garet UwU aad Oil*. Hawal Dm flni>Mng ott tin prwonaKi following tb» Inniilliiioii o4 I hntinf furnscc wMah ha* baan undertaken by the n:en, The tNumr reported IMI.M paid to 4at" on tha b«d#»t, th» fourth quartar la liar* arhaa alt will have ta ba Mat la fait. Mofclftl hi^iorv nwr i l«M«ii. ate., will ba featured by this ■octet y ealebratlng the fiftieth anni vermary of tta organliatlaa. Mr*. G. H. Kiaanbiay MlikM tha caafragalion with a vocal ta taction I Sunday morning. It tafca* a man tha haat of fifty | year* of hi* Ufa to laarn that there I* a daetdad difference batwaaa har1n» Vrwwl*<tr» and u«lng It and than It i t» about too lata. King'* Courier. Saturday wai " Be the LAST DAY Ladies! Don't Pan This Opportunity By Our reduction sale on Gift Shoppe articles posi tively comes to a close on Saturday night. Our stock is yet complete in many articles and you are mhsing the best chance for months in securirig purchases at such low prices as we are making. One-fourth off on any article if bought before Saturday night. Look over the items we have in our Gift Shoppe—positively no reduction on any item af ter Saturday, Sept. 10th. NM»^,PrtgC° NOTICE! S. P. U. CUSTOMERS ,!■' All bills for electric service, light, heat and f power, are payable at the company's ofice on the first of the month. No discount is i allowed after the 10th of the month and it / Is a as weary to discontinue service in each (jf instance where bills are not paid by the lftth Southern Public Utilities Comp'y f\ PHONE M * -- ... Sone TmAy AJ vice to" AFaraer" UHor Mount Airy Nmi— Am artirla mi pMfcMahad III iHt •Mk'i Ihm a* "TV Maont Airy Nawa' kHM "Sm* (itrta' Hhort ad by "A Parmar." I t~\ that I •IhniM ha allnwad tha yiWlaii of • 'romahack" at Mr. Pnrmar ami Just tail him a faw thinp that art ba in* 4m* and that haw alraady bam don*. Ha doaant laam to Imaar that what lw raally want* la tn a|Mration tow and baa baan far aama tima. I hop* yoa will ma ha it uowvaiiiaat to puhiiah my raaponaa to Ma artWW uad Klv* it tha *ama r >n*tdaratia* you did Ma. I >»»r Mr. Farwai: Jud*tn* from year articb that ap paarad In laat waak'a iaana of tha Mount Airy N«rw», you ar* either not a aubarribor to that pa par or you don't raad tha local nawa, or nawa Itama of any kind, announcement* or advartisamant* that Would gtaa you I ha Information that you and many othara daaira. You have a drug atora right "in tha ad*a" of Mount Airy, away from tha ron*aation at Main aVrvat whara parkin* apnea ia unlim (tod. alnea you can |tt within fifty fwt of thia dm* atora at any tima. If you had but known about thia *ood fortune, you would no doubt hav* baan aparad thr haraaain* axparienca ef which you wroto. Parhapa if yau had tokan tima to road a aimpk an na»in< «*mi*nt Of advartiaamant in tha Mount Airy New*, you might have •topped at the 'l«ir»l place to bavin with, and saved all that time and trouble, fhe fault lie* not with the younger generation for parking lr front of the drug »Ure. Anybody en Joyx a cool, refreshing drink on a hot day. Neither are the drug storea to blame for the fact that frisaM lock* and ihort dresses w charmed aa to taconveaience you. Young folk* will be young folk*, and if they are fond of lee cream and pop, let them hav • their parking space and enjoy It; they'll move on after a while. The redan had Its right to park in front of the drug (tore, even if its occu pant were a little modem. However, it wtu. very unfortunate that ancb a circumstance should have caused you to forget your mission be belated in getting your medicine, when It might have heen so easily avoided. Juxt like the horsehoe nail that causod the kingdom to be lout; if you had known about the drug store "on the ♦dge of town." you wou'd perhaps have stopped there, you would have avoided, driving throagh the cor ifestiol of Main street, y >u >vould have fouad a parkiag apace near the store aad would not have had to walk, you would have got your medi cine right away, the sedan car would not have been in your way aad hin dered you. jruu would not tuve been in the mood to rritkiaa the •sports," and your faith la the younger genera tion might have Hecn saved. Tht real trouble ties la the fact that you did not know the fact*. You could have found the very drug stare for which you expressed a wish on the edge of town where I here Is all kinds of parking spaa*. So if you fiad it "un pleasant to go to tcwa and find the streets blocked with sport* In front af the drug stores," remen:ber this little drug store "on the edge of wmu wnrrr you ran Duy nil the Victu' Vaporub. castor oil, corn cure, mustard plaster, hair tonic, bed-bug killer, liniment, talcum powder, and. in short, everything yon want, with out "having to go clear in town." Now, Mr. Farmer, the next time 1 ym*re in town try to find this real handy dny store. Ask who H is op erated by and where it is. Perhaps Sheriff Haynes or Chief Lawrence ran give, you the desired Information or just ask any of their deputies, they've all !<ecn to see It- When you find it ask for the manager and if you are not a subscriber to the Mount Airy News and will promise to here after read announr ment*, local news and advertisemei tt in this val uable paper he will gi * you a year subscription to the Mo« t Airy Newa and it wont coat yon i penny. He will also give yon a "horn" of the best ice cream sold ia Mount Airy. Everybody else has found this drag •tore and it's t«o had it has been kept a secret from you. Shake your xelf, wake up, we're not living ia a Rip Van Winkle age now. Rewi your paper, that's what it's published for— to give yoa the information that is neceesary far you to know. A PRUGG18T. NOTICE Having qualified as sxscutor of the last will aad testament of J. M. 8. a as » - - — - Camf*ell late of the County of Surry fnd 8S1* North Carolina, this i U> noUfy a8 persons holding claims An date of this m.ticc or same recovery. All t&rs.szr* *,n ~ta This August *5. 1927. I & tbJSBf " M.C. Quarry Ml Pwk. Followlt* «i MM MintMta Willi names of winners: Mao'» running hick Jump. Itov R. t. Berry winning (In* prise, Robert Loftis second. Boys potato mm: tot prise, Glana Midklff. Boy'* IN yard daull, Claude Davla. Young ImNm' "iO yard dash, first prut Mlaa Jeaeia Mi Kallar. Olria high Junp, Laura Mae (iouM. Boy's brua>l Jump. Claude Davla. Bay's sack rare. Claude Da via Man'a 100 yard daak won by lav. R. L. Barry. Handicap daah Knbart Lof tia. Throe legged raoa, Rev R. L. Barry and Worth McHone. Coupla raoa, HJaa Jaaaia MrKollar and Bev, H. U Barry. Vat ladlea' raoa, flrat prise won by Mrs. Albart Baor. Ona of tha moat entertaining avanta wai a tug of war. participated in by twaa ty'two f«n, Mra. U. G. Mtdklff pl anting tha winaara with a nice cake In tha horaa shoe contaat D. 0. Mid klff and Joa Slpimona won tha dou hies over Pvta Rossi and Otto Raavaa D. C. Mluklff won tha linglea oval Pate Roaai by a antra of 80 to 47. A< tha aonrlaaion of tha contents a da llghiiul picnic 'upper was apraad ii tha church jftove. lea eraam and lam onada war* also served during tin fvminf (a an. Mr. and Mr*. Pope Brook* of Rion, 8. O. were namU of Mr. Mid Mr*. Behcet (Jwjrn the pant week. A. F. Burcham and family, of Kay atone, W. Va., wart ractnt visitor* of Mr. and Mr*. William Webb and other relative*. Mr*. John Witt and children srs visiting relative* in Sparta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braswell of LKhonla, (ia., are upending some time with Mr. and Mr*. Bobt. Sili*. Teah *cho«l opened Monday morn 1ng with Prof. Bray of Cnitchfield. in charge assisted by Misses Dora Valentine teaching 3rd and fourth grades and Mary Moore teaming toe primary grade*. Celebrate* Birthday Mi*a Bethania Puckett entertained her friend* at a party Monday even in* at her home at Mount Bethel, Va., about ten mile* from thia city cele brating her 13th birthday. Games were played on the lawn and music furnished by Westmoreland Bro*. and Mr*. W. M. Williamson. At the re freshment hour the birthday cake with lighted candles formed the cen tre piece for a table set on the lawn and tempting refreshment* were served. The hostess received many nice gifts. Notice To Confederate Vet The Confederate Veterans of Sur ry County are notified to come to oMunt Airy the 22nd of September, (ThursdayI and meet at the Leonard corner at 9 o'clock, ai>d from there inarch to the fair grounds where the Daughters of the Confederacy will give ua a dinner and the fair asso ciation will gi\e as free ticket* into the fair ground. All veterans be sure and be on hand and we'll enjoy the duy together one more tiate. Z T. SMITH. Commander G. Y. NICHOLS. Adjt. Scott Reunion The annual reunion of the Scot family will be held at New Betlx I'huirh, near Donaha, on Sunday .September 11th. 1927, beginning a 10 o'clock in the morning. A program has been arranged an all ScotU and thuae married into th Scott family are urgently requesto to be present. Dinner will be »enr* in picnic style and a well filled baa ket for thil purpose should be brough by eyeryone. COMMISSIONER'S SALE By virtue of power vested in th undersigned as Commissioner in i spvosl proceeding in Superior Cour of Surry County entitled A. E. Creed at ala. vs. James Creed, et als. I wil offer for sal* at public outcry on th< prcmiin on Saturday, 17th day «f Seat, 1*27 at i:J® o'clock pTST the following described real estate to-wit: l-ying and being in Surry, County North Caiolina, in Mount Ajry Town ship in the town of Mount Airy, >4 Joining the lands of the late J. Z Vaughn. A. G. Bowman and others situated on the east side of Rockfert street and being that parcel of law described in the dower allotted to Um widow of A. Creed, deceased. Terms of sate cash. Land said fat partition among the hairs at law el A Creed. This August 17 1M7. PIED FOLGEB rnmemmmmmmmmmummmammmmmm Wetiss Ti Bales'* Sale of Land _ ir*t IMi M Kurrf C ly, *C., l«e,j*.f»ult| •t afMp'taMar, f will wli tor i hi flnM et Mm fltnk of Airy, Mow* Airy, N. C- <m mrdmr, OmtM M, MSf, UM r " ?'"** nMT Mafinninf' at Mm itaraaatlua <4 Marshall aad DarhaM Htroot'a ami runt with Dortiaiu Strait IM feat t» RfeoUm Hlnaa Him, thanea with Rln» Iim >7 1-1 fWt to » itoiw ia *ai*l Una; thaa— North M doffraaa Kaat lfiO faat Ui Durham aii-rat US 12 faat to th* IwginninK, it Iwinff all of •ha lot Numfcar 10 of the plat uf Mount Vtow Hakftta m f OaUon, N. . mT »!•<> trwmt ami M feat baak M*Ur • la *aid pi w llw lot r««v.>.-rt ).y J. A. U>> «imI wtfa u» T. U. Aahky I* l»l» and rmnlM in i l«|War at Pwfc In P*f* 371. Par furthar nwlwlin aaa da tad April IMA. ttwa fraai tlw hM batM i* MnfawattBl ——5a iaiar a# daada afftaa to ImuW to aatiafy • dabt of 91,060 principal, lnWraat and eaat of Hiia to add TMa tha Nth day of Au*., IWT. « KDW M. I.INVILLK. PHONE 411 Dr. P. W. Green OPTOMETRIST .Specializing in correcting error* of the eye and mak ing flaw**. Next to Blue Ridge Hotel Autumn Hats That Are the Latest The last word in style id always found in our hate—and something else, too—that is very essential - Quality; and the prices are always m reasonable and modest. New ones in Trimmed Felts just arrived in correct shades. See Them Tomorrow See these new felts just unpacked for women of good taste in ail the new fall shades $1*^8—$1.98—$2.98—$3.98 and $4.95 II Dresses Lovely new nilk dresses all with the unmistakable touch of Paris. You will want more than QC one of these dresses Every dress must pass the standard of quality. In this lot you will find just the dress you will want for sport wear or street wear. These are #n nr wonderful values at w New Autumn dresses a wide range of styles for your |j selection. About 50 new style.* of ladirV and misses' J< dresses just unpacked. These are snappy dresses, at Parks

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