•UM wm t*Maf WIIHa Dmhv mm t« NMk up to a man's chin, ami if Ml far hay will *l»a a rood jrtakL M 1 tow in the county te kiwi Wim tlM traaa of tkt Mporgwr (Muni Company. Thy hwt wwi •bout 7 acrac laat yaar In batwuan tlM imn. It hM grown to a good iMiffht and fuod proali# to Mid up tk> wdl aad cutting tha mt of cultivation at lb* mm Una. Coo lido ring th® bad mnmor huit jrttr tills ha ok mwfm I Inn I *lamt ,, f aioaal olituar m«i aM'Tiicni nMwiu uj wWwW vio»*r» H la tha plan «f Mr. Hpargar to lit Nation To V. C. Cham leal Co: Ym will Uka notion that at a tax Mi* held hy C. H. Haynos, Sheriff of Bnrry County, on Monday, April 4th, 1M7 at tho eoort house door in Dob •on. Surry County, N. C., 1 purchased thro* late In Elkin township, and town of Elkin, at tha said iala, urn being ao Id to satisfy Uxw against ■aid lands or Iota (or tha year 19t6. ■—ntlng to 110.88, together with cost of tilt. You will furthar taka natia* that Nku una is radaamad within IS month* from data of >ala I will apply to tha Sheriff for deed to the said Ma This April 28th, 1927. J. S. MABERY, Purchaser Natiee of Trustee's Sale of Laad. By virtue of authority vested in the ■ndentigned trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by Daniel Phillips and wife Sail)* Phillips to the u^let akgned trustee for the Workman's ■Eliding ft l^oan Association op the 19th day of Nov. 1926, and recorded in the oAce of the Register of Deeds in book 94. page 238, to secure an indebtedness of 600.00. Default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured and at the request of the holder I will sell far cash to the highest bidJor, at Ciblic auction, in front of the Bank of oant Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on Satordny. Jane 4th. 1927. at 1 e'clark P. M.. the folk>wing described real estate Beginniry- >n the oant side of nmd near l>rit to the beginning. See deed front H. B. Ashbarn and wife ta Sandy Wright, July 21, 192S, and deed from Sandy Wright to Robert Ashburn, January 21, 1925. Also 10 share* stock of Workmen's B. A L. Association in the S2nd. series. Sale made to satisfy an indebted ne*s of $600 00 principal, interest und cost of , Just the thing for Young Chicks Makes them grow faster; you get earlier birds for market; and those you keep for your own flock will be heavy layers if they are raised the PulO-Prp way. It W. KEY Airy, N.CR.1 r teaaw H. E. Baamar, Hunk. Km cut hi* | bar Ivy mhwd with othar grain*. II* la wall plaaaad wHH Mm growth thi* year. Altkoufk tha hay ha* nat baan w«(M wa a«t 1 mat* that at laaat 1 1-2 ton* of Am hay haa baan aa-' Ha la *a»lng hi* awn aaail It wuald ba a good idaa for avary jrowar of harlay to *ava hi* own aaad alao *»ma for *ata to hi* neighbor* for wa at* likaly to! hava a food itowanrt for aaad thia fall. Mr. Baamar ai*o haa an acta •own to alfalfa whieb he haa cut far, hay. Ha reports that hi* atorh la vary fond of tba alfalfa hay aa wall aa tba harlay. Mr. W H. Keid, Pil.>t Mountain. t ha* about 89 bushels of Mammoth Brawn soy bean* for sala at U-*6 per bushel If you are liiUtwUd In thia MT bean see him Cow paa aaad ara rhaap and pWnti ful m> there la no good reason why wa should not bow a very large acra agv thia y«-ar. Cow paa* will build your toil and any plant that build* tha m»I will help to cut down uw fartiliaar Mils. Tha cheapest way to f*t nitrogen is to graw Irirum* crop* and tha moat expensive way ia to buy fertilisers containing ammonia Whk'h method ara you usinf ■" Quoting from tha Summary of tha f'ooparativ* Crop Reporting Sarvica, Raleigh. should ba of intaraat to us; "An inert-aw in tobacco planting ovar laat yaar ia indicated, averaging from 5 to it) p* rant. Practically no one a lata* an intention of reducing the tobacco acreage. Plants are plenti ful. Though tha dry weather is necesaitatiag the watering ia the liald whea netting, little delay in planting is reported from tobacco fanners. Tha plants are frequently large and have suffered in the bods from lack of ram." Farmer* should he carefnl in trying to glow too much tobacco. Prices are likely to be too low. There seems to be approaching a horse and mule shortage in the next few yaar* *a if your work stock I setting old set rid of them and get young *t%ff if possible in order to protect yourself. Kstimate* of all horse* and mules dn the farm at the Arst af the year show* a total af 21. 013,000 head, a decline in work stock population of 17 per rent since 1920. It is practically certain that the next Ave years will show a reduction from the present numbers of SO to 40 par: cent unless breeding is resumed. Un- j less breeding is resumed we will face' a serious shortage of work stuck and then you ran watch the price* climb, when you want to buy. Mechanical power has not advanced far enough to cause complete abandonment of horse power on the farm and tha prospect looks like we will have to use horses on our farms for a long time. The rain of the past few days should encourage a heavy seeding of the Laredo soy beans While seedlngs have been much heavier this year, than last yet are should increase our present seeding about S times or until every farm in Surry County la growing this valuable hay and soil building legume. The poultry prices have taken a big slump and the local markets ara rather draggy. Farmers should grow their young chickens up to two pounds before selling. Broilers under 1 1-4 pounds are not wanted. Keep in mind that magnesium ar senate 1s one of the easiest poisons to apply to kill the Mexican Bean Beetle. Use one ounce to three gallons of water or two pounds to 100 gallons of water. Begin to spray at | once. Renew Your Healtb by Purification Dr. Owrli, who mad» the poat Aad that to Ms opinio* Mr*. I«w atu'i Mi w'liMd by kM poisoning, hrata ahaaass and rnnbnl awnlagitla. nwlthn trmm a Mew mi IIm Imd, Ha iiaMl that a scalp wound an inch and a half lane was found on tfca bach af tha baad. Tba Rahssna County physician was oa Mm sshaustivs enn examination by da h-nss attorney*. Lrry trstiftod that Ewotto bad t»ld him that bo had a draam mm night to which ha bad a Debt aad rirfrndod himaolf with a kalfa aad »hon ho awoko bo was standing by his wife who was lyln* oa tba floor. Minnir L#»y told of saatog the wound on Mn. Kvsrotto's hoad, and of haaring bar <-«mplato of It baforr bar taal iltoass (as wall said that ha was out to thr wood* with Irtr otto tba day tba Injury la nuppoaad to hava takon plaoa and aaaartod that both wars drinking J Fin*d NiM Hundred Mltn Aad Coata Monro*, May 90 —Judga Ummood ha Id • heavy hand today whan J. L '"T of Concord wan eonvtetod of IMMfuing and t ran* portla* liquor for *ala. Clin* in tha man who, on tha 11th day of May, waa nattad by KharifT Fowlar In Hufnrd township with a Buirk car Iliad with liquor. Tha t'Ma ram hafor* tha Karordar today and tha judff* ramarkad kind and casual lika "Lat tha defendant ba mad* to «arv* t waive month* on tha roada to HAT K EEPS • YOU need not be em thinking of buying. Well be glad to bring you up trvdate anyhow on this electric everybody's Kelvinator. Cabinet Kelvinator* complete, at low as $210.00 installed Convenient ; "■ • fc Southern Public Utilities Company „ •»t Kelvi n at or Oldest Dotnestic Electric Refrigeration Time-Limited Offer C»mf mU of tic KITCHEf On A MotfwigC, IBSS? Range Until June 11 we are making this special offer on the Hotpoint Automatic Electric Range. We want every woman in this city to have the wonderful advantages of this range that says, "Moth er," Come Out of the Kitchen." Here are the details of our special offer: Only $10 Down 18 MONTHS TO PAY $10.00 Allowance for your old stove Think of it You pay only 910.00 and we deliver the Hotpoint Range to your home and inetall it in your kitchen. And then you uae it and pay a unall amount with your electric bill each month for IS months. The monthly payment will be ao unall you'll never miaa it And you get the use of the range all that time. Come in today and inspect this wonderful rang*. EUctric Cookery » Cin.mi.al Just the turn of a » witch U all that U *n4 edto start coohia* am the Hotpoiat Aatn—tte No huating far laatchM or ran J I— roal. And with electricity than la aa dancer If tnread oa accidentally by the children Yon will appreciate the uiinalian e# the Hotpoint Electric tang*. Coefclag that bmjt Yen will tpend leaa Une la the kitchen aad yonr meal* will ha tetter. Southern Public Utilities Company "Electricity—The Servant in the Home" PHONE ••