X. s. frS*.—:r: ClrcnUtioa iwb OfN to All SAVING SUMY COUNTY W* to tel MM IMMU* My la that • I «iM* of farMhH la mH Md llw b»tl«r fwalaf wtl MM* ■ ■teto of miMIm la ww| way. AD a( which la tnw. bat Um part th* Hick School* ar* to play la all thla la m Important that II la! All thla la 1 fart that Whit* Plalna Rlfh haa joat baM plae*d oa Um i IAm* Mam o.1M , . Mniiartitarl llll. ."IUW DHITy Ml W*»H W ' I VUIIWI Hifh School and two that will h* atartml thla yaar, aad la time will no J^L. L_ J. 1 I 1.4- tk. - nriBMfiltMll OOU"i Of QfVf ICipWI IFIvO 1119 w t mj|!P4l It may be that every om la not familiar with the term* uwd in talk ing about achoola. What la maant by the accredited Hat la that whan a achool meet* certain condltiona laid down by the higher authorttlaa than graduate* from the achool can enter any collate in the atate without atand inc entrance examination*. The development of High School* la tntereating. It la only within re cent year* that the High School haa been with ua. Not ao ton* a|» achoola that prepared for college ware here and there about the country and ware known aa arademie*. Oak Kidge ww for many year* thl* kind of a achool. Boanville in Yadkin County and Mo ravian Fall* In Wilkee County, ware well known aeademia*. With the de velopment of the achool ayitem In the ■tate the Iliirh School became a part of the *tate ayatem and now tbeae achoola are to he found in many pro rre»*ivr c-oramunltiea of the rural aac tion* a* well aa in all town* of any alia. For 20 or more year* Mount Airy haa had a High School from which ■tudenta went to collage. Viva year* ago. if we recall the facta correctly, Mount Airy wan the only High School in the county on the accredited I let, but in recent year* the following place* have developed their nchoola until they too are now in the accredit ed Hat:— Elkln, Dobnon, Pilot Moun tain, Mountain Park, Copelaad. White Plain*. Flat Rock and Stcwarta Creak will uach haw a High School naxt year, making a total of eight in tha county. The interesting thing about all this la that It is wall known that a com munity where there la a good school will attract desirable citlaena and make good citlaen* out of ordinary people sometimes. It is noticeable in >>ld nettled section* that where there has been a good school for muny years the farms are wall developed, tha houses are larger, the bams and: out-buildings more commodious. In past years It was a heavy coat t<> thcje families that tried to edu cate their children beyond the prim ary grades, for to do this meant that the expense of boarding away from home must be met, tuition, and many ' other items of expense connected with a boarding school. With the coming to the county of so many High Schools a great host of our people are now able to prepare their children for college, or for life, and have them at home during the years of their educational training. The ex peuw will be only a minimum 6f the cost of former years Naturally a greater number of the young people will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to attend these aehools and will, moat of them, reap rich rewarda that will be only in proportion to their efforts to do their duty. It all meana a brighter day for this section of the country. > It should not be overlooked that Just what la taking place here in ear own county la the rule in almost •eery nook aad corner of the whole state and also la other states. It la the spirit at the age to educate Mr. Billy Mart Childreaa Mr. Billy Mart Childreaa paaaed •way at Ma horns In thla city at 1:00 A. M Sunday after aa I liases of several montha. The faaeral waa >—Nrtil frwa Ma hem* at 4 P. M. Sunday by Rev C. D Crew* mi tha 1 1 - M I— tt — ^- M remain* initrrva in uh WMWiy «i • years «M aad la well kam to ail this section of the stole aad Virginia hut of Um plan of tha acbool au thorities to carry Um iIiiWii Im tog to have totln citiaeaa make *P i»rh»» favoring Um bond*. TImm »pMfk«« ha*a been nuuk be fore tto school, lodges, eWw, ete. So far u any dm can mo bat bttlo has come of tho effort to braak dm Um opposition. Thoae who are op pool n{ the issue are (jeietly going about get Ung every om regia tared who wftl ■toy away from the polk once they have registered. Tbey «eem to be nurceeding. In this election as in every election where money is involved some are opposing on the basis of high taxes. They contend that there must be t limit to the amount of taxes that the people can pay and that we have evidently reached or are nearing the limit. One charge that the voters reaent Is that they are "against" good achools. Those favoring the bond* and Increased toxea place emphasis on the fact that thoee who oppose are "against" achools and acbonl improve ment. The Mount Airy Neers has been publtahed under the present management for about a quarter of a century, and in all this time we have never known the citiaens of tbia town to be "against" any progressive measure. We have known many a spirited light here when to atand for the progressive measure waa to make real sacrifice, but we have never known our people to ahow a non-pro gressive apirit. They are not doiiy this now. To charge them with such 11 unfair. The real iasue is the man age men t of the achools. There is not the slightest doubt about the fact that the election would be favorable to every measure the Hoard asks for only for the opposi tion to the preaent Superintendent. It ia but fair to the School Board to aay that they think the present Superintendent ha* made the beet school here that We have ever had. They aoe in him a competent man who Hoe* his duty without fear or favor and cares nothing for popularity if it runa counter to hia duty to the public. White Plain. High Shool Now Accredited The Whit* Plain* High School has attained w> that degree of efficiency that it has recently been placed on the State Accredited List of High School*. Thl* mean* that the achool now will he able to graduate pupils who can enter any collere in the itate without examination. Under the man airement of Prof. 1. 0. Hau»cr thia itchool ha* taken rank a* one of the moat efficient institution* in the coun l-y. In a rural community where no1 Ijrvat number of people live, th«| •clioo! luu gradually built up ur.tll it now ha* on its roll aa many aa 78, pupiia in the High School and can hoaat of as flne school spirit and loyalty a* can be found anywhere. The community la proud of the achool; and justly so. It I* a force for up lift in all line* of human endeavor. It has created pride and made the sec tion of country around a most desir able place to own a home. Now that the school Is on the accredited list of High School ■< It will have even smoother sailing in the future and bf worth more. If possible, to the eon-1 i unity. Mre. Simpson To Do Hoaltk Work la Georgia Mrs. W. H Simpson boa resigned her position aa public health nurse for Surry County and left Monday morning accompaaied by Mr. Slay ' Tlaitf t SKY-A — i' — , ou Mrathara mew six cylinder four deer win, the iutroiacHen of which mmrkt m» •/ Ift# • .1 ■ a • . « a a ana . . > . - >>>■<1 to the company's hiitory, is shown above. The ear is distinctive tn to long, law, graceful Mwi. // la by Dodge Brothers ma tha last word im comfort mmd performance for cmrs im or mamr it* price dmas. Mtamtj of daeigu, mmwpHamml performance, stylo mmd comfort of interior appointments, mmd mm mmd acamamsy of aperatian ore imojor athltules. Im the ovml ia shewn the new aim cylinder motor, amid by persona who hmve atndied ka performance to be am ceiled im smoatknets of operation by ma cmr, regardless of Price. One of the moat impressive features af tkia motor la the extremely heavy crmrnbahmft and nnnanmily large bearing area. The crmmhshaft la tmmcbtmad mil aver mmd wrigha # pounds. Its rigidity combined with the rxtrm Imrge bearing mrem, results im the extreme smoothness with which the mator performs * rvrry speed. Ta the right of the mator it pictured the roomy front seat. Ample leg room far the driver ia provided mmd the gam ahift lever, parking brake lever mmd dash centrals are within easy reach. $1775 Delivered THf: 1 UBLIC HAS WAITED PATIENTLY FOR THIS NEW CAR —THE NEW DODGE BROTHERS SIX. ABOVE IS PiCTURED THE SEDAN, DESTINED TO LEAD IN THE SIX CYLINDER CLOSED CAR FIELD. YOU'LL LIKE THIS CAR. DODGE BROTHERS CARS HAVE BEEN FAVORED THE WORLD OVER FOR ENDURANCE AND ECONOMICAL OPERATION AND UPKEEP COST. IN THE NEW MODEL, WE HAVE NO HESITANCY IN SAYING— You Will Instantly Approve It! il posst «■ all the refinements of cars costing much more in price, yet nothing has been sacrificed to make it the ideal motor car. You will find many improvements in the New Dodge Six—too many to try to tell you about in this ad. Accept our invita tion to call and view it for yourself, and then let us tell you and show you the new features and improvements. Yes, we are s ill in position to offer vou attractive terms if desired, so that anyone may own one of these new Dodge Brothers cars—the "Six" See all the rest, then come see the best—the New Dodge Six! A Remarkable New Six By Dodge Brothers Rierson-Joyce, Inc. Dodio Brother* Can—Grokaai Brathtf* Track. Dodf* Brothers Cars—Grahuitrotkeri Tracks Airy. N. C "A Hmm FoB of