MEMBERS Om4n£i Hm A. Caafca, Dwlgtat H. ('oetartam, I. B. Crouch, Rmt. CWIm D Pitta, In. K. ONmm blMb, ktert V. Dtum. B. H. Errln, J—pk 0. Pllppin, Claud* M r«, I**. & w. Pavcatt, T. Oarnatt To**, Jota H. Pulton, CWIm W. Gaor*a, Roaaia A. Qiwm, S. Porter Griar, Iter. J. C. Hadlar. WlUim B. Mala, Mm M. Hajrnaa, Calafc H Hago, Harvoy R. UmuImm V a "••MIIwHi w» Wi W. Hack Hunt, JoMftk H. Will U. WW L. U H. jr. wih r l.tnvilU, mtm. M. LwrtU, Oiww C. UriU. Jim W. Lorlll, Robart J. Mtnkll, Om. E Martin, Dr. Molr 8. Marrftl, Oaaar K. Miuhall. Dr. ftay C M»ody, Wad* C. No well, Rav. W. A. Pratkar, Jaaaa F. Sargent, Jack D. Hmlthwick, Tom J. Snow, Gao. K. Sparger, Joe B. Sptrfrr, Randall W. Sydnor. W. Q. Task, Joaapk A. Thnmpaon, Jukn D. Wabb, A. Graao Wkitlock, Coleman M. Willlamaon, B. H. Wolfe, William S. Wrann, Lucian I*. Yoklay, J. Bruce Yoklay, Jamaa F. Yoklay, Oacar H L W. BARBER LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER P. O. 444 Ml. Airy. N. C BridfM and Dam* StrMt Paving. 8aw«i», Raal ElUU D*v«lopMMIt*. L W. BARBEK. Kiwaaian. SYDNOR * SPARGER Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C W G. SYDNOR, Kiwanimn Expert Advice WHEN FINANCES PERPLEX YOU Many widow* are left sole #* editor* of their property and when tnii involve* real estate, ■torka, bond* and other forms of holdings of variable value* the benefactor very often be come* very much perplexed. In such case come to our trust company and obtain the expert advice and counsel of the head* of our departments. We can help materially. DEPARTMENT EDW. M LINVILLE Kiwuni.n. The Index A BANK Account is an Index to the Man. It is the one, universal test business men apply to find a man's business worth. The bigger the man the bigger his baiflc account Some of our larg- . est accounts were started with very modest sums of money. Rmmkm, $1,600,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOUNT AIRY. N. C. T. O. FAWCBTT, Prm. W. W. BURKJC, V.-Pim B.Q. SMITH, CMhUr D. C. RECTOR. As*. 0a*. t. o. rAWcrrr. kiwmim '. ,4 ik nnRri niRH wh literest Kiwuins No phaaa W Uraii attracta mm latere at JM aaar tkn the ynUia d Um far bit. It la a pnUta of m par ticular aeotiea at either of the twe rountriee rapraaialad la Eiwaaia to I tirvuitkfiuiL Tha baat tkNfkl of mi whe km gtvaa naiideratlia to tkia |il»w la that la mm farm af iiapwltw marketing Haa the eohrttoa d tha prubleai to mkt Ufa an tka bra profitable. la behove Leon Rice mm* laaay eth ar» who hava gtvaa deep thtaght to It "TV aaly bapa af Mm (traan af 'ha country Ilea ta cooperative aar Wrting," ha aaya. -Ho baeiaeaa eaa proeper lwyfa« at tha aeller'a price and aalttrg at tha buyer'a priaa. bacaaaa H la tha ipla af tha buyer to buy a* cheaply aa ha aaa ami tha aeller to aall aa a haa la at reasonable profit. lndtrtdualiaai haa kept tha farnar disorganised; while hla friende af tha atore and factory hava caught tha visioa af tha puwer of organiaation, aad hare learned th« Ituon of eo-opiiitioR, Um ftna* ar haa followed tha m* taaor af hla way aad la swfferiag tha cease quencea. Induatry aad big bmtnaaa long ago raalitad that la aalty than waa atrength aad It required govera maatal restrain ia tha farm of aati truat lawa to curb than. Aad atraaga Ui any, la lhaaa anti-Uuat lawa, tha exception of thalr operation waa la favor of agriculture. And yet agri culture haa never uaed It, orach laaa ahuaad U. "What of th* HcNary-Haugen Mil in the United State*? TSm mm to be nothing in it that la Mr more unsound than the tariff. Awl U in dustry has the tariff to protect it, why begrudge the poverty stricken farm ers, if the same government that ar tificially inflates prices of their pro ducts, uni the* mime tiwtlti to InfltU prices of farm products to a coat plus profit basis? That is all the for mer asks, and surely the government is not going to extend it to industry and deny It to agriculture. "Few like the idea of paternalism, or of the protective tariff, but wheth er we like it or not the government has undertaken it, and the proposi tion is one of equality for all. If th} tariff is to remain, give us the surplur control legislation to keep our con trollable surplus from breaking our prices below production costs. TV farmer is unlike the manufacturer. He cant shut down; many siessenU enter into his production, moat of which he has abaohitely no control over, such as, seasons, moisture, in sect pests, etc. "Caring the war the slogan was •Fund Will Win the War,' and the farmers were urged to plant more. They did, and we won the war, but the poor farmer was lost la the back wash, and all the consolation ha got was a bawling out for planting more. Acreage reduction is the advice he geta now, and while oae farmer re duces the other increases, and the NOTICE Under order of Superior Court of Surry County in procoodbv entitled Jano Thompson, Admrx. of Boott Thompson V. H. A. Thompson others the undersigned conut ' will offer for sale at public homi to the highest bidder at the Court house Door in Doboon, N C„ for cash on tha 17th day of September, 18*7 ■t Oae O'clock, r. k, l|* following lands: In Bryan Town ship. adjoining lands of Vance Roe. and others: befinning on a persimmon buah on 8. fork of Mitchell™ River, £rie Harris Corner, 18.75 chs. to road, with same N. 49 dear. W. 8 chs. N. 80 dog. W. 8.5 cha. N. 1.88 cha. to a pine a tump, Bud Woodnrff Cor ner, N.1 cha. to a state in said tine, N. 08 de>. W. 12.5 cha. to a stake In said Woodruff Una, N. 1.18 cha. to a sourwood pointer. Bod Woodruff Comer, W. 1.75 cha. to stake to road, N. <1 deg W. >.75 aha. to new road. N. #6 dbg. W. 4.84 cha. N. 1 eh. to a black (us, Woodraff Conor, Was* 1 eh. to road. N. M doc. W. 1.75 aha. N. 47 teTw. 7.5 ateTV. M do*. W. 6. 6 cha. N. 50 dog. W. 7.5 cha. N. 88 dec U cha. NM dag W 15 cha. 8. 86 dag. W. 5 cha. Lfl dag. W. L5 N . 78 dag . W . 1 eh. N. 7J ate. North 78 telad 84 cha. N. SO dag. 5.5 cha. down the road aad croak S. 80 dag. Bart 5 ete. N. 41 dog. E. 8.85 cha. H.77 dag. E. ITS cha. 8. 88 flag. E. 11 cha. E 8 ete. N. 40 dag. E. 8.6 cha. to a pine old cantor. North 8 ate. to a stake. 8. 88 ete. to a slate, Tom Harris Conor down the crook to the ... — — fal. U U m JAW! w to Vlrftoto. iHin ctt-l to tha ln« from Qtlu, HMarllta. PwImU, Tha of tha fancy GMNMlli hold-1 a» ftoal plana of Um vUtni aa m* la jrat UmM by Um «r jft far Um Um tWy an at Mr'. If Um vtaHata ara abla to IMra U U pUnnad to hold tha ta( at Um afflaaa af Um Nartk < will to Um will ba rtvaa full datalla of Um to Um aaUaa that wil ba mulM Um Friday mar try mambor ahould iaba It 11 to attaad thia anatlng and ikM v tat tort avary courteay at our aurplua runa tka pall arar Um aayha flxaa Um priaa ai Um whota. 8a tha fai ail cannot con trol Um sorphu wHboat aaalatanaa, to