henrietta Heron, Cincinnati, Ohio.—Editor "Girl hood Day*," Vice-President World-Wide Baraca Phila thea Union and ProfeMor of Psychology of Youth at Cincinnati Bibte Seminary. Rev. A. H. Marshall. Mt. Airy—Pastor Episcopal Church.' Miss Mellie Mayo, Washington—Convention Secretary Rev. B. H. Millikan, Mt. Airy—Pastor Friends Church. Rev. W. P. McCarter. Mt. Airy—Pastor Haymore Me morial Baptist Church. Rev. W. A. Newell, Mt. Airy—Pastor Central Meth > odist Church. R. L. Pope. Thomasville—Teacher Baracs Class and Treasurer State. Mrs. J. F. Parrott. Kinston—Teachcr Christian Phil athea Class. Mrs. Z. H. Rose. Williamston—Chairman Philathem Executive Committee. Miss Florine Robertson. Burlington. Miss Rothrock, Mt. Airy. Mrs. R. W. Sparger, Mt. Airy. George K. Snow. Mt. Airy—Attorney. R. P. Snell. Raleigh—N. C. Baraca President. Mrs. C. E. SicelofT. High Point—Teacher First Baptist Philathea Class. Hon. R. M. Simms, Raleigh—Teacher Si mm* Baraca Class and Vice-President World-Wide Baraca Philathea Union. Mrs. S. D. Swaim. Lexinpton. Central M E. Church. Sowth. Mouat Airy. Convention Will Meat Here Friday and Satur day With Banquet Friday Evening Prepared and \ Served by the Woman's Club. ■r., - . .tiffin I" ' LOCAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN and omens C. «. Andrew—General Edw M. LtoviUe—Caaeai ^ W L Monday J. G. Hirruna—i E. C. Bivetu l The Woman'« R. V. DtjrfrW—AMfMMat af Publicity—Mia» Cars Earp aad Gaa. Lay Decorating—Mrs. J. T. Toktey. Information—R. V. Deyerte. Transportation—W. B Partridp Automobile Committee—Eiwanis CM and Merchant* Association TK« Hollow Now. The Hollow, Va.. May M Ridre Academy Hijrh School to a cloae May Mth. A fond num ber finished there aad will go away next year to college, among these are Hiu Gertrude Bowman. Mim Era Chuff, MIm Margaret Epperson, Mr. Robert Galagar. Mr George Galagar, Miss Stella Phippa, Miss Ida PMppa, and Miss Dorothy Wataon Mr*. Mintie Bowman passed away Friday. May 27. at her homo in this section Mr. W M. Mosa. age B3 yean, passed away Wednesday. May 26th, at his home near The Hollow. Va., post office. Miss Isabel! t»ancan and Miss Har riet Weatherman will be home May 28th, from Wood lawn, Va., whan they have been in school. Miss Dun can will attend summer «chool in Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Buster Weatherman ati -tided the senior play Saturday night. la) 21st at Woodlawn. Va. Mr. Oma Eing is vary ill at thli writing. oiim r.unicf upKonn. ol craw* Va.. i* visiting in thin Motion. Mr. and Mr*. W. K Krkenrod, o) Mount Air)', "pent Sunday afturnout with Mra. Eckenrod'* mother Mrs N. F. Bowman. Mia* Helen and Elisabeth Boyiei «petit Sunday with Miaa Clma Ay an of this section Miaa Gertrude Bowman apent Son day afternoon with Miaa Iaa Bow man. Mra. Roaie Scott, of Laaral Fork Va„ ia riaitinff liar aiater Mra. P. M Qataa. Miaa En Cra# and Miaa Gran | Hiatt .pent the week and with Mra Poster Epperson. Re*. Newton Smith delivered Um rlaae carmen at Btae Ridfe Aea4amy May 22nd. Hunters Chapel ia stiU a* Um a larjja Sunday l4Nti every Sunday. * The WUHa Gap Baptist Chart* wfl ana he finished. Crape are rery geed bat haaa beedea am ilaetrnyiat many heaaa. Bar Mr. ManMM MM Mi We are r4f aarry la mj mm ' wfl) aet ha with it wal yaw. When Opening Smion of Bar»c»-PhiUth«» Commtiom WUI B« H.W THurwUr Evmia* ■Y— i^A«4 (jUfUH mJ £LmH1 LmMT wru uwyn wiu qkiii iuhcj FOR QUICK SERVICE PHONE 339 As wc have no Aop or expensive outfit to katp up, work at price* you can afford. shoe buy in* Mtion, and rig ht in the midat of it you are of fered an opportunity to save aome real money, for we are trimming the prices sharply on all our men's and ladies' slippers. * We need room (and cash), and purchasers of t^ese slippers will share in a nice saving. The styles are the very latest, and materials the beat. Yes, we have a good range of sixes, so bring your feet here and let us flt them—and uv« you money, too. LADIES Be sure to see our new line of Stamped Goods See our new Bucilla line of articles stamped ready for embroidering. The Nne includes kiddies rompers, gowns ' white and colored, pillow cases, table cloths and napkins to match, luncheon sets, dresser covers, card table covers, etc. NEW SHIPMENT Dresses and Hats JUST ARRIVED We have just nwlwd by expraaa a new iMpmrnl of unusually pretty hate. A lucky p able ua to price than you would imagine after them for they are fall I irttk of quality, alone with style. Investigate before you iaraat la a hat or drees. B. C STORE New Powder Actually Improves akin An Ik* mmiln •' »!»• rkarKltrlMlc. A nM MM aw sr saur^a rtMn^Powlw^hf ^ a>4 ^'atce/H Crfeme Pondre