Made to Cut Mount Airy Train Service In Half Mm of thfc munlty to practice hi* prafaaalaa. For aoaM tiaaa ha ha* baaa taMag car# of tha practlca In tha WaatMd ■taction. hla family raataiaiag hara, bat thay ara aaovlng to Sural Hall, whara tha doctor will be paimanaaUy located. Gum SeMoW The following la a liat of ball game, that will bt played by the local ball Dm: Jufce 22- -Uoonvtlle—bar*. June 36- -Kerneraville— bora June 2»—Erlanger—there July S—Pilot Mountain—(bare. July 4— Wlnaton-Salem—hare July t* Erlanger—her# Hit by Broom Hand U—Boy Loaoa Eyo. A broom handle thrown by a tan year old girl c%at an eierea year old boy hit right eye Tueaday afternoon. The boy wu Bruce, the aoo of Mr. John King JQid the rflrl, Joeephia* MeKnighl, daughter of Mr. aad Mr*. M. T. MeKnight and the atcldeat oc curred wMla they war* at play, the girl loaning the bma from Um porch of bar home to the bog in the yard, in an effort to catch it the aad of the handle struck hi* eye. The boy1* ay* waa removed by Drt. Condttff and Wor rail Wednesday morning. J udd-Council RaWlrh, June li<—Miaa Vim Junta J udd and Mr. Albert Badwa Council war* qatotty married Satur day evening *< • o'clock at t)M home at Um bride'. mother, Mrs. 0. A. MM. on hit Um BtoooC TW impraa aive ring wnmoajr mi ptrfuiwd by 8av. Oharlaa U Grearaa, paator d Um brtdo. in Um praaence of only a Tha bride waa attired ia a of mry Mat and wot* a wnap at pink and tilliaa of tha valiay. Council ia wall know* to a of frlowb both to fee bald a raipanaibh poaitioa to Um ad iMirtawl of Um Mawa and far a aato at yarn. Mr. ia tba aaa at Mr. nad Mb. 4. C. Oaaaed d Mount Airy, and ia a W. W. Urffl, baawa by Mm M "Witt" Uvtfl. Wk* VM by daatb laat •Iter « abaft I IIM ba bad to wm mum M ba ata, pat ba w«a la tbU aity, aad aaiy a law waaka a«a auda a trty •/> aut bia aao. 0. C. La*H, In ralatttaa la tbat m im of Ma i ad tba city tare* numbara of joan»ya4 to tba Lavllt tipn to pay (balr raapacta ta tba **—*!y aAd all day Sunday lafga naaibari of yupla from all ovar tba coonty vialtod tba The funeral was bald Monday aft ernoon at Antkxh Baptlat Church Wjr fteva. E. G. Davit aid Ira A. Ftqw •on and the itaalii laid to mt to the church cemetery near that W hU •on, Joe, who died naveral yoara ago. Perhapa aa man la this ontira •ac tion avar took mora latocdtt la pA hc matter* than Mr. LavUL Ha waa eathualaatic la irtry work ha aalar hlm aa entertaining paraoaaga. HU hoax wa» a maeca for tha young pao pla who greatly eajoyed vialting Mm and making camp ia tha jaaiwllr tor rata that aboaaded ta Ma neighbor huod, aad many of our paopla aaa re call tha happy evening* about Um raropflraa aa thoy were. viaitod by Htm afut war* accorded that hospital ity to typical of a trao Southern ran tlemar.. v Ha «ta* a aoa of Jama* LoviU. who lived at tha foot of tha Pilot Moun tain. With tha outbreak tf tha .war between the atatoa hi* father volun teered for aonrieb aad died from tneaaloa and pneumonia brought oa by rxpueurr when be took part la Urn . battle of Mana**a*. Not vary king thereafter hi* mother died aad ha grew to manhood ia the beam of hi* | uncle. Wiley Franklin, a nephew of TW following finally, ka B»ll.baij, M. C, will U of Maraat to Mm* to Mount Airy "Mr. Md Mn, J. W. M mimi ttM approaehinc Mwrtaf* of tWi daughter, Muftnl Inm U WiHm C. Martin, Jon* M, 1WT. , Mr. m4 Mrs. Marthi will ha at bo ma at 111 N. Mi Am Coatavllte, Pa after Jut? 4th." Mr. Martin la * m at Mr. W. I Martin of Mouat Airy Th» public ia cardial ly Invited to attend a (nam and sandwich *apper at Graaa Moravian CMkk Saturday •vralac, Jane St, at 7:S0 aV Thar* will ba muek aad a pad ('omr oat aad help a w«thjr Governor Franklin Mr. Lovill lived to aaa bla become among the beat aad fluential eltiaaas aad hmia*»« aad women of tha county, tbay G C. t«orill, wbolaaala grocery man; W P. Lovill. traaaurar of tha Mount Airy Granite Ca.; J. W Lovill. pro prietnr «f Lovill Warehouse; Dr. K. J. Lovill, phyaieian; Will LaviU, farmar; Mia* Elisabeth Lovill, of ltitoiUn aad araeh of the farming to doM with tha haa. 1 , ... . , . ... . k«m U rcncral purchasing agent for Uw L J. Reynolds Tomeco Company and • man of wealth Hs is t lastly intaiwUd la work of orphanagae and his heart U In any effort to aid hi the uplift of mankind. • Ha baud Re*. Mr. Crooch toll an aadieaee in Winston-Salem about the work Mac dona bar* in tRia mountains and at ones hare me intocaatod. Now tea makaa rieKa bar* to aaa wtth Ma awa sjraa tba nssds of tba Mi ami li |» in* to aid financially la carrying oat aajr plans that Mr. Oaack will ma ha far meeting tha nsads of ths paoyla in this section. Last Sunday ha toak icreat prtda in mablag a artvtag pie tar* of aa swdlirs that attoadid a haptlsaml saiviea ia a small mnaa»!!. yaars a|o Mr. and Mr*. Ctay of tka adrtaed to Ma atUI aad faig* i whit# a burglar la to tka roaat Bat hurflary la rara wfcara 1 kan IM, I hava had fca axpartanea. « i. W. HUNK. LETTML Canadian A«i«|, Kobe, Ik/ IS, 1MT. Dear Mother Mi Fatter: Excitement- We M H at till A. M. today, til fhrt yoa three pmn No, H was not an earthquake, but a robber. I had the honor of aaatag Kim irat. Aftar hearing mm aate aa in my dream* I waka up to aaa tba haad aad ahouldera of a nan oat lined agaiaat my window (aaoood floor.) Oharles wki ait for the waak and, aad I waa alone. I atartad up and taid -Kara!" ("Hay there!*) in as brara a vaiea aa I could moa tar, whereupon ha jumpad dawn ta the ground. I listened ia my bad far a few minutaa, and heard soma one moving outside naar tba girls' dora|i tory. 1 looked oat tba window, and saw him moria* around; aad than ha diaappearad. aad a faw minute* later t saw a flashlight ticker ia tba stria' donaftary. Than I want and woke up Kali* aad Mr. Rutherford. aad wa tbraa want oat, avmad with baaaball hats, to raconaoiter. Wa aaw tba flashlight flicker again an tba tbird floor, aad while wa ware looking ia oaa of tba windows downatair* from the outside s little later, wa aaw the flashlight right there, and gat a goad griew of Mm. TWn am • tat toned oar •ehrea arouad tba building, and rang the front door bell Right aftar that tba fallow hogpad oat af a window •lout tea yard* from me, aad made a raah for open groand. I mlaad a yell far tba other*, aad alaited aftar hia*. Wa want late tba fanaari' flelda aad floundered around faQteg all over. 1 got cioaa enough ta awat him on tba bask with my bat am, hot fall dawn twice. Ha got way ahead of an. bat Ralph eat aeraae aad after aaa aaaty Ml gat tba fal low. Ha immediately bagaa ta plead far mercy, bat wa tbraa draggad him dowa to tba police statiaa aad gd him locked up. To-day wa gin tba poHce «a aeaaoat of what bappiatd. That waa aarHaaiaat nmgh far aaa Saaday all right, the raat of tba day IVa baaa too alaapy far aaythtag Oaadbya. Grady afl to the | ta is danger of the loagth of Um 1 will have U p to «ck—I tor a half toy Mi? * aaa? * tho fwto* O5. Um other hand thoec who (99000 to election claim that tho itm 00* tentimu in M »oll fontoi 1%oy of tho fchnol una to nMrely a of throat, that tho loach aator tho state schsdalo. that tho board araot follow this sehcdaio aad that tho teachers are paM 11 Malta in tho roar, therefore a tortadH of tho Una could not reduce tho iqioaii to any appreciable togrn. TV op position points to tho fact that aa light hao hooa gtroa oa to how tho bond aMaoy io U ho ipont; that mom of tho «4tjr iiMriili hart declared II wao not intoadod to build aa/ this year, aad that tho atatoaoMt of tho board that wKhoat thio aMaoy ooaa of tho childron would ham to go half tho time, next year Is not woU 1 od aad is calculated to iiiafaw ' voters. Tho qaootioa of rotiag a to repay the SSijOOO deficit lo {. upon with bmtv ft?w tho opposition than aay of tho ilha propoaals, for It is known that tho oMy to now puyiag • por coat Intersot oa this borrowed aMaoy aad to rate tho tax jaat transfers the accoaat tola another fuad All the above potato are being daily argaed by thooo of both sides of the qaootioa, aad aa la the com la all arguments hath citaa refuse to be convinced. Unless there la a radical chaago to the sentiaMBt within the next tow day* l» » admitted that tho HiiHw will bo defeated. And If It lo to feated the prspoaoato of tho Maao win lay the bhuao at the feet of the II mm verts back to the school alatainiag a school that was m unset iefaetory as to ahoul defeat.