The Ml. Aky News C. CktH Hill thU Mrs. W. E. Jackao to Rock villa, Md and Roanoke. Va. vtaitin* friaada and relative. Uttla MUa Katharine Gilbert left to apant two week* in Or Mr. and Mr*. W. M Rilajr apant tha waak and In Graamburo. Mr. and Mr*. M. K. Pendleton laav* Friday for a two waak* atajr in Nina York. Miaa Marian Prather wtU at land eummer nchool at U. N C. Chapel Hill. i. W. LevUl U spending thia week In Harteville, 8. C., on business Miaa l.ory Booe, of Walkertown, la amending thin mk with her aunt Mr*, J. L Aahby. John Lmllrn, of Doboon. Km ac cepted a position with W K Merritt Hardware Co. Mr*, (ieorge Divers and M iu Hora lay of Stuart, Va.. spent Thursday her* sVupping and visiting fnends and relativea. J, B. Sparfrr and G. C. Lovill arr thin week attending the Kiwania In tarnational Convention in Memphis, Tenn , going thai* a* representative from the Mount Airy Club. There will ba an ice cream suppa| at Salem Church Saturday nifht of thia week. Proceeds go to churvh purposes. Public lavitad. Mrs C. P. Clark left Wedneaday for Rural Retreat, Va^ to spend the remainder of the waek visiting rela tives J. B. Colllna, who has been em ployed by the Texas Oil Company waa tranafered to Lexington laat week for a higher position Mr. James Morgan, of MarahviUe, and Miss Doxiar Langston. of Graana horo, spent the week end with Dr. j and Mra. C. A. Baird. Mr. and Mra. Martin Bennett. Miaa Nell Kolger and Miaa Isabel Smith leave thia weak for a stay at Roan Mountain. Miss Hattie Ferrell, of Bailey, is viaiting friends hare this week. Miss Parrell was formerly a clerk at Hawks-Boyles store. Gilmer Klippin and Misses Vara Smith and Juanita Dunmun attended commencement at Stuart. Va., laat week. Mr. and Mr> Robah Kerner and Mttle daughter of Kerm-rsvilie will arrive the laat of the week to visit Mr. and Mr*. W 8. Gentry. A son was born to Mr. and Mr*. W R. Kiger at Lawrence Hospital, Win ston-Salem, Monday by the Caesarean method. Mother and son are ing nicely. Dr. M. Karl Herman, of Kntieid, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mr*. B. E. Herman. He was accompanied here by R. D. White, of Burlington. Miss Kate Du Bos*, of Greensboro, and Miss Walker, of Graham, who have been teaching Daily Vacation Bible School at Flat Rock, were guests of Miss Florence Eldndge, Monday. | Mr. Heath Jenkins arrives here this weak to riait his mother Mr*. 1. D. Jenkins, after a stay of nearly a year in Paris where he played with a Yale College orchestra for the Four Hun dred Hub. He landed in New York Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Smith attended commencement at the Hal Un-Armes school in Washington, D a, last week where their sister Mias Helen Smith was a member of the graduating elan. Mies Smith ee The local ambulance made a' trip to Winston-Salem Sunday Tor Miaa Bertha Caster who had been ill tkw about ton days, they carried her to her home at Cm*. Va., where she la l^artad to ho leeureriag. Walter Robertson, a stadsat of (Mlford roliege, .pent the week end wtth hia parents Mr. and Mrs D A. Swnrthmore, Flu. and will .pe^d (Z Mr* Hrara Yoktey. Mrs. Smith and children returned from a two «mIu vUlt til RaMfti Mre. Etta Wohfc h in# bar •laughter, Mr*. T E. Smith Mr*. U M Una la*v.. Monday to viah relatlvaa Id Bon. Urn Mia* Moaolle Owtrn, who bu haati la Lawtattvrf, arrived Tua» parent* Prof I. 0. Haoaar Wft Um first of tk> week for Cfcapal Hill, where bo will attend igmiarr school at tha University of North Carolina Mrs. Joe Davis and children, Miee Valna and Max leave Sunday for Charleston. W Va.. whore they will ■pead the aura mar Mrs. H. R >!•«• ha* sum to Val doats, Us., »ha *u called there on m count of the Mrrtoui illness of bar hrntlwr-iii-li*. Mr. and Mm. Chute* Ncinon will l«av« thr first of July to re»kle nt Mountain Park. whrrr Mr. Nelson has accepted a contract for "•vcrat month* work. Help For Flood Victim*. Mto. W. K Merritt of this rity is in receipt of a letter of thanks from the Rnt Cruaa committer of Forrest I'ity. Mo., for thr clothing ami othar supplies that w*rr gathered tofttlm ami forwarded to that place by Mr*. Merritt. Eighteen nw> of «uppllai wara aant from thin city to iha -trie ken Hood victim* and thara nt ill remains much that can ha dona sr ward rehabilitation work among thr people of thr Mississippi valley. Mr*. Pratbcr Hoatass For Visitor* Invitations hava been issued by Mrs. Will Prather for a rook party Thursday morning in compliment to Mr. PratherS sister Mrs. Jonas Urowne. of Asheville. and Miss Sua Floyd. of Spartanburg, 8. C„ house guest of Mrs. J. II. Prather , Five tables will arromn odate the players. Social Honors for Mrs. W. M. McCullojr. Mrs. Claude Absher »»• hostess at two parties last Thumday in coiupli menl to her guest Mrs. W. M. Mc Culley, of Salisbury, in the afternoon rook was played at three tables .md in the evening bridge *«■ played. *i.r husbands bring entertninad with the wives. A rolor note of pink shaded to deep red in the floral dacor«U> in. Several prixes ware given, Mm. John Koy receiving a set of rook cants for high score in the afternoon and the honoree receiving a pretty powder jar, in the evening Mr. Howard Foy held high bridge seor* and r»ceived four bridge pads. Mr. W. M. MrCul ley received a deck of card* and Mrs. Mct'ulley a pretty Madeira guest towel. Refreshments were «rrve«l In Two courses consisting of mum si ad, pickles, wafer*, torn atari ch"»«c Mtndwiches, tea. and strawberry k-e cream with mnrrl food cake. M.«s dames Herman Robinson, John F >y, * iiiMincham and Lackey aaaixtcj the i»U M Ul nervina. Mrs. Herman Robinson w«. hostess Saturday afternoon in compliment to Mrs W. II. McCulley and rook wu played at four tallies. Top score was won by Mrs. J. G. Harrison and she was presented with a lovely wall mir ror; to the honoree, Mrs. MeCullry, was presented a crystal push plat". A color scheme of pink and icreer carried out in a rather novel raani>*i. a concealed salad in rreen was top ped with pink cottace cheese, with this valad were served olives, samtwVbei and green tea, green mints and pink rosebuds completed the attractive nerving. A. Nml, of this «Hjr, wV to awn of Um SorlaJ l I of Um CnmU of Um M l TW « ctr«to. wMok It How Old Arc Y««r Yoo *r» invited la (MM I* ford Btroot Mrthodiat Church ant ! Friday night and »»>»»' pt—tn»ty ■lid podtlvfly. Now tot mo om tow ' Any (•*», for K will not b* anaounr cd to Om compan; pabttohod in the paporm. wmMMr trt* date h to 1U p. M., V riday. Jon* 16. 1927 You cannot I afford to "wtoait." There to to be music— instrumental and vocal; soloa, iHmU, quartets. and than Mat; the i.rrhest»» "with balls on." And thai* is tt be a new thin® orator the »ot>— a mixed Hurt [ Methodist and Baptist) Ren. Maura. Divli and Ervin to ■inf. Y« and refreshments too. Come regardless of aft or denomi j national liar*. TV old people are • specially invited to an hour of good <-heer. J act come to Um Sunday •chool room and mtar. Enrjr out in allowed to brine an amount of change equal to one rent far aach year of bin age Goes to the benefit ' of the Epworth Leatrue Card of Tkulu We wish to thank the kind frtaMs irid neighbor* for their kindness dur ing the sickness and death of oar dear mother and also for the earn and the beautiful flower*. May the lxirdV richest blessing be with all , who helped in our trouble. Mary Jennie Creed and family. NOTICE By virtue of a dred of trust ex ecuted by John White and wife to . me as trustee which is recorded in the Register's office in hook W, pace 110, default having been made in payment of the debt »rcured thereby, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court hoase door In Dobeon on Thursday, Jul* 7th. 1*27. at 1 o'clock. P. M. the following real aetata: Bounded on North by lands of J. W. White, on the East by J. W. White, on the South by Charlie Oockerv and on the West by W. I. White and con taining SS acres more or less, for further reference see deed from John White to Johnnie White recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Surry County. This June 7, IWT ! 7-lc A. D POLGER, Trustee It'sNotToo Late to contract for bean*, to matoes* unci other vege table* for the canning -toason of 1927. See ua at once for contract. Don't delay for we muKt close contract* soon, a* the can ning *ea«on in not far off. COTTAGE CANNING COMPANY FOR RENT One 8-room house on Spring and Pender streets, large corner lot Rent very reasonable. One Houm on Willow street, suitable (or small store or shop. • One brick house on North Main street and Hines are. This building will be remodeled, and arranged (or of fice use. Pour 4-room houses near the Quarry (or rent or sale, on very reasonable terms. ^ W. W. BURKE ^ ^ TW WO» j»*V ot rwm%M *■— j, aaaflavad «Hk inirtw^Mir11 Hwj^ ^ Ur ^jkm K af T -_ la * B. Stall* aa tk?mk^*7£y.Vn«i whw h d**d of trvat Is ta Book M, M. V , baaa a»d* m til* wirt af tka Ml* Mr*rod m4 it lit Wfim of Um hi Win of Mid aata. t win m« far aaak I* tW MghHl MMar ta trvmt af tW Drrt National Bank m "—vr jfjjy5r- ""■ tha foOowta* fcuHlii landh: Adioialim tha land> af Prank Niaoa. i.C. Kapp and otkar* and KouiwM a* follows: Hoainnina f • ■». John Wilmowth's corner; tkcnn B. 10 eha. to Mitrh»ir> river; tknn up the riw w follow*: N. I 1-2 chs. N, M, E. U eh. N. • eha* N. SO dag W. > 1-7 ch». to • black oak on the west hank of said ri»»r; thence 8. 47 deg W. 4 chs.; thence with the old rand 8. 00 da* W S 12 eha. S. 00 deg W 4 1-2 eha to the Nixon old road; tW» with *aid Nlson road aa follow*: N «4 deg W. 880 eha. N. 44 das W >. m eha. N. 08 daf. W. • eh*. M. 00 deg. W. 0 eha. to imeh of black oak ■apllna on the want side of the Nixon road; thence W 20 1-2 eha. to the be rinninf. containing 145 arm more or less. Sale made to aatiafjr the balance due of fS.OOAM. Interest and coat of ■ale to add | Thin June 7th, 1W7. - J. H. POLGER. Tmatee. IN EVERY ! HOUSEHOLD There are piece, of furniture that need repairs; theae piece* can be made aa food aa new. at amall coat, if not allowed to wait until they are beyond repair and have to be rebuilt; rebuilding coata mora than repairing Wa specialize In theae repair* and re building. also reflnishing and upholat ering, and the price la always reason able. Work done on -abort notice by experts in this line. Pictures framed. 24 hour service. Antiques bought, sold, exchanged, or sold on consignment. EARP'S Opposite Postoffice MORE OW PEDDLERS Wc mm to kavi cmmmI • BTIB by oar ARTICLE tort «wk on th« PEDDLER'S OVERHEAD and mm of oar CUSTOMERS wk«d why maaafacturw. cImhmc UmC motfeod mt DISTRIBUTION U Um OVERHEAD to ao Mtk GREATER tha atkat of Um RETAIL MERCH ANT. W* pat It THIS wajr. T1m mwfwtmii •erul* out kto HIGH POWERED agrat wfc* canto* k» SAMPLES tato tha kMM wkm it is MmN to Mayan them m to QUALITY mmd PRICE witk COMPETITIVE MERCHANDISE. By AVOIDING (Myuka ud PORCING aalaa ba to oftoa abto to aall aa 1MPERJOB •rtieto at a HIGH prim and Mean DISTRIBUTION vktek would b« IMPOSSIBLE for hta to • mi COM P11H1IR —IBM MOUNT AIRY DRUG CO. MA Goad Dm Ston" rW 1SS Par PriMpI Pdii«n This b The Proper Spray With extension rod, to be used in spraying for Mexi can Bean Beetle. W« rnUo ka*« kU|M ■ium tfMMlt to mIm up Um proper »olu tioa for tkU spray. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Made by the Surry County Boys. Just Released—We Have Them in Stock "Merry Girt" and "Yellow Rom W Tea**" by B« Jamil, accompanied by D»C»U Wohi'i Soutb "Waeping Willow Troe" aad "Pot on Your Old Gray Bonnet" by Holland Puckett Holcomb & Midkiff FRIDAY and SATURDAY Listed below are just a few of our exceptional values offered for these two days. Special bargains have been prepared that should be especial ly inviting to those who demand the most for their money. 2 QUART SAUCE PANS liood quality grey Thru* pan* always aell at Ifi cent. Q *pecial. Jl, ICE TEA GLASSES IS ot. ain Optic pattern, thin blown crystal |J glass, special, 9C 8 OUART ALUM INUM KETTLES I>i» it an ■ exceptional bar gain. Attractively paneled in rood grade aluminum. each. 59c SUIT CASES Pull siae suit caeaa in brown imitation Just wkat yon 98c Hosiery We undoubtedly carry the most complete line of popular priced hosiery in tbe city. LADIES' HOSE Kayon Silk in a big range of rood (hades, slightly Kull Fashioned SUk Hoss specially priced for these ■ST.. 67c MEN'S HOSE A bi« assortment of Fancy and plain styles in imperfect. 24c per pair, ... 25c THIN BLOWN TUMBLERS Grade dtniirn cut in rh crystal, 9 us. cist Special. 5c — MEN'S UNION SUITS Full ml, well mad* from rood rrade aaiamt. all •iie», .18 to M, Special, 44c BED ROOM SLIP PERS Asaorted colon m trimmed felt, si S to 8, Special 59c RUFFLE EDGE CURTAINS Mm atHchinc, TU 59c WJ£Ner>s,jnc.