nus Dm I IS ESS LDERS TIR*ET ■» at "»» ■AT Mm! ... * N I* pare water aad plenty ef U «db ae. We drill tike mil that pU MM w.ter. J. g. M*kop and Bros.. 3U Worth M. Airy, W. C T-»f. ro* MLB—Twa _ lot .n Cotuavtlie by W. G. A"- T-Ic POB lAU-to No. 4 *ad hi tnt dan toadltiaa. book* Priced at at Ca. WAimtD—Ta Hffct plant. UBto ARrad Stake, WMU pf^ y Pral Attratf|^ Mr rOR SAUU-Partk* ant 14 day* aa an nfrlag yea w Nartat I*w. I vWHB DWPfW/i, I't iu p I®V" ready for aee, at tEe prior of %31M Tea will fad tkie ariaa to k* the low Co., Mt. Airy, ■oat attractive ta. See M *. W M. Gentry, —t Croat, Ma—t Airy, H. d Mh data eereral maa by the day or week, special rata* for tfce summer. ftaB m. 7-tp ENT—My dewa stale* aaart of 4 or ft room* witk private i aad porek, anrtr overhaul alao two aaracee. Mr*. P. D * 111 AhIl tfc. SALESMAN Waated Ta Soli A aateed line to the Agricultural aad Saw Mill trade. Eeery saw mill, track or tractor and ear owner a proa poet. A go-getter can easily make hundred dollar* or more weekly, ■oat hare a ear. Apply to Box No. 417. Oxford, N. C. 7-lp P®B SALK—Two M-faot Ma ia Highland Park. J. B. Hayne* tfc OIL STOVE Far Salo—Plareae* 4 hurner. practically new. Will cell «hom|>. See W. B Boyle* at Bo^lpe rWI Pt«* Par _____ •ad Dti roc pig« aad ehoata, alao one { horae for sale. See Dave Crawford, IS7 Virginia St., Mt. Airy N 9 «-tftc. CABBAGB C'oNarde aad tamata plant*. All kind* of early and lata | varieties: 250 for fife; 600 for 7Sc;' 1,000 for «1.S0 by mall postpaid Canary Pyh*. Plegah. N. C. tfc. TO TKADE—Let ia Higklaad Park for rood oead piano. Paul Allred. ltp. PEACHES—The fribviit nrietUa of Sandhill Peaches will be on the toark-t, beginning June 15th until Aug. !, in order named: Early Rom. | Carman, Hiley Bella, Go. Belle, El-1 bertm and Hales. Tne public U in ritad to the Candor aad EUefhe ■action lametime during the above data*. t-tt-p POB BENT HOUSE mm Hay Street. Sewerage, water and lighta. i. B. Hayn .*«. tfc. MOV ING Machine far nafo. Alawat new. Price reasonable. See W. H.; Woods White Plain*. N. C. 7-lp. FOR SALE—There riding eMn tor:, we are offering to you at ape nal vrice. Cow in and aae them N«le< n Machinery So., Mount Airy, H. C *-»c. FOR SALE—&-■'>«■ houae with all eoi vcnieaeea, jffl N. Willow St. Par .rice aad trrtu aee or writ* A. S. Av.rad, We«tfl«ld. N. C. *-l4 (Mm lereeted koj«. I*. I Mr*. Will A. Jim, «C mm by Mn. Mr* S. M. AUrad, at T»im, Md jriwt litu* Mary , of AaferMB. S. C. Worahip Evmlnf Worship Jr. Rpwortk Lmim Sr. Ep worth League Wad. Prtjrtr Stmlet Grace MwiwIm Church REV. C. D. CROUCH. PaMr Sunday School 9 44 A. H. Morning Worship- 11:00 A. M. K renin* Worship 1M P. M. Prayermeeting every Wednesday night at ; 1M P. U First Re*, i. C. GRlfeR. PhIht Bible School W:00 A. Mornin* Worahip -11:00 A. ML Evening Worahip 7:46 P. M. Junior C. E «:46 P. M. Senior C. H. 7*0 P. M. A good many men fall because when Opportunity knocks they "knock" Opportunity I— -L 1.1 - I -!■ ... . - FOR SALE—One slightly ased twin I tab, Fair Day Waiting machine I with wringer and equijroed with elec tric motor. Nelson Machinery Co Mount Airy, N. C. 1£? FOR RENT I ream hanrslow -> Cherry Street. Dr. C. A. Baird, tfc. FOR Rent or Leaeo—Let aaitahie far rasoline station, busiest corner off of Main street. Mrs. W. M. Gentry, Chestnut Crest, lit. Airy, N. C R 25c, WHEN IN NEED efa practical nurse phone 526 or write 1 <9 Orch ard St., Mrs. H. Owen, Mount Airy, N. C. tfs. CARD OF THANKS—Ta thoae who were so kipd to me during the sick ness and death of my wife I desire to express my sincere thanks. Mir friends and neighbors ware especial ly kind and were free to offer their services in any way they could. G. A. STACK. I to. FOR RENT Om 8-room house on Spring and Pender streets, large «orner lot Rent very reasonable Om Ho«m on Willow street, sattabte for or i One brick house on North Main street and Hlnea an. This building will be remodeled, and arranged (or of ear the Qoarry for rent or aale, W. W. BURKE * Diamonds Watches Jewelry __________ ✓ LEONARD'S Bus. Brat Awiversary Mt TheLastFewDays We appreciate your prtmaft durinf our First a»d to tip lhh|* ol ki extra nice fuhioB wi buy-mf" public extraordinary nhw these last few .da: Fail to Coase! Anniversary Sale Closes Saturday, Jane 25 SPECIAL 40 inch All Silk Crape de Chine, fl.75 value, for Friday and Satur day. all shades, #| .28 Per yard V* Boy's Wash Suits Of gentine Broadcloth Khaki. A real value. AO . Per suit, IfOC 36 Inch Bleach Regular 16c value, we are offering while it lasts for 1A * Per yard. Men's Sandals Ventilated or plain. M « Per pair SPECIAL Far Friday ami Saturday 36 inch Straw Tickiitf. | P Per yard *** Work Shoes. With Panco or leather sole #1. Per pair * Get In On These! SPECIAL! Printed Voile* and. Pongees for Friday and Sat urday. Per yard Don't fail to 19c SPECIAL! I 36 inch Satinett* A real value for ; P;U 19c SPECIAL! 36 inch Pajama Chocks, white only, Friday and Saturday, 12*c Sale close* Sat. Children's white Canvas Q<3 ud #| Pumps #1 $3.95 Ladies' Patent Pumps, blonfl pumps and white pomps $5.95 Ladies Blonde Pumps. Sale-price $8.00 Patent Pumpa, Sale price $4.00 Men'a oxfords. Sale price, IWt Fail to Visit Ow $2~ S3* $2" $1" Highly merceri*ed ribbed hoee, •U colon, p«r pair Gordon Hom, 91.00 vtlo«, gft. Per pair Silk Hone, Per pair, Here k where you cm uve a dollar. Don't fail to aee theee oxferde •t. per MJI pair,,.. #* — LISTEN! Our Flnt Anniversary Sale Clow*. Saturday, Jose 25th. of Km Dress Goods DepL No. 1210 Sun-tab, Me. value, yd M Plain voile* or printed, guaranteed fart color, jmL I Jacquard Rayon, Mc. value, yd. Crepes, a big assortment of per yard. 44c EACH Bar'. Underwear 45c SUIT LADIES! YourlUt* rt Kg ^ MBI UnQffwW 45c SUIT BOYLES BROS. Not to 8 lfe Sftara ' ll<|wA OM StoJrj MOUNT AIR Y, It C.

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