Town C<xnmi»ioners Raise Tax Rate to $1.46 Tim Yeai iMt yaar. wtth tha nHjr tomm*m at* 1Mb aad the «tty raiafa* 4b «m in fare* km far a Um bat fmmi Hard to mforw and wu m aatiafaetory. Ilia board'* poaMtoa la that tbe bnaines* people ahoald oo »P*nta among thiamin a little with a rtow to rel terra* tha rondl tton an Mate Street, for it to a no ttoaabli fact that a majority at the eongaatlon on tha atraota to caaeed by parkins of fecal wra far a half day at a tiroa. Tha town to Mt afltaf ta make a parking tow that raqalrea a farmer coanln* hrra to trade ta am Ma car erary hoar, and ta paaa a parkins tow would make Mm aiwwar abla to H tha lama aa a raaidaat afj tha city. ii um city M to ret any relief fr—i the parkin* troubles It will be op to the business men to work oat the plan. After Oct. lit residents of the dty will he required to pay a higher rate for water. TIm board raiaad the min imum rate from 90e to 11.00 and the gallon rate from 25c par 1,000 to Me. Thoaa who live outside the corporate limit* will pay still mora, for Um rate that will apply to them will be $1 JO j minimum charge and 45c per 1,000 gallons. Previously tha city water fund haa demanded a caah deposit of $3 00 for each water top, paying in return sis par cent on tha dapoait. bat tha board will discontinue to pay Um interest although Um dapoait will have to be on hand for all who have a meter rate. Flat rate customers do not have to pat up a dapoait aa they are required to pay in advance. Ag*d Raleigh Lady Dtea H«ra Mrs L. M. Dabney. of Raleigh, died hare Friday night after a few days illness whan aha contracted cold fal lowed by pneumonia. Mrs. Dabney cam* to Mount Airy with W. M. Allen, chief state chemist, of Ral «igh and Mrs. Allan, who la a daugh ter of Mrs. Dabney. Mrs. Allan be came sick and following her tilnees h«r mother wtoattod oaU which de vflupfd alarming symptoms M€ re Mrs. Dabney rtT* carried to Vfeha barg. Miss., her fermar hoasa, when Mrs. Allan is aMa to urimpany thaas, hi Um meantime tha body to ■ ■kahail and being kept hi the Nel son-Moody undertaking porter Mr. Allen to eM 4 the firsmit ehem tote hi Um atote and frKjoeetiy senna family have tha daap sympathy mt tha Martin, ef Atlanta. Oa., spent tha paat^ week end wfth Um family etf f. -.'JrV . • •' »■ Dr. hmr Rotfcoa Fi Ob account of ill health Dr. i. E. Banner ie ntirtaf from practice, and has sold his equipment and prnctfc* end taaaad kit officaa to Dr. Carl L Thomas of Prankliatoa, N. C, giving poaaaaaion tomorrow, the 8U1 of Sept Dr. Thoma» comes to Mont Air) vary highly recommended. both aa ■ splendid citisen and axoallant den Uat. Ha la a young man, a gradual* of a Baltimore dental collate, haa boon in practice three yeart. Dr. Ban ner moat heartily rrcon. mends him to hi* frienda and patrons and aoH cita their patronage for Dr. Thomaa. Major AMmt Goers To Homo lulu Major D. C. Abaher and wife and daughter Julia metered to this citj from Fort Oglethorpe, Oa., visitini Blowing Bock. North Wilkaaboro awl other points en route. Major Abaher who is with the U. 8. Army aa a phy sician and surgeon left the early pari of the week for Washington, D. C. where he aril! spend two months h the Walter Bald General Hospital and he with his family will sail fron New York Nor. 17 going via the Pan ama Canal to San Praneiaoo, Calif, from which point they will sail to tlx Hawaii Islands, the crsaaroads of the Pacific, for a three years' stay Major Abaher la a brother at Mrs John Pay, and C. W. Abaher of tb city water department and Mrs. Ah sher was before her marriage MM Bethanla Ashby of this rity. Mia Mary Sparger Abaher the eldei daughter haa bean visiting relathw here prior to the arrival of her par ents and the second daughter J a tie Mrs. Abaher and dhughters wil visit relativea here aad ha Winston Salem, Richmond. Vs., and otho poinU before Joining Major Abehe ,fer their voyage to their new haaaa They will be located at Hoaotuk which la the capital and chief ecm mtreial city and port of the telandi have |id>iai< leaving thia city to PlarMa Mil the ltth. They had aa poetod ta leave this weak to Jeia th riaiiNlir of Mr. Dobbins* faMil now to Florida. Mr. Dlkblai wB r» ■aia la the dty for aaeaial week before leaving. Ha is now oleatog ea Who Kaows Of A Of all the apple liw hi this put of the world bar* to aa account of tka graataat ana jrat. W. G. Cutettory, of Unto*. W. Va„ «m to theee part* recently and apant tha night with C. C Hutchen* of White Plate, whart ha had gone to bay a track toad at piaehaa. Mr. Caaterhary tajri that aa tha farm of P. W. Booth aaar whara ha livaa la aa appto traa that to foar taan feet around, has a limb of aeveaty feet and to fact high. It haa been known to bear aa much aa one hundred aad taaaty f ive hue he la of appfea in oaa aaaaoa. Tha tree to a seedling, but beara a good cooking appto. Marriage The News to to receipt of tha fol lowing announcement which will ha of interact to many Sorry people: "Mr. and Mra. Daniel J. Pierce an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter. Mary Annie, to Rufus C. Nana, on August 24th. At home. Sept. 4th, Cameron, N. C. " Gillum-Sraith Nupt.aU Tha following announcement clip ped from the Bventng Courier pub lished in Hannibal. Mo., will ha read with much interest in this city awl irty: > wadding of tha Autumn aaaaoa will ha of tetaraat to a large circle of friends, will he that of Dartlto Gillum. daughter Mra. Char lea KoHn Gillopr'af Oraad ' etow Place HannibaLffo Mr. Jeffrey I Dae 8mlthf Jr., ao« off Mr. aad Mia. I J. D. Smith of Moaat Airy, IUT" ,> which will take place :VOctober II INMiaa Gillum to a girt of tatoat aad Tiracity, aad to ana ef tha moat charming members of baTa social aet. She wat High Schaol aad Chris the records at Mm. So far we have tailed to find an exact date bat com paring the recordr far other w» find that Hebron waa in a* early a* lttS and Hs history prob- j ably exceed* that date by at One man telle ua that when I moved late tkh community ia 1171 the old people told him that the church had been In existence for a hundred years. This would carry its organization back to the da ye of An drew Yeargan The original church building stood on land nam owned by Mr. Henry Cook. The log* of which th> church was built wai moved nearly forty yean ago and used in erecting a tea ant boose which is still in use oa the farm of Miss Pattie Richards. Another log church was erected on the present site about the year IMS. This waa sold in 1*111 and ia now aaed by Mr. Thrower as a barn. The preeent church was erected in IMS. Wr now unveil and dedicate this memorial tablet in loving nmeai j brance of ^Jl thoee who have had any mnnity from the beginning at the hoar of the Methodist Choreh in the wilderness down to this good The history at more than i | to a prophecy of the foafae- at the Man to oome. May the ageetal bless ing. at Almighty God ha a preeent boildteg. May he he ally all the years to at the A 0. held her* the first at the Mia. A. O. Trotter wm Mn.tnUm«n.-i M 1, S., „ mounuuneers iwung Dnunay in Sight of Sooner R««rt lion. A whiff of air brought u old familiar odor to the noetrile at Dai nty Monday, and ho at nan, like a lraised hunting dog. declared that ho mid smell the (till. And ha contend* that ho can smell ono on a damp na bmt day for half * mile. Whoa ho thus reassured Um party and daelar ad that the "till moat ha tomowfcor* noar them, they raaawed tho in drad aarnaat. And aaro a branch ia tho bluff right In aifht of tho big hotel at Roaring Gap they located a thirty-fiee gallon copper •till and a Irt of beer and aotae apples ready to crnah and get prepared for distilling brandy. Not a aool was about and all indications were that the still had been in recant opera tiana and all beer ready had bean used up. It appeared that the still had been in operation for aaaay weeks. The officers destroyed the ovtftt and atarted hack to where they had left their cars. They stopped to real and while waiting by the path thay ware going, a man came oat of the woods with a gun hi hia hand. He waa asked why the gun and what waa his business. He promptly said ha that it was unlawful to hut rale at this time of the year, ha quickly changed hie atory aad said fleer noticed that he had a battle la hia packet and It peered to be a ptet battle Ml at Hqnor. Than he eg I "Driea Slow—Bmrt a Lito," -CkB mm May fnT an poatod in protateeot places hi rftjr of Boffalo, N. T„ with _ to the dty wttk the way traffic is cartful way in which tka VPH in* to a latter received bjr TW Mm from Mra. Roland T. Booth, Ma Jaa Jenkins, who of bar new • chanre of Mra. d. a. mother Mia. J. D. Jenkins before go ing to her new haaaa hi New York. Ska atao says that Buffalo lu name "tki etty «f Weal FarViaH Miss DaHa Baynora, of Texas, and Miaa Ada Martow, OUakaas. will aval montks to Surry 5u—ty. at to tka hove of Mta. C P. to

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