— m* ahewing the hut intereet la the raeatvtog wheel that wae reedy to de liver to the lucky «N mm valuable that most pMfk ktn learned that H to « toeing pum to bet aa the ether ■M i trick And then H My ha that tk) folks ara akort oa change at tkla iamn of the jreer, far May Jwt Ira to toka a rlak ma if tk* nbaana* an all agalaat them Qm af tka delights of tha Fair to that people hava the opportunity to Mat u4 talk. One citlaen enjoying ttowlf with hto friends, jut to Mke talk, no doubi, told sboiit im!b| a young fallow a faw minutaa before highly enjoying himself with a young womb with whom ha had just made « aaw aaqualntanra the two yoaag faika war* having tha Um of tMr Ufa taking In the sights. And the* the eittoen remarked that ha had mm along with the young fellow that morning aad that he had told of Veav ing hto wife aad children at home for the day. Now, eaid the cttiaen, I am expecting htm to haat me up and +*g me not to toll It hack home aa that fcto Wife will find out how. ha baa apent all this aad went ap la the airtl metaphortoally peaking, whan she thought af the whole event. She gat great ploaeure, evidently, by giv ing fall rant in worda to her feeling. "Yea, sir," aha said, "That young men should hava aoM one Mg enough to 4e a goad job with a big foot ea hto anatomy. He aeede to be kicked until nm is aa old Oat the ikomikar'i wife White DM Of the Of tlM business of Ite Mount A try Now* is vertiaiag ism to to advertise tMr own Mmm. Itegr kin boon obncsneid with the idea that • good livo newspaper ftlted with ia ttrwtbif nowi in their Tory boot got it ia mind to pat oa a display at the Fair, sad it May aot haw occarrod to those who loofcad oo, how moeh trouble it waa to rig up a ■mail priatiag office in the big com mercial building. There an many printing office* in Uhk malWr t9WM that at* aot nearly an wall eqaipped for doiag Job work u waa tha little office on display aad viewed by Utboe who vieited the fair. That printing that you law ruaning u one af | for small job work and enta a ateo Uttte investment' Maay people rt<Mni and hwlrtd tt (In print ing press in operation who fore ia their lives saw Um of actaally Mm Pfiatlng. An interesting featurs of the dupUy was the back copies of The Mount Airy News showing the history at the years gone by, one volume giving the history of the World War aad rseord ing the maay tetters that Um soldier hays seat back hows white they wane la France. A anther volume gave aa account ofethe first fair held bore 11 viMd Mm public to mm uri «mp durimt tfca fair aa thai* wu>ll am lot for ita om. Alio tpacU tow rouad trip rata* mn —caiod from tfca rail toad for tha immImi. In thoaa day* poopl* caaM and vtayad for two ar thraa dar*. toktaf a half day or mm* tfca II yaara of tka iiWihi of tfca fair Hw. M. LtoriUa >aa boon Ha fuMtoc Mtad aa fcaaraUry and W. 0. • Mi la Um tap of tbo ban Tbo atroke that la auppoeod to kavo of « Tbo foar victim were buried at| •t Cbnrcb cm of tbia city 8u by a crowd variously'eatiaaat-' od froaa throo to five tbooaaad por sona. Om largo grave wu dug la wbkh Um ronuiru of tbo three ; juapla were buried rid* by aide Vhilo tho oldor McCreary waa buriod la a aoparato grave by the Mo of Ua wife of a former Tbo National Theatre of tbia city la and TW» Baak of Mount Airy, too for tbo theatre, bopof to have tho work completed. Tbo eatire | ntorlor at tbo theatre ia paintod aad decorated, aad a aow| front la being put la aad tin lobby oalargod to aeeoaamlato a imber of poopto Liavilla aad Cbrt active management aif too are mapping out a program for tbo coming fall aad wtaftor aaatka that will bring to Mount Airy aoma of tbo boot ptcturaa to bo bad. Next waek tboy stage Tbo Big Parade" field, aad aooa tboy will briag "Baa Hur" bare. Aa aooa aa tboy eaa work out a complete program tt wlU ba publiahed weekly ia tbia And What H«»P— to tU W* mmi Kid. 7 trwin. Tana., 8«pt )L «ft. {•to* Mr*. without iajury ud a MtOa hay bM' who accompanied Jo# M his fracturad aad hia iwdttina la mi , Mrs. 4. H.| ton W. Fulton Ml to ImwI» Friday morning Bad Mrs. Fuhoa will wl> until Mrs. ftt ear, rosk broa wm a compWta wrack and all Uw oa-j MiM Judith Franklin, mm of Surry County's oMaat and MMt highly f«-| spacted citiaaas, Ml aalaop at tl W. W. Lorill htM mi IMU > juat| niaaty yaara. MiM Fraaklin wm aj of Wilay Franklin, liwd at tha old Frankhn homo ia tha after which aha raaidid with Mr. a In. W. W. Lovill. Har mind maainad kaan aad alort church aad public affairs; it will ha

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