that, hut be will the most MklM dilmi to the tjr Mine tlM reeds u4 ' Ma Hfe ami the Uves of all 1 dm tk« roads. All tMa M due to • lack of public iiglam that mU ear roads at an. It all aaa bark to thtot Wa must M a «| to atpp tha carsless 4iIimi from fclitog. (liar sections of tha eaaki are m nipjinnjf liiwi to drive baforr (M caa drive. Tha Itoawes to issued to Umm who art old Mewgh to drfee and who know how to drin Bad wba ara morally rsspimrihto fcr their cendact. No auMi who haa the reputed el half blind should be HesMsd to And then we need to wake op to the fact that thoM arhe walk along the highways ribed to learn to stay la their places. Many of the deaths aew are due to the indifference of thoee who get In the way of a rapidly nsoe ing automobile. The folks who walk need to wake up to the fact that a machine moving at a high rate of •peed cannot be stopped instaitly and that it is made of iron and has weight enough and to hard enough to htaak every bone ia a human body and will do it if it is body handled. It would be a sight to b