Mr. roiger put witnesses before tha committor to »how thai Ik* greater *art of the revenue from Um passen ger train* was secured by spoiation •f tha n«on train—tha biggest' ship-, para stating that SO per rant of tha sxprss- came on that train. And Mr. VAliHk, « . — * — -Am A U HMa flkA I roiyvi conwnafQ 11 vii no proper way to get at the true facta by juat •imply dividing tha flgures of the tare trains There were many question* that |M[d to expeaaaa and receipt* of tha road that ha could not answer. ISaaa who attended the hearing ware hn preeaed with the absence of anthaaitic Ipiw on tha part of tha railroad to export their claim. TVrt have been •aw reports in the newspapers hi re gard to a rompreaaiae hut this ia da nied by thoae who nttsaadad Mm heav ing and they are still holding out for the train until mora Agorae are brought forward Thoee who attoaidsd the two days' hearing warm 1 H. Fnlger, Mayor W. G. Sydnor. W. E. Merritt. 0. C. Lorill. 8. C. Stewart. W. S. Harris, J. H. Johnson. 8. A. Hennia. C. H. i Haynes. W. B. Partridge, R. E. In mdn. 4. B. Sparger 8. M. Hale and W. G. Andrews. mt Mm «mr who w tM of U» to •a* bM of • • mod alau that traAc rtiowH Mt fol low rloor than two block* whan » truck b on t)M wajr * In. At iho hut alarm Um ilrMU Nenw hi cm with Um traAc mm of tho th* yolitt Um tf the tolitog • rcpitltkm of h to plenty of for tkto num K to uatowfol to within a block of Um mom of the flro. | Noxt time the In tiara to Ths Rev. «. A. ftlKMM, pot* at the First Hapti* Church, of Waeerly, Iowa; R«v E. G. Dtrk, ywtor of ths first Baptist Church of Mount Airy; Rev. C. C. Hsymor* of Mount Airy; R*v Mr. Martin tho pastor hsrs and .Dr. Tom Smith ptso of WaatAeML Mr. Simmons will prsaeh at ths 11 o'clock ssrrios. Ths church will bs complst sd this wssk ready for serrieaa. Ths missionary soetsty Mat Satur day with Mrs.' Bassis Bs Whaat thrashing is ths wash turning out bsttsr than sxpact-| ad and Mas ersfs an of'eseeOaalt quality. Teal Coat averaged twsnty Com aad ftns aad Iriah Ths PlNty^l of hs *iry| this tars from ths wast a siga of prosperity ths only rvsr taks aa out of ths na land ownsr rant* his laad to eatt)s| raisers, Mr. John Lows has tenants and aN raisa coca aad ta aad hut oas makes butter ta at Mrs. Wall wtfs of Attoraey Vail, of Daabury aad small daughter visit. sd Mrs. 8. P. Christian several days last weak. They together with Mrs. C. J. Galloway . motored te Mount Airy oe a shopptae tour. Mrs. R. T. Joyce la expected to re- j turn from a two waeka visit to! Gr Local Happenings in and About the City * « Mr. and Mra. H. O. Wohx aad Mr. and Mra. L A. By* apont IW waak end with Mra. Wolta'* mother. Mra. H. C. Elliott la Catawba Mra. Bya Mia» Emma Yom*. of ~ Mra. Cora Martin and Mr. aad Mm J. T. Poiadaxtor and aae Oaorga Mr. aad Mm P. & Kothroek Mra. Martin muminf to apaad a woa^ hara aad at tor i aaalij hoaaa at La Miaa Icy Bowaia rata mad to Mr at Tha Hollow, Va, "m li| af with Maria at ipaniad haaaa by tad Eothqr HoDowaO, atf (iallford Colkca. Mr. and Mra. A. L. Lawaoa of Now Vori. ara an raala to thi* city to rult hia aitara Mra. A. G. Trot tar aad Miaa Maa Lawaoa. Mra. and Mra. Lawaon cama to boat to Norfolk, Va, and will mak# the laat lay of tba jouroay by train. Mra. Jamaa H. Davia and tha paat waak aad in Hfih Point wtth Mra. Daria' aotbor Mra. J. T. Good rum, aad wu »oco»pantad haaw by bar niaea Miaa Praanaa Hapa, jjt Cohimbua. Ga IWv. and Mrs. & A. Wul—■. wte Mi*, Mia* CaUUa Uwii mmt Um Roth Browttt nptrt to Imm to Utter put of thU WMk to tkrir «sr for • month /vacstioa vWtta« to Ito with Him. Wtitoi' hitor. 4. Unr Imp ami Mr*, bf «i to ChtoM* ud BpriacfeM. Ill, polft* in fmiti—Macon Ckraitok MtoM Jaty 21. JoMpk toinn,