TIm mala ton re* «f wi>w aappfr will k through a pip* line *m *Ua* toag extending *p LcnlT. Croak wh*r* it will taka water fM tha crwk abort th* milla aad wber* th* law! am (Mint of poOatioQ to to tto (o«i Thi» ia conv*y*d to Um Bat tling baa in awl than fUtor*4 to th* tium flltora aa n**d*d. Tha filter* ud pampa can rapply a tows of >0,000 IntoWtinU with mm. All tha aqdp naot to honaod in a n*w brick and granite trimmed building. with bmm m*nt whan two atoctric purapa and ona gaaoHne pump hava a total pa tap ing output of MOO gallona par m lo ot*. Th* ground floor of tha building to oqoippod with th* control vahroa, laboratory rooaa and chain leal diatri b«tora Tha *o*t of th* n*w plant to ap proximately $160,000, paid far oat af bond* toaoad and aold by tha board of town coamteaionera. Supt. Aba her will ba glad to ahow tha eitiaaoa of tha town ov*r th* mw plant at any time, and tha Klwaaia club will hold Ha meeting Friday night In th* mm building whan Mr-Ababar will ahow tha nMmbara over th* aatlra plant W«U Know* Citizen Din Mr. Hugfe Tlltey, aged 76 yMn, and a highly respected eitiicn of this city dM laat Thursday morniag at his home on Orchard Street follow - id a period of Mfwwl moatha of in health. Mr. Tllley waa a mUw of Aahe County and atorod to tide city about 20 yean ago and ainee tea haa made thli hla home. Ha waa a Chris tian gentleman, a kind neighbor tad Mt a large family of children, aad many frwnda who are grvred at hia paaalng. In the affairs of the day M "kep* wall poatod aad waa iloiH found to be lined up on the right Ml of any moral question. The funeral earvfcaa were held at the hMaa M day afternoon, by Be*. E. 0. DarO? luatsr of the Pint Baptist Chunh, vf -which the dmand waa a momhar. Iter. B. Vance Price aaaiated. Burial took plioi at ctnttcry. , Surviving the deceased are his Wi ^oa an Judge A. E. TIDey, C. B. Til ley, an! Mrs Knight at this city, and Garfield, Ciena and aaother soa taatod at petata away front hare. waak. H* kM Jut FrultUnd ImUW* wfcl plaes MumMIi Mr. aad Mrs. W. D. Mr. aad Mr*. PoNater torod to Ckllkoure, Va. Sstarday to vtoHMr. t. B. Bookar and «Uk. Tksy od wHk tka eoantry nrf tka hospitali ty which tksy wwhd on tka4* visit. Mr. u4 Mrs. Alkart Coifeatt ud Corbstt, kars raturaad to tksir bona in Atkinson after i>in<t«t ten days bars tor tka baeaflt of tka White Sal Tkay ara satboa ■altk* us of tka water sad haw of tks Springs for a nurabsr of ; Naws Pram WaatfMd > West field. A og. Weetfield U a dntnwUvt kail storm starting Mar Rockhoaw church and sxtendiag »Mt within two miles of oar poat of flee mm aa araa 144 milaa totally ruining about t6 farmer's crops and badly damaging about 50. Only two of the whole number had uqr Insurance. However, about oae-thi*d of the crop had boon primed. The crop ef both oorn and tohatta in all thia section has rarely ever been better. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Christian aad son Beverly weal to Roanoke PrP day on a riait to Mrs. Oliver, sistor of Mrs. Christian. — Mia. B. K. Marshall waat to Greensboro Satarday on hoataoo*. The Baptist Uleeionary society met Saturday with Mrs. R. K. giaaoai. It was a Ml mooting aad Mrs. J. D. Smith oTUiLt ktry, Miaa Gertrude aad Camsrnn SssKM pklM ea Mia. R. T. Joyce Sunday: JB« hasa.no golf coarse, but the bioaat hdrsMfcoe games in the cani ty Saturday aftornooa next a match game betaasa West Held aad Fraad^ ^o wiB he pHchad. *" Squire Lewa had cm ease today, driving ear while dniak. coatiaaad until ntxt Saturday ly fine eeea. Mr. WUeea la cm af oar be* all-arsaad cltisena, and la a waa derfnl farmer Chartte MaCraw vtaitod TV Ntw fWflea" Tuaaday to toll w about Ma axperianc* a faw dayi a*o on tha Imogana road baf am Plpan Gap akd Lowrap whan ha kilted a moihar ad har aifht ba Tha amrthar and bar 1 nine thanaahraa in tka H( road Mr. McGrmr aifhtod than, tha ar at raat aad tM ymirthi i in* around bar; laatoad at aavin* *•»-, aalf tha mothar taak tima to i or tet la which Up to t* af TW praparty «M rMMtly tm+ini by Um Moaat Airy C»—U| CM, bat city. Mr. Bi ■torit MM • flra la bia aaak itow Md win Nt U Dm tan ■tortod Into tha kHcbaa h«MMl kjr atlfHag «■«>« ami llini <M In mm way had «M«tt fro* Um a***. Mr. Baarfuraat kw 19 childraa and by tha Um ha |U Uw* aat af M and away from Um MMtaf It waa la flaaaaa all o*ar. TIm Coaatry Club will gat tha ia aaraaea oa Um Mldlac aa it la tha loaar. Tha plan of Um dob waa to ra raodol tka hoaaa into a eiab hoaaa bat thoao plaaa will mem ba altorad aai an anUraly aaw club hoaaa will be balk. Tha flra will eaaaa ao tot ay in Aba plaaa to but Id Um coif Uaba and mi than M men ara now aamloyad Vtprapariag tha ground far (taaa aa tna fraana, taaa and fara-waya. I TW work of etocking w itruma I wfQi flah la now the problem for oar people, and the protection of the flak ia the moat important part of the program. J oat thia week a govern ment agent came here from a flah hatchery ia Tennessee with 400 black baaa from two to three iMtMa long and put them in atraama aboat thia city. Theee flah were aawn< on the application ft game warden W. L. 'Steele aad Mr. Phillip Warahaw. While here the government agent from the Tennesaee hatchery gave oar folks wm> petaltera aa to hew te gat flah'for oar etreems. He tald them that H U the policy at the gr taraaa—» now to aupply aa autay aa fifty flak to any citkaen who place them la a stream where they will get the pro tection that la required by the govern ment. Acting aa thia Infacme Him it U now the purpose of oar oitlaaaa te get baay aad aee that application la made for the flah. Mr. Warahaw Mm written for blank apptfaatiwm aad will eee that a large number at mm people eign them. He thinks Mm* we ahooM be able to gat aa many aa a car load of flak la thia way. If a number of citiaeaa apply at the aamo time then the government wit) ship all the flah at the warn time and aand men along with the ear to eee that the atoeldng ia property carried eat. Wew h Haw Han* ^«uia« Meter Oa, Botch agwite at tMa attjr, ara Mr la Mr m* quar tara on Moor* Btrwt ap»aa<te IV Naws offtea TIm tiapfcy km ta ba six of Um latest Batek mMi will arrtra far ptrWyi tfca largart at ki«* prk»4 aan rrar l>ate 4 Oter»s*~i Tk* Coanty continuing tkia Lindy did la kit fli*M to TIm kappv paftnarakip of Liadjr and ku plana wktek ha i paralM in oar partaarakip witk our! achooia. Wo akoatd a Hit* tka apiritj of yoatk wttk tka apirit of Jaat aa Ltody joined tka spirit of! Aateriea wttk tka "Spirit of St.1 KUtrip. primarily for gain bat far areoiapliak- ] tka former proved Lat ua follow 1 kia example, and, aa ka did. coma* our fltffkt ia adacatioti far tka foe raw. «a wall aa far tka rata ma i yoatk. Tkeafk tka impala* ia uaaal-. flak, R» fruits are inketaailal, for oat of saak antarpriaa spring* tka ia- j or. A kandiod plana in aviation ara of Uady'i signal A tkouaand advantagea from tka aekiavaiaanU of edi P*U. M> ber*b'» hacker* had do any return*. Lojr»ltjr and for the spirit of to Thi» thould be the attitude at ent* and tu ptjrtri who that education ia the It la day* are Joet ahead. I* ■ *- - - - _ J «—a_ - - II- J — lowiro our ooys tno gkrii csnso on «aa -On To T1 HKNDUN, BrnfL aad Mr*. C. F. Two P.M.W. KilUd By Two OHiw William ton, Ta, Aug. l»—A poli tical food bit«m two faction* of the Williaaeon poHeo fcreod flaaw4 lata actio* today orw a qnaaHa* of authority and two officers Ml tai boforo tho pistol fir# of two ether TW victim* af tho gvn fl|ht woro D. W. Do ei field and Garrojr McOwlio, member* of tho faction HoaM by Mayor W. P. Hatfield After tho aaaohe flwiW away Julio* Lawaon and Jaatoa Kirkpatrick, aligMd with another faction, *poaoorod by tho «tty council, ittircBdcnd to tlM ooupty authorities and were plarod in jail. Kirkpatrick uifforad a fleah wagad hi tho lag. Doapito tho taaao fooHnc that 1W lowod tho iKortlni tho imiWir of tho day paoood «riotty ia WIUmmml Stato poHeo laoWtiaod all anMh and aidod by cotrt^ officer*, hopt constant watch to iwt another oat broak.

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