IF ITS WISE TO MAKE A FIRE WHEN YOU'RE CHILLY, IF ITS SMART TO TURN THE HEAT ON WHEN YOU SNEEZE, THEN WHEN SUMMER WARMLY GREETS YOU AND ITS SUNSHINE OVERHEATS YOU, IF YOU'RE CLEVER, WHY NOT MAKE YOURSELF A BREEZE? It sounds fan-tastic to claim for this $16.50 fan all the refine ments and improvements possess ed by larger We*tinfhouse fans at twice the price. But what follows is fan-truth. This fine fan is room size—not corner size, or kitchenette size, or alcove size. It delivers more breeze per unit of current. It has the enclosed oscillating mechanism, exclusive with West inghouse. It has three speeds—and no au dible accompaniments. In quality, wormanship, and fin ish it is unsurpassed. • If you want the highest grade breeze-makei your money can buy, be sure to see the Weating house fan, now on display In our show room. $1110 UiM- ta •" WM«U JSd^ TW W« to • rfvtlMiH ta :-,vt GET A WESTINGHOUSE FAN J Juki' Southern Public Utilities Co. PHONE tf i>—m mm i-5r—srrt: do >wi'». IhMt li i Ikf "RWl| Ask Four Natiani to Hunt for U. S. Hmnh Rootoo - TW (orrranionto of Franc*. Orrat Britain Ornigt and M wit Borland will br uUhI to aid if ■ •MNk tar alno roar-old Lqrtour Hrt *m Nolan. Mm to tbo tlMjQOM oo taw of Mr father, tbo lata Harry K Noiaa of Hartford. Ooaa. D. latrtlf > >ml tar. Mr*. Band of Quiaojr. ammcM that rart moat at Waablncto* la art ma chlnrrjr for It* aaarrh ta wotlw Mra (load. who *ai inarrird to Nolan la Trutrm la IfflT. wa* dlrorcrd a Uttlr bnwo than a raar later and wu ivatM caotodj of tkatr child, tboa a taw moathn old. Nolan took UrtWM with Mm whoa bo want to Swttaoriaad tar blm hralth Ho dlod la ftwitaartaad la 1KB. Tho child wu with htm at tho tlmo, aad noror baa bOM board from otac* by bar Waves for Mm Latest Fed in West Leaden LwiJw—fwiMnm Vina far an I* becoming a floarlahiaf b—ln»— with (ublWiMt halrdraaaara la the «wt ead it tbraataaa to baceaaa salt* • (UklM bore. The Ml* fMi $2b ud rsa bo done la a com parative!; abort tlaaa. It baa bmoma penaaneatwared aoa caa oaly woar tbolr hair la oar way. braabod straight back, aad without a partial. A Modern Service k CVaiiit and Pressing Phonex3-0-9 WE ALSO CLEAN AND RE-BLOCK HATS Poore's MOUNT AMY, N. C AM WILT. MJIC1 WILL BUILD a motor car can It's the TRIED and TRUE BRAND! /. C HOUJNGSWOSTH LM. Oa