I Mala. Il virtu* of ww and authority ciHitrrtd upon tin uikhriifntd foni aUaaioaer by a judfrauiU of the Hu partor Court of awry Caaaty to a pimmHtif «ntili«d Alin jfcrfa *». Howard- Daria. at ila I wlD aall at public oaten to thy ht*h -aft Mtlw aa the prawlm oa 'W-avnr the following luwiM real eetata. to wit: A fat ia the town ef Mount Airy of Main .treat corner ef the Globe Warehouae lot or the original rune with aaid liaa 41H weat North 46, a line aar ThUMW-^^VoUiF.R. Com 1,001) MF MI M Keep tne famfly will and happy, free from constipation , A SAFE. DEPENDABLE LAXf'VE W. S. WOLFE DMJG CO. UO»~l~U. n» lav. 4. W. Frank, to Um Airy Nm, I* Nbarty to print It. Baw. Mr. I* Jipm aa a ■"try, aad at tlM prmal Um* aMI for roar. Im Im* baaa paid Ida *alary by Um Caa CWA a* thla attf. ago. whoa Mr. Faaak to tka paying Ma *alary an Um fnratgn iaM It iMMWi to w that Im baa* to through Um loaal papar by a lottor nraaalnaally far Mr Frank took Mndly to tka I and now far xvtn yaart ha haa Tka Mount A try Mow* aa a far kla lattar* bark Homo. How wall all thi* haa woiM ha tafta la hi* par»aaal lottor whtoh fal low*: t'orajlma, Ehlmo Kan. J Mr. 4. e. Johnann, Editor. Mount Airy. N. C.. U. ». A. Daar Mr I » carpaator; Mrs. MarraU, Ml, two mmm, Ralph. U. aad Baddy. S. i lhair dautrhtor. Mlldrad, k A Ira ■ad tto'dlwfl^rmlhLd. hat It •UN «Mngta( to ttfa tonight. Laka" Im moaat to kill Kd Rylaa aad Ma «M» ily. ha adaUMad Kylaa ttvad to tho Matron honM «n 111 throo waalu Tho (aaiily vara tha Bowoll*. Tha pottea ihot* la algntfteanaa to toaUlarfey af| tha naaiaa. Baa Daa Rowall. Ma | mothor, M yaar* aid, hla nlaaa, It, and ('harlaa Alaxaadar, a ran—r at tha hoaaa. war* slain whUa tkay ilapt. Thr two nt«M werr «i writer in i nany rnp»ct». Both, polk* ujr, were' ommitted by a life-handed murderer. | Ltrlnr ww arrested lata Friday afternoon arith Leonard Thompson,' >ut Thompson wan abaolvad of alt • >iaina in Levine'a confession. • At the time of thair arraat both tad haon drinking denatured alcohol,! ind later Levin* admitted ha alao, ra» under the influence of a drug. A new japer reporter claims credit, or the eonfesaioa after Levine had j ield up under almoat constant qaaa ioninc a night and a day. Lata jraa rrday afternoon the raportar learn d that two man had baaa ta Mr*, .iaxell Bants. a fortune taller, ahoot won Friday to inquire "who waa the nurderer and if wall gat la any rouble about the murder*." The woman waa taken to the police itation laat mrht aad from a row of iriaonera picked Levine and Thomp ion. Gasoline should not belop-sided,gpod in Some ways,poor in others .It must test high on all § f i 7i i , JCS3—a counts «n^«ai "STANDARD" GASOLINE yaa N» fMM and Ml yaa kaW MMk Mrs. Fraak and I Ikm mJ*N mi ■»«« rw M*ar. Mb frato *» 4m •ira to to aaaapHaMatory, 1 «Wl to t!k»y aditad! You ^rtltoly"*famd iMMw hava nat kaaa warth tha priaa af I to upw and Km haavy poatoga yaa km M !• m I ahall to «Md to •itako fowl whan I yaa. Vtam tha aaakwad artirla you will •aa Mm *i >n to aail tram Japaa un furluugk to JaJy. la I wjiml thai irtmi tnUwaJbaa a/tor Am laaaa af Juw 11 If anaaaatot*. yaw mi«ht mall Mm laaaa af J ana tS to Mtaatoa Haaaa, H Kakayamata Dort, l-Aotaa, Holw* Jtpiii. AftiDi yon migM m&ll tha J ana NU taaaa to aa addraaaad (to Hoard Cmpraaa af AaM. Yoko hama. I ahall wait to aaa ail tha .atoajMaat taauaa Mil our arrival M Mount Airy about tha Mat af Aa«waC Ho If I may hava aaaaaa to jravr AM aftor rajr arrival, vary gaod; ar. If yaa do not atod. yaa might put tote tha paatnBMa addraaaad *a at MaMt Airy. Mr. Bpargar ar my M mm «apa far tha mall till w* aall far M or aand far It, aa wa ara aakfef that our athar papora to dlrartod thara Wr hava aat daflnitoly datidad whara wa •halt laaato fbr our yaar af traaa Hon. Na ptoaa would km aa much lika Soma aa Mount Airy, whara wa had aurh a plaaaaat tima during our prartoaa fa Hooch; tort wa auy da ••tda to locata arhorr wa ran attoad ■Mai • Cora Carp'* Kwtn piiUim, with a most laterMtinf not* on Km back of It. Vt w m yUd to ba thua ra memherod by bar. Wa aiftit ta write to bar aeparately; hat we will juat a»k you ta aajr ta bar that wa thaak bar far bar thoughtMaaaa, and would remnid bar that aba ha* not bam forgotten by any maua. OAh tha «trht of Tha Nrwa ttaMi ma a( bar and bar deek in tha oAm, aa wall aa tha other faaaa and aurrwundiaff* about tha placa. But I praaama I wilt ha<% to reviae my mental picture whan I behold tha change* which hav* taken placa ainca I laat iookad in on yog all. I itill recall tha pleaaant evening ■pant in your home whan you had aae lo dinner, and whan I had tha plaaaura r>f meeting your daughter m> accom plUhad in vocal muair I pmuaa •he la making a great reputation in roice cuharr. My regard* to tha good wifa and tha children, aapacially to tha Mm aaaociatod with you in buel naaa who ao obligingly naaawtad to your propoaition to »e»vi ma your pa par hare in Japan. With an affectionate farewell till wr meat, I am, aa tear. Your* moat affectionately and rordially. It i» gratifying to learn that young Undberg ahowa aa little diapoaitiea aa hie mother to turn a great aeiea tiftc font into a mar* showman'* ad wrtlaement. In thla he alao eatah liahaa a new and refreeking ideal.— Krtdaville Review. SYDNOR 4k SPARGCR MOUNT AMY. M. C LW. BAUER LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER P O Rex 444 Mt. Airy.If. C. Heal Estate Developnwats, .street Paving, .Stun), bridges and Dam* Notice Tmtw'i Sal* of Lai2 By virtu* of authority vested in th* undersigned trustee in a certain of trust executed Um l»th day of 8ept-, 1*24. by Minale Cos and 7. A. Cox for Sophia Samet to secure an indehtedneea of *1.000.00, and record ed In the oOc* of the R*gi*t*r of Deeds of Surry Coa«tjr, N. C„ In book M. page tU, default having been Mad* in the indsbtodiMss there in serur.-d and at th* request of the bolder, 1 will aall for sash. to the highest bidder, at pabUc auction, in front at the hmnk of Mount Airy. Mount Airy. N. C„ ea Saturday, Jane I1U. 1M7. at t o'clock P. M, th* following deecHbad real *t a stak* on Spa ugh street in Um town of Mount Airy, N. C., on th. corner of lot No. 10 o} th* ■ ti tw w. r. m. Watches Jewelry ARiys D. LEONARD. Your Photograph After you hm fiven her every thine you cm think of, nhn ntUI in not satisfied unless you five her n photograph of younoif. It in the gift *hn will prixe above nU others. PHONE 417 NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT Mnke it n rule to hnvn family photographs tnken nt least once n year. Remember—yon may die. bat your picture liven for ever! In cnae of death, which member of your family ha# failed to leave g picture? Procrastination ia the fhief of time, no arrange today for that picture! ECKENROD'S STUDIO Over Leonard's Mount Aiiy. N. C. IN THE FIN! CAB MILD TMI TREND IS UNDOUBTIDLY TOWARD BloHTS Month Hupmwbile Eight is hold oa public fcw, rious j eight principle. driving the latest writt Hup mobile from ia improved engine deriguffroai the utter aaooduMM and balance of moving parts; from the ■with wkicb it doMall ywi mtk. And today's Hupowbila Hght m » la action—i Uyom plan m ■hot* |HOP, jroa aapcciaUjr owe if to to inspect and ride ia tfafe —the om car that fa «f I DhtmgmbbtJ JWj Tyfm frindfnm f'941 •» #J7W/ * /fan www to i *, * « lllflMtOlimi nu HUPMOBI LE EI G Sydnor Motor t, . , . .,r .... 3S|5 gyj