FOB RENT—Mate *Mt MM now uMd by Granita City Mi Co. Win be moMd to nit a Cat. PouMaion can h* had at ptember lit C. W Pulton. • ACUTE ACM AJtSsI "A penny saved U two pence clear; A pin a day'i • rroat a year." Benjamin Franklin « w. s. WOLFE DRUG CO. FOR RENT On* S-room honao am Sprint ud Pandar rtronte. largo coiD«r lot Rent On* Hoom on Willow straot, auitabla for amall or shop. On* brick hooM on North Mate aferoot ud HImb Mfc This building will bo romodolod, and un>|od tor «f for roat or W. W. BURKE m uv i. a nvof. pmmi • _____ -A placo wk« 70a in wmly welcomed to worship." "OmmT" BmmAmy School Ml A. M. Diviao Worship ud hii st 11 A. IL m4 • f. M. Epworth Imii T:l» P. M. Prsjrer sorrioe. W«L > I ML Orfeiaalitjr: Doin* «Wt some otter follow did 00 ton* ago that people haeo forgoOaa all aboet it Hariac qualified aa administrator i of tho oatato of Lucida MeKlaaoy, da caased, this la to notify all persons holdiac claims acaiaat said oatato to present them to tho undersigned with-1 ia twohro months from tho data of this notioo or aamo will bo piaad ia bar of thoir rseorsry. All persona indebted to said estate will make vtn aMdiata satthaaL This July Mth. 1M7. WILLIS E. ilcKINNEY, Admin istrator. Pinnae la. N. C., Route A Renew Your Health by Purification \ 9 !W« TMritrt M iMi 1 By vtrtao of aa>k«rltj *«Ud laitfcaj Hi"to£f?£J22*fcr"c* nTcwmnm to tlw ttMlmkMl trnsuc for ft, B. S| MankaB « «• Ml day «f ImH IMS, to mm aa MMmm «f nilM tad wiiiii ta Dm «Mt stot of Factory Stiaat aad hum kack fawntt'i Ha* or lot No. tt (1M) ft.; tlMMa 8. SO ft. to lot Ma. M; tkoaco 8. 10 am ft. to tako off at lot No. M; tkoaaa runniac oast paroilol wttk tka Haa kotwooalota No. U aad M 1M ft 8. *o aa to iaehrfa 10 ft of lot No. U to Factory St; ttom i aaaiag N. 00 ft aloa« Factory St to Um ko*to nlna, aa aa to larhidi lot No. IS and 10ft. front by 110 ft doop fraat lot No. U. Alto lot No. 20 to block No. S aa ikowa to plat mordid la Book of Plata aald to C. A. Lawaon aaa daad of truat to tko rtflator of Mi oSn T. A. Hamlltoa aad M. W. Vonahfc to W. D. Haynaa. Sarroyod ky I. W. =f SS.fJS-"*""—' Tkl« tko Mtk day at July. 1*27. HENRY WOLFE. Tn»too Right This Way Folks Fresh Groceries - - and - - Country Produce ImnImMIMIwi*. wkfrmwUkftmbm« W Phone 3430 R W. KEY AT BANNEKTOWN WW* You Cm Park A« Long A* You ^ i ' ■uud^fleieiflaflMHimmaeiwiiuuuuuj * VALUABLE CITY PROPfRTY I AUG. 13th 2. P. M. K . v -f .% - I I I I I I I I I I Mrs. Frank Taylor Home ON WEST LEBANON STREET, , ;.v ; " 'Lit ;v v«l.' H large lot, looted on Airy'* mU to op tke m