' W J. Ry«ty, TtartM. M*. «• 0«o. X. kMt Ik TMn. B*». C. III llllII. IIMII Ml Official Organ! Hi s KODAK SPECIAL! I r A genuine Kaatman Box Kod*k. picture da* J«/4 * SH. for a limited qa time at only «JOC W. S. Wolfe Drug Co. W. 8. WOLFE, Kiwan!**. Il PHONE No. 53 ) ToMorrow may never come Don't PUn To* Far Ab«ad ll ia difBcr.;; to romprehend but ♦ j for many »« u» tomorrow will never cone. TV- rtor* let'* ( Iran up our de*k» t< tlay. Thwe are many ways In wnich our truat company can be of aarv- ' I ice to you. Very likely it may t , be the quvxtioe of administra tion. the termination of a stork or bond deal, or the execution j of a will. See ox about it now. EDW. M. I.INVILLE Kiwanuin. Under Which Flag? THE Army of Success marche* from victory to victory under p banner on which is inscribed "Bank That Dollar." -> • The Army of Failure retreats from failure to failure under a flag on which is inscribed "Waste That Dollar!" Resources, $1,600,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOUNT AIRY, N. C. T. Q. FAWCETT, Pro. B. O. SMITH. Cafthltr W. f. BURKE. V.-Pre*. D. C. RRCTOR. AMt Cash. T. C. FAWCtTT, Kiw»hUn Results WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KIWANIS? Friday Ni«ht tke Will IU Put Tlir««.gli * Qata How much want* f Or know about it? that will b* ■l»lfre* «t the meeting Friday evening at nu.rH* AMbtw'i And Orever says ilia winner In the| (Mtwl will ha awarded prise, whlla itiartie will haee ] ad la aerve tha flrat una who ia j "knocked down" a aic« helping of chK-km necks and backa far hie ' A 8, on tbe plat of SouthvJew, J. Gilmer Horner lota, revised plat recorded In plat hook No 1. at page 9 la the Register of Deeds office Surry County, N. C. Sale made to satisfy indebtedness of two thousand, forty seinn dollars and ftfty cents. <*2.#47.fiO>. and Inter est aad eeat of sals This AaffWt t. 1M7. M IL 0. Wotta, Tnsatee. , L W. BARBER uoaun civil emukhcb r. O. Bu 444 ML Airy. n. c lildlii awl Dim SHr«K Paving, fcvtn, BmI Kitati U«r«loptiMtiU. All at Dm property •itoatad ta thr Bru«^»my TWtrr two SleiplM^ew ; ' FREE YOURSELF Fran House Drudgery HIRE THE MAGICAL SERVANT ■ "ELECTRICITY" 7 Life io too short and too full of op portunities for other things* to waste V your time 'and strength in the use of old-fashioned methods. Let Electricity simplify your house hold duties and release you for great er enjoyment of life. Cook with electricity, wash with elec tricity, iron with electricity, cool with electricity. Use our el< .-trical appliances in your home and & ve time, work and money Will gladly I e demonstrated in your own home. ELECTRICAL— Waafcinc MmMwi Vinam Cleaner* Iraaa OfOb Mmm Taaatera WtlW IroM Ptmhlm Hair Carlrn Hair Dryer* krlt iaator—Electrical Krfrigeratina Electric Ruin Keariag Machine* Iroainc Mackinea IN«k «a*her» Ctama F.aa