«flt. UnTjTi. mmml *-*«• prtas from 17.00 to 118.00. b to •ttppiy year boy* with a >*W wit at a prU« you «m y. J. D Smith. t-lt-e NOW kaw hi stack the largest ilpawnt of StotooM Hat* to Mount ^All the all. Throw away tbet aid straw end bay on* of thaaa aow Stotaoaa. J. D. ■■Ilk. *-lft-< f«« LAMB dm floor for light rtt &sr Airy, N. C. Mr J p- falto *—* Wifi FOB BUNT—Koar room Chereh atroat, wator, llflte, eew r, 111.60 par month. Boa George Mount Airy or W. M. ~ Hollow, Va., alto M I for Nh. WOOD—Oak alaba delivered to yea by tha cord or cat ready far naa Wrtto J. R. MrEI—ay, CHy, route a FOB BENT—Daabrabia Owri'l Street n*xt to my homo. Dr. C A Baird. Mount Airy, M. C. tfe. APPLES FOB HALE—ML Airy Pnrktag Iioum near dry bridge Berth Main street. See W. H. Woods wmdurne* North Main straat. Phone m. tfe WANTED—m readere far aar Ex ikiop Library. Read tha latoat K" mwl for only 15 ronta. Mt. Dm Co. CUT FLOWERS - Asters, delphla lama, dahlia*. xinnias and many dkr col flowers at reasonable priaea. L. A. Pool. SIT Taylor Street. Mount Airy. N. C. tfe FOB BENT—4 room boas* with wm tor. sewei and lights, on Speech See W. Ramrt. tfe FOB BENT—Mate street aew eeed by Granite City Motor Co. Will be remodeled to salt oeeu ean be bad about let C. W. Fultoe. tfe. •ChJL0: invKmt • friend to What is a ru NOTICE Default having been need# la the psynMit of IIm udibudMii Mcvnd by that certain deed of treat to ma aa Traatoa far U H.«tewwt. Jamee Stewart. Ihm Stewart and Charlie C. Stow*, m the lfth day of Octo ber, IMi, aad ri cordsd in the office of Um Register of Deeds for Surry County in Book 90 pa«o m, 1 will un by Henry Brown, and running with I l iri jiwri Hit* Um Not York Cam ml station as Ms train mm la, startled Mm at first u4 by Um Mm he had boo* pulled aad lata Um official utMwMb moot of Mi NlfaMM had been left hohiad tncM Ing To* Kickard. Cm —rod by the girl ropMton as ho Wft Um hotel for Ms eup tbo champion aMhfiu aerw going to you oomMrod?" ho «m nkoi "I'm engaged to fight, that'■ all," Geas said with a pin Tm never going to Many. !*■ not tho marrying Mud. Why ? Ok—" aa ho hmttaM for a sarioa* answer. "My managor will not lot mm." This OM Straw Hal Brings Nothiag But Bad Lack Chicago. Aug. St.—Tags is draw ing noar for straw hats, aad ths will ho Petor Murray, of Edgawator Beach. In fact, Mr. Murray dooa not intend to ev«er woar a straw hat again aad say person who dtseaoaas soch headgear with him from now oa is flirting with ths undertaker. Day before yastonlay be looked at the old lid and found it soaMwhat frowsy and sunburned. So he bought a cap aad took a tad hnm« with ths utraw bonnet in a hag hinds him He figured It might corns in handy for fishing. Traffic halted in the Leeg Mi MM straw hat blew out oa a wiap of wind. A newahoy brought It baek and, though the thing was not worth it Mr. Murray fare Mm a quarter In his politeness. On arriving home and taking ths straw hat out of the hag. ha found it had been crushed by an automoMIs before the polite little hoy picked M up. So he bitterly threw it oat ths window. n lmiiHVg when Mr. Gordon oame ■— Mat tote hi* heme net fire to th* toM* cloth oa which ha haatOy dipped it The result waa that when Murray arrived home after palihig ay bead rtMT MUBBYTMHAN CBUBCM Bible School lfcM A. M. Moraine «mM» ...MM A. M. Bwah« wnUy 7M P. M. Jmior C. K. IJt P. M. Bmtor C. C. «.«6 p. M. Bar i. o. nvn, pmn w^konwTu) womhlpT* Sunday Moot 141 A. M. Divine Wonhip u4 IW in* at 11 A. M. and 7J» P. M. Epworth Lmim .t:U P. M. Prayer Mrrlee, Wad. I P M. Darto Mm Cawviotod For krMiHklM Morlutvilk. Sept, 2 —Convicted of burning Ms btni for the paipMl of collecting HO.XM) in.ur.nrr, Luke C. Dodmon, Davtc county firMT, HI wMrimd hm today in 8uparinr court to aarve not In* than 10 year* nor mora than IS ywn at hard labor in the ktoto. The jury raacbad Ha verdict after deliberating for one Hour, and Um •entenee waa impoeed by Judge Mc elroy. R. 0. Kyle, chief wttneaa for the >toto, Uetifleil that on Um night of August SB, 1MB, ha u« Deadmon en ter hi* barn. Hfht a candle and place It la a has filled with kharingk after ha had aaturatod then with keioeoaee Wt N«. M I* Fuituif nmkw N. M ft. tkmi to Um >»taatay. M M to InM lot Na 53 am* f« ft. km* by XM ft. dan from lot No. 54. Abo lot No. » it block No. I aa > lit plat raaarM ta ■old to C —ilT of Irwt la Um ra*atar af flaa at Dafcooa. Surry Cawrty, N. C.. OT.Tt^S«S,!3,«'"* VoaaMa ta W. D. Hayaaa. i by I. W. Barter, May U, 11 Ma m a do to Mtiafy aa naaa of «tlS.M pnndpal. tat ■ coat af aala to aM. Um MUi day of July, 1M7. HENRY WOLF*. Traataa USED TRUCKS Graham Bros. 1-Ton with Cab ITS Graham Bros. 1 1-2-Ton, Dump Body, Hand Hoint ftSO Graham Bros. 1 1-2-Ton, with Cab 300 Ford 1-Ton, Cab and Stake Body 110 Ford 1-2-Ton, Cab and Express Body 75 Tern* To Reliable Partiee. Norfleet-Baggs, Inc. Dodge Brother* Peoleri Om Block Sooth off Now City HoU Mah at Belew Whiteo UUm, N. C Right This Way Folks . Good trade patent floor | 2*4 lbs. fl.O« I Pilot Knob oettae. } 4 lb. buck*. S1.4B Fresh country em per do* .Jft Good Stock Fruit Jan, Tap* and Rubber*. Blue Bell overall*, price cut to fl.lt . Hunt Club work ahee* . H.7I 8AVK MONET ON TOUB CLOTNING Phone 3430 ~ —~ R. W. KEY AT BANNERTOWM Ym Cm M A* Lmc A* T«