Thar* !• yet a Imp mHh af tha mv territory wKh ft ^f^Ni uric railway capable of giriag •* im aarriea all aieag the Ita* aad teto to tha witm The death e< Mr. Mm M M interfer. with tha wall laid plans of former gntn iri tha mac hi nary to traverse North Carottaa with aa electric railway sya tm extending from Sputaahni, 8. C„ to Wlnotna-Saleaa fa* the )i"»' Bat before thajr can start their work tha proposal moat have the ipyrml of the Interstate Common* Ceauaie eloa. The Ant effort to (at each ap froai tha Southern Railway, the Baa hoard and other great etaam railway eyetMM and there la now beta* haM in Chariatta aa Iaeaatlgatlon of tha elaiM of both sides wtfh aa agent of the Commieaiaa taking the evt deaae. Among thoae appearing far and againet the propoecj rail eyatom are aoroe of the braiaieat men at the nation aad It will taka month* far the Commitalmi to atndy the qaeetioa and render a Anal docMoa. Bat the (team railway lino* mo in the move of the Doha interests an effort to enter a field where they are now reaping great harveata of rrvenaa and they are not willing to lot this territory hare the advantage of the tlectric line without a strong protest. Th* system undertaken by the Duke interests U known u the Piedmont and Northern and will be operated by electrify generated at the plant* of the Southern Power Co. During th* first day* of the hearing this wm hetd at the church at 10:90 A. M. by Father AlphonM ha, 0. 8 B. of Belmont, followed by ben • b» a choir of male !*• aarrfa* waa attended by of " 1 I Frank Buaa and nmlwi Bum alao of the order of BL After mm the and the rldta Mr. and Mra. The pastor, Err.' J. 0. Bnrta, at It vii found that with irtwwiw to the bearing of r»^»—IhlHty ttora to thn* HiHiit chain. eta: I. Tta not fym idnwwM|v rwpoiMibilfCjr. Cain fM the «nt fellow hi this class. too, hi tlw Shifters. thqr M aad acknowledge responsibility HK any. let Km ithai fallow do it. A4a aad In war* both to that claaa. Thay Anally fat the responsibility and Mama off oa tha imlu. Bath tha Prtot, aad tha Lnha oa tha Jericho road ware in thia claaa. They aaw the fallow in dire aaad thay ware will ing for tha Good gnauritoa to handle tha eaaa. 3, Bat there ia a third, and ■tin alter claaa — Tha Shoalderera. Thaaa like Jaehua, latoah, St. Paul. The Good Samaritan, and Our Bless ed Lord, mm the tasks of life and gat beneath ita load and bear it to the Inn or to life Calvariaa and to victory. On next Sunday the pastor will at tempt to preach a sermon showing how all tha Shifter., and Shirker, may be turned la to Skowlderera. Surely the houae ought to bo over flouring. The sermon on Sunday night waa oa "The Good Shepherd." He feeds hia aheap, Ha keeps his sheep. Ha protects and dafenda hia aheap, and He goes out & seek tha laat ones. A special faatare of thaaa aarricaa ia tha splendid music by tha choir aad orchestra. You are cordially invitod to attend Rockfard Street Metbodiat 1'hurch.- Contributed. DIZZY SPELLS n* VwU Cm» Qm 1Ui LUjr Awl Lot Pvlmnl Dkjs. Yes, Mount Airy's Best % Store PHONE 55 or 207 ff yaa 4» Ml ha«« • pkaac m4 eaammt mII to pw»u«. mmi Ik* rUMni. W« will wfw tkwn jwat aa Ik—tfc *m Iwn k 4* Ik* bajrinc. W» Htn Uln MlnaU(t of Ik* ckildrcn fcuaim ttoy ■M* of jurfffinc'f^r'tlwwMhrM. tke eldw ekn»ws W» «MM jrour giiiiaiy bastweee, aad year vWt of inepectiM will •nltffcte* you, perhaps, ae to why we ekooVd (hare la tt. Bat If yea OrflTn | i ■ uCR. elton Grocery Co. Airy'» Beet KHI BKLTO* Pr^. Whatever Y*a Good Lumber IT PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS value of the the best hmbar, mi will forget for a Ion W# Mil tfca best la tW EatintlM dMMvfvlljr Gnren Ob Any Job Increasing Business ha* called for change* in our plant, and we are pleaaed to announce that the new addition* to oar Mill have boon completed and wo are now in poaition to serve your need* in anything pertaining to the opera tion of a fleet claaa roller mill. Wo solicit the milling businaaa of the farmer* on the b**i* of ralee received, and promise yen a fair, aqnhre deal in every transaction. Beasley Lumbar ft Milling Co. #