Attorney J. H. Falgcr RJe» Sckool ^Election is Held Afiiast Refistratioa past f»w days «var tha fMttM aa to Iw the aehool ateettea i—k« win tw dstaimtaad Baporta ta the state Um wtiool bond Umnm wr> mom hopeful of the local aituatioa atose it waa probable that the mal datiaiua at tha HupniM Court held that ta aa election ta Cnwtiri aear a aehool question only tha vote* that vara caat wars ta ha coaeidersd. and that tha iasae did not have ta afpaaa tha mlitiatlaa. la tha paat whaa a tax or bond question waa voted on it waa understood that all who did not vote would bo counted sgminat tha ques tion. And thta haa haaa the under standing aa to tha prssant election, hat tha Greensboro caaa and tha re port» ia tha atate praaa hava loft many of oar people ta deabt aa to the atataa that aiiati here ta Mount Airy This newspaper has always tried to bo cafeful ahoat (ivtac oat ta focmatioa that could ta any way aria lead its readers. Kssptag this fact ia mind a short review of haw tha law as to bond elections appiiee is very timely joat now. During the last legislature there waa enacted a general atate law that applied to fhe government of all eoonties aa to haw tha county com - mission*™ shall raise money for var ieaa purposes building raads, schools, Jails, county Home*, etc. Recently tha citixens of a »<-hool district of Guilford County voted upon a aehool lax question under this general law and the question of how the votes were to be counted eras tarried to the Supreme Court, which rulsd in that rase that oaly rotes that war* cast could he counted, and that those who were opposed to the measure would have to vote against it to be count From Ibr above incident Horn* art now claiming that the ume rale will apply in the Mount Airy election on June 2H Some ue in the ruling on the Greensboro raae the application of a principal of law that might alao he applied in the Mount Airy caae should the queation he carried to the Supreme Court by either aide. The entire question ia a matter purely for the legal profession to study and determine Attorney J. H. Folger gives The News his opinion that the late ruling of the Supreme Court will have no effect on the case hare and that we are still voting againat the registration. He waa a member of the laat legialature and the act under which our election ia being held waa introduced by him and ia purely local, aetting forth in it all the regulations as to how to hold the election and the manner of de termining the vote, and he aays that the law under which we are operating apeciflcally states that the I Kind and tax issue must have a majority of the qualified voter* before it can be come a law. However the opinion of Mr. Folger would not prevent any citizen from having the issue tested out in the highest court as was done in tt* Greensboro caae, and Attorney H. 0. Woltz in speaking of the question sees in the latest ruling of the court a reversal of Hie old way of holding these elections, and it ia hia opinion that confusion and poaalhle litigation eouhl be averted by the people of both aides voting and not leaving the •abject one for the courts to deter mine on account of some technicality of the regulation*. Never has there been an iaaue be fore the people that haa held their Intenae intermit for ao long a time. Usually these queation* loae Interest after a short period, hut a* the ap proach of the election nears la to* eat hernnaae mora acute. The ratfiatra tion hooka will cloae Saturday at aun down with claaa to fifteen hundred water* qualified to take part la It. Opinion of course differs aa to how the voters stand, noma saying it will carry If sufficient personal work la pot forth, while there are thaee who claim that the tseoe wiU ha defeated W a four to ewe vote. The advocate* of the questions realise that tfce .situation |* vary •arte, and their beet hope la carry lag it Is by securing a ruling ahailar to the an* ia the Oral*hum naae aad Mr. Falser aaya that rsea tMe la as* probable far the law to ear to ■toaee la tea plaia to raiee that fMa ! itoi INFANT LEFT ON FAJWUrSFBOMT POKH MhMgltf Crim «f liMb Om Lmd •» Mmmvmry tl Kaat Minfc'i in CmiiM. Urp numbtri at psaphi last Hun day vtMtad the hont of Crnt Mtrak <>n tha Cinty Gap road. e%ht mile* north of thto city, the attraction tw ine a little four weeks' old baby bay that was found on Mr. Marah* front parch about 4 o'clock Sunday mom The family retired about midatfht i and at the time thay had not noticed the infant on the poi^rit, hut about 4 o'clock criaa fraan if war* hanrd by tha occupant* of tha bouaa. At knt Mr*. Mar»h thought it was bar haby, but whan aha went to tha crib it was sound asleep, yet the whimper? could •till be heard. Tha aoueds toad then to the front porch where they could see the tittle fallow* arms waving in' the air and hie feat trying to kick off tha blanket that enveloped hi* feat and protected him from tha coal night air. Ha wa* hang on a bad of baby clothe* which were packed In a *uit ca*a. Tha party who toft H had opened tha suit cue and used tha baby'* clothing to provide a soft bad for it and made ause that It would not »offer from cold during tha night by wrapping it snugly up with a blanket. There was no aota or totter with the baby or no clue about the cloth ing that has offered the oAcers any clue as ta the parents of the child. Resides a good outlay of clothes there was also in tha caae a baby's nursing bottle and a bottle of Castoria. Mrs A. L. Sneed. who livas in Winston-; Salem, and to a sister to Mrs. Marsh. > was visiting in the home at the time| and she became so attached Lr> the baby from its helpless condl in that *he has asked permission to adopt £. Suburban Property Sella Well. The I .and Co., of this city, last! Saturday sold more than $#,000 worth' of building aites on the Bannertown road in the new development known ai> Edgefield. Much of the property ia located on the Winston Salem high way and this frontage brought around I7.R0 per foot, a aum that once was thought of aa a good price for city property. R. E. Inman and A. E. j Tiltoy are the owner* of the Edge field development and have a number' of lot* that are yet to be sold. New Barber Shop Equipment. For the next (en day* H. E. Mon ey'* twrber ahop on Main Street will lie cloned to the public while extensive remodeling of the interior and the ad dition of entirely new equipment to taking place. Seven of the latest model chairs are now being erected, together with a mirror caae to match1 them. Alao new lavatories and light ing fixtures are being added and when completed Mr Money states that he will have as nice a barber shop a* can be found in any city. He to spend ing over M.000 in his effort to be up to-date in his business. Mount Airy Swimming Pool Opwud Friday. Th* Mount Airy »wimroin* pool opened last Friday, June 10th. The rates are the same a* they were last year, 26c if you use your own bathing i>uit and 40c. if you rent a suit. This pool is sanitary and the water chances continually. Once a week the pool is cleaned. It will he open every day and night. the hours on Sunday will he from 1 P. N. to 6 P. M Later in the summer .contests will i be held at the swimmlag pool ha tween the local boy and girl scouts and the scout troops of mi (rounding cities Coach Bob Sides la manager of the pool this year. Yo_ Mo. ToMako Northern 1 ■■■ Stewart Lowry, Chester Stewart and Max Thompson bat* Thursday to spend tea day* in the larger north ern cities. Thaee young mo Intend 1 to risit Atlantic Oty. New Terk. aad Philadelphia. They will make the trip through the country la a ear. Chris. Binder, Jr. left Saturday far Feet Brags ta attend the training WHO EVU TOLD A MGGER FISH 9TOKY7 Fla.. W E. MtrrKt and Mi patty wiM h» this elty T Tuesday night, covererf of tha road, bat happy lag with ilssiirlptlaas of their ences while ftshiag far tarpoa ia tka{ fiuif of Mexico Thia ia Mr. rttt'a third big Hahiag trip to Florida af tha, party with thoir priaa companted by thoir two faithful gmdes, Alhort Addison and Elliot Bawls Aad roming hy haap ap tha evidence aro two of tha largest tarp<>n» which an now ia a taxidermist's ahop x'iiaia I Hay aro he Leaeiag hare thrao waoha a(* with; Mr. Merrttt war* hia mm, Oacar,| Haywood and Hach. frail and Jor Brock. From all Haywood pro rod to ho tha iocky oaa| of tha bmeh. hooking a weighed 1*7 pouada aad ■u aad a half foot loaf. It hoar to play tkia ftah aa ha could ha landad. using a 200 yard Hao aad a hook larger than our old ttmo turtle h»ok. Prank landad Are largo tar pon*. aad Mr Marritt to They a peat Are day» lliklnf ia tha Calf (faring which time tha party aught 14 tarpoaa. They caught bar rela at aaiallor flah Iraa two to IS pound* but it ia the tarpon which ail fishermen crave to haok Thia ia rounted the gamest flak in the world Mad once he i* hooke<f every minute1 until he ia landed ia chock fall of! thrills and exritrnwnt. It ia for thia' reason he I* aoch a desired prise Mr. Merritt >poke highly of thej hotel accommodation* of Marco, ! where they were given the advan-1 tage of every convenience at the t hand* of the manager Mount Airy'a Progreaa A bora The Average Mr. George W Sparger, of Balti more, Md , wa* the gueat of hi* *on (ieorge W. Sparger. Jr., here the let-1 ter part of la*t week. Mr Sparger tame to North Carolina at this time to attend commencement at Duke University, where hi* *on. Oilmer Sparger, is a student He has hadj opportunity for much observation and states very ixiahively that he know, of no town the aiae of Mount Airy which ha<- made tha gain ia i>opulatioB. wealth aad geaoral prog-1 res* that ha* been made here since he left this city, some twenty years ago. Mr». Gaorge Stack Pi Mrs. Martha Poo re Stack, wife of! Mr. George A. Stack, died at her home on Rorkford street about 1 P. M. Tuesday after an illneaa of some month*. Mrs. Stack was the daughter of W. M. Poor*, deceased, and a sister of the town treasurer. F M. Poors. She ia survived by her husband, one daughter. Mrs. Joe Guthrie, of this city and one son, Clyde Stack, of New Jersey, and a sister Mr*. Croaa, of Greensboro The funeral eras conducted from the Rockford Street Methodist Church at 2 P. M. Wednesday and the remains laid to rest at Oakdale Cemetery. Kiwaait I lliiw Night Memh*r» of the Kiwania Club war* boats to their aim and lady friend* at their quarterly ladies night lunch eon at the Blue Ridge Hotel Friday' evening. Four delirious course* ware' served and a program of music ren dered, the singing being conducted by Rev. K. G. Darin. Special vocal num bers ware readersd by Miss Roth Dobaen. the address of the evening was made by J edge Harding, ef Wh stonSalem Judge Harding brwagbt a massage along the HfM at the re aponaihility of leadership, iatarspers tng his message wtth aaicdaUa and witticisms. His addiaai was vary aaacfc ea joyed Several attndam prises war* givaa to bath ladies aad gentlemen, and the whale |innii was vary enjoyable. Piedmont Springs Hotel opened Aatarday. J use 11th. Edward Hay uT*ii*iMii, Which willplar "there ■a—CAMPAIGN fffffff *m of i The tat Airy I to tfe at Uieae be I ■ 41 Saturday Oar people Itav* md mmifk of' •fcrtrtc mahary to raab** in a a mat] way the fnat mnwtiM of It, tort they kavr "been slow to adopt that methad of cooking faanng the coat of oparattoa. Nov that a large I bar of them tow bean to aaa hat* far two and three yaara tto east mm be easily computed. The r»—It of l| ura* compiled *hew that tha am faaily will aat aaa aw M N ut < rent a month, and to maay toatat thto la batog kapt dawn to (I Aad baaidaa rookinf tha owner* atoa| use their range* from which ta i tha currant far Inwh*. It to hardl ta Agnre whar* othar faala at* aery | much Mara economical than ttoilrii Ity aad thto difference to otfaat by tha | cteanlinee* af operation. tha i matte feataree coaa*rt«d with trie aad tha abaototo ehmi-1 nattoa af all danger* of ftraa that ara necessarily praaant whar* othar tjrpaa | -<f ataaaa arc aaad. Sine* romiaf hare a yaar ago tha Southern Public Utilities Company1 ban extended thair Haas to all oot tyinc dtotrteu of tha town, aad thin ha* baan an incentive far tha erection of many naw bomaa all a boat thai city, bringing the modern conveni aaeaa of city Ufa right to tha door of all oar citiaen* who Hva near the' ••orporata limit*. Man Found Dead in Laka Naar Andrew Elijridgv, ace 24. a young! white man of State Boad, wa* found lifelaaa in the lake at Klondike lx>dge' near Elkin Monday by a party of boy* who ware Aahinf at the place. When *irhted. the body wa* against the dam near which the arater wa* floariag. The boy* immediately noti fied parson* nearby and *oon the body ara* reccvered and'the coroner wa* called. At flrat it waa thought that the dead man had mat arith foul play, hut tha verdict of the Coroner'* Jury! wa* that he bad died from drown ing- Eld ridge had been missing front hi* home for over two weeks aad aj search had bean conducted for Mm prior to tha dlacoaary thi* morning. He U the son of Jeff E Eldridge, I of Stat* Road. Soon to Ha*« Now Telephones The new switchboard in the local• telephone oAcu U now installed and linemen arc busy connect in* the cables with the outside wire*. Cleve Belton says he expects to begin in stalling the new phonas by the (Irst of j Joly. The new switchboard requires the installation of new phonas at a different type all over the system and when the work now in progress is completed we will have the latest and most modern telephone system that can be secured. A new directory is now ia process of printing and Mr. Belton asks that any who expect to Install phones «r| have any chances made to notify him' at once so the directory can ha Made aa near up-to-date aa is possible. Mount Airy Now Hu Sndar Jiteojr Moil Wins ton-Salem and Mont Airy vice, which began Sunday. Jane It, .instructions to this end feeing ratal* »d from Washington. It is iiilwtond the regular sihsdals ef Isa liag Whi stoa Hili at 4 in the morning and returning at t will he followed. The petition fer seven-day service on this route was sndinsl by the Klwaais Club and Chamber of to helww*?" - City Adopts Special Liccwc ScketWt; Chun Start* Matt Pay a Heavy Tas - Frtol V* ta Ma himself from tke nlw< of the that have mtrtppal him ta the Wffty of U> latest liqnof Friel »ai caught by tka polk* una one-half gallon fruit Jan af up Willow Street. TWj taw Trial Straot what* they found tka tka back of tka toariag ear. Vernon appeared greatly surpriaed tkat Mm liquor waa tkara and p>i»iaM tka* iofgf one had "pUiitAd" it on Mm At hie trial bafora Judge LeweBya oa Monday Trial triad ta laara tka kad baaa a graat Ha told kaw ka oa tkat night kad (ana ta Winston-Halea. leaving kara akout dark, aad tkat ka waa wwtataa by tka tflein aa ka waa makiag kia way baak fro* tkat trip. Ha would leave tka that wkik ka w« evidently placed tka liqoor la tka wrong ear by mistake, aad tkat ka had aa knowledge of tta ed good if OAcer Toaa Hatcher had not gam* aad added more light ta his actions. After Friel told of kia trip to Winaton-SaWai Mr. Hatekar aba told of another trip Friel kad taade at the aame time. Mr. Hatcher teati lied that he had information about Vernon'a trip bat it waa toward lamkalarf and not south. He aaw him paaa up the Pipers Gap road about niae o'clock, and he waited un til about 12 in tke bushes oa tke roadside when he aaw Vernon mak ing hia way back to town, traveling aa fast that he could not be stopped. And all thia was taking place on tka same night Vernon said he was i* Winston. The alibi did not stick and Judge Lewellyn sentenced Vernon aad Montgomery to the roads for It months each, placing their bonds at 11.000 each. In another raae Mont gomery waa also placed under a 9M0 bond. Vernon was able to fumiak bond but kia partner will have to wait U out in jail at Dobaon when the rase will be tried at the October term. At one time Vernon waa a man of fairly good property, running a grocery store in varioua nort ions of the city, bat of *Ute years he haa been Involved over the liquor laws and has only recently' completed a 12 montha aeniice on tke roada. He appealed tkat care through all the courts of the state, and later took it before tke Governor, bat he could gat no relief and he worked out hia term to the last day. He ia about 5S years old, while Montgomery ia not much over M Murderer of Mr. "Hy-Price" U Mr. Wayne Boyle*, senior partner in the Arm of Boyle* Bro*.. Inc., (that it now conducting the greeteet money paving tale ever witneaaed in thU taction) confease* that he mur dered old man "Hy-Prtce," who wa« found deed in the rear of Boylea Bro*. store last Wedneaday Mr Boylea la defended by Attorney Mr. "Low Price", who aaanrea him that he did what area right Hi mer dering "Hy-Price" and giving the public the greatest bargain* In year*. A detailed confeaaion at the murder will be found en the third page of thi* iaana. Drop in at Boylea Bro*. today and aee for yoaraatf the store fn which "Hy-Price" met hi* end Will Taw Tea CmmMn. Miaa Alma Y ok ley. Mr*. JuM Yok ley and Mr* J. A. Hadlay law* Thursday at next weak far New Tark from which paint they *efl Jon* H on the Belgenland far • tnr ef Bag land. Scotland, Wale*. Bilgiam. Hal The ef •bould be » Wm t».M. tm $6.00 Aata tekn art hit year. (Mr city Us betel ITU*. laat year they paid HMO At tlM mum tin*, hottlmr wart re duced to half th* rate last paying $*7 SO All P«ir taxed |1& 00 The state haa levied a special tax of $100 00 m all chain stores having ii> or more itam in the state and alao permitted the cltiea to Wry a tax of $60.40 on them. Abarfy mm of the atom m the state arc sxpected to rasiat payment of this tax to taat oat the law ta th* court*. Hw» ia Mount Airy art four storos which ara said will he liable for this tax. to-wit A. A P.. Jamison's. Parks Relk and the MrLellan's Ave aad tea. Ad daalars in tobacco of any kind pay a city tax of $i0.M. And tha newspaper never faila ta get his doae of tax medicine. Thia time the state expects to collect ia hi* lumps from them, for they haa* levied a $100 on all sahacriptiaa eon te*ts and the city ia abo roing ta collert a Kke amount. The city auto liceaje rata will ha the same. $2.00 for the tag aad H cense card. The tajrs ara already ia the hands of the collector. They asa white with green lettering and a green border, aad bear tl "MuAiry. N. C„ Besides adopting the fall of licenae rates at their laat regular meeting the town commissioners alaa nvs<V an order directing the city tax collector to prepare ta hold a salt for all uncollected tax that remaiaa on the hooks July 1st. Ths sale wQ be held on the flnrt Monday la Aug ust at Dobeoo. Provision ia aaia far this sale ia the city charter tha* was adopted two years ago aad tha confusion that resulted over tha laat act of tha legislature in regard to tha county tax will Wave no effect aa tha sale that is to ha held by the city tax collector

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