UK eram rmOt there by • half m more tfcn* rettin* rid of the hill roinc up to Fain-lew. Littla •n wm« MfomplUwd in gottfof 4 the bad tiurtf on the road to rtver for Ummm Mitchell'* river TIm work aaa* of Um and the School August up the civil dockat hi qotck order. Non-auita ware takaa in m Am that proml»«si- to furnish eMuldtnblc ln trrwt, the slander action atartod by Brady hum Vcainat ex-efcertff W. U Alberty Thi» caae |Wi out ot alltred chargee of Mr A>lK| that Mr. hmr had taken ftreda that did not beloof to hia while ha «M a deputy ia the office at Mr. AJbeaty. The Harkrader-Lawranee ejection oas teat wu aant back to J. Haydeo Burke aa refrea. for the letoM time. Nefth er aide could Mark an agreement as to datda for trial or procedure and the arfuoeaU raeultad ia the court placing the qtMsUoti bifbrt Dm nfm at th* roquctl of U» Harknutor eoaa wl. fork, drrvUe a attni chain* but off and while h« the hack 6f the Local TaW To 9u«o B.« May On Tundin, J una 19th Mount Airy •ad wmuaadiag (oaounitiM will haw the pleasure of «•»( m of 4m latoat play* "Cupid Up-To-Date." There will be around thirty local proplr to take part in thia play. (felH* elaborate and eatiraly new and different eaetamaa will give the people of thin lidalty aomethiac to talk about for week*. Mine Hatkorn who baa had coaatd eraMe experience in ataxias play* of thia type will arrive from Atlaata within the next few day* to do the directlac. The play will be given under the auapieaa of Boy Scout Troup number one which to upon cored by the Fiaat llaptiat Church. Young Girls Go \ A number of Baptist girt*, chap eroned by Mr*. Junes Bray, art camping at Mountain View in WHM* ( ojinty this week. Those ia the Rachel Bray. Pauline Barber, Mary Taylor and guest Evelyn Pawl—. of Wallburg, Eva Kirk man, Bemiee Har ris. Kreeda Webb. Valeria Jackson aad Louiss Witt. Prof E. 8. Hmdrm,«MI «r. T. 9. Tkn Ftah Ate Up His Bait Too FmL Mr. Haywond Morritt U book km •fur spoodinc a month am tho rood visiting many point* in this coontry and the DosMm of Canada He laft horc by aatomoUU with a vWw to laaiin tho far north and took time to mo the innartaat cilia* aad niau faetwriajr ronton alone th* way bock timo in Canada, going thnmfffc thraa provinoom. states a* wo nut thorn in this counOry. Ho also took um - to do aaoM rtth' « for tron' whllo in Canada, and J>o only trouble ho had with tho fishing that they w-hiW hi to ao faat'V«t he caught tha limit tea aoon. Ht Sad tha aamo trouble while fUhinjr ia tho atata of Mains. Thara ha dahul for trout and > jj(M tho limit. :w>«t|r4hm, ia two Hour* lime. On tho i«twa trip ho oamo by Boot on. wMM Ma sister. Mist Anna Morritt, has bora Hvtn* and brought hor huma with him far a tew weeks via*. In Al Mr. Marritt lryee Ms ear 4*00 aritoi while away aad had a moot pleasant timo tho whoia jour Mr and Mr». Q. C. Cr*r*Hac w., toraad Oaf Jay fro« a tkiw weaks' F. H Uobbitt, U luMii—i, Ik, fc a meat at tlM Brown Howe. Mr. Babbitt U Um Md« of Mia. Joe HmyiMM sad Minn Both ud Am Mr. iW Mr*. Ralph Carter ud daughter. of Bluefleld. W. Va, .peat tb» «Mk rad bar*. Mrs. Cartar aad little daughter will ramaia bar* aad visit Mrs. Wad* Moody. Clarkr Brower aad tmmOf, Mr. aad Mr*. Will HoUiafawortb, Maeoa Hoi lincawortb. Toai Faweatt aad Mfau Kraaeas Faweatt spent tba weak aad at Nwm River on a fl.htn* tnp. Mr. *nd Mr*. F. M. Poor., Mr ami Mr*. Walter hen .pent la* wwk with Mr*. 8. B. Dr. Md Mi *. C. a Lawreoce, * Wiaaton-SaJesa, ritllM Dr. Law attiaM the twp»l W Fraak iMk! Mr. ud Mr*. A. H. Badfett and baby taft the flrat of the woek to vMt; relative* at Pellham, they wore ae cumpaniod to R*td*vil)e by Mia* Mm Laweeai. who will dw vimit at 1 Va.. Carter, of the week en will viatt hi W_»Va ^Mr. and Mr*, it C. ' with All Jackaoa. who >nd Princeton. Carroll had a from tfifh Point and the hapPT <* kittle Doria Corkerham spent laat T N. Woodruff at Lowtap. She wm aoeoaipanied by three wt her tittle frieada, Mary Earl* Hoffman, frieata hyf'Bray Md Man f in* Jaekaon, who U with Um baa returned after a vialt to hi* par eau hi this city, he . her* by Sam Wilder,, ot «i1

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