sot ucMtw Early ly a* It doea not pay to keep them until Ikqr in Itrin than the mar ket demanda. It ia a good Mm to mt the eotkmb in a pen and feed a fattening toad. Faad what they will clan op lit fifteen minute*. three timaa a day. Keep the feeding trougha claan. After anek feeding, darken tba room m tha bird* will kaap quiet. In ten daya yon will hare tham in a prima condition for tha market. Carolina-Virginia Nr Sap* Mil Lata gat out aa goad an exhibit aa poaaibla and halp maka tha fair a ane caaa. Although yod may not hava aa good farm product* aa you will want yat you may ba in a batter poaitian than your naighbor. Yon oft an haar tha remark after tha judging haa baan mada that "I hava batter atuff at homa." Such an attitude navar win priiee or halp tha Fair aaaocialion to build a batter fair. Lata maka tkia tha baat Fair ever. OM Idaaa Dia Hard Qnptii« from "T(«w" Pork ia a good food. Ona of tha be«t. Religion may forbid it, but that idea will dia' with tha oldar generation. Whila pork' haa baan avoldad with horror for gen> j eration* aa 'unciean,' It ia now eaten by oar younger generation." Such war* tha worda racantly apok- < an in Conatantinopia by tba great Tewflk Rnahdi Boy. perhaps tha moat! wholaaomaly feared and reapected Naar Kastern atateaman—a Turkiahl Foreign Miniater. It will probably j ha newt to many of our reader* that i the Moalem population of the world' ia beginning to get over the idea that I pork ia not fit for food. We aeem to NAUSEA Tbi OtW TimMm Umd ly Ihck-Dr—fk. Mis. Ada Blackmar. of Ate* aaiar Ctojs Ak, wrttai tM tfaM to Ussm^ I wo«M ■U^wMM* NUM to W.' i wmmld tun a dull. y«Uow aolor and. *->r day* at a ttm*. wwald kan M appetite. Bwythlng I it* M ntr motMr had bMn a mar of Black-Drmacht tor rm m> white I waa at 1mm. rUtt teg. ah* aakad ma why I dtt Ml tor |toak-Li> * u ght tor mr Drug Co. Prescription Druggists Phon#Jfli * The Latest Tire Made By Goodyear • , f Priced So Low Yoo'll Bo Alton wfcod The Dependable X Wt haw picked out the Goodyear TirM twcww their record for •enrice and long milMft is absolutely They ere the safest, chsep—t, end best 30 x 31/i M.A. By yk *n K - «j» *# More People Ride on Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind at < :>>