F T I lgwJIiii to mmwM to aaoapt tha otttoa a vteao la raturn for Um confidaaca' Mmt had wpond is Us. White Mr. LtewaUya U aot in poor haakh, jrM ha Myi that ho U not itroag physi cally and that than an tlm««, oftaa too. at Ox cIom of a day', work that it te iawoaaibte for hta to gat aay Ml a* n%ht mi account of hte aar nai and waahaoad physical cnadi "Than has not haan tha teaat hit of frtettao ta Um conduct of tha offloa," •tatad Mr. Ltewaaym, "and tha oaly doty that I aaa I owa to ayaatf aad aqr family. I roaliso that My act aty frtends aad ta tha party whteh aoaitnatad at n Ha ttekat, aad I oounty that I telly ap»nciats arary eaasidaratioa and ovary support thoy havo |hm bm sineo I hart boon Clark." Mr. LNVWyn ll«IH IN WU leav ing tha office with wo WW— Um m to who should ha niMd Ma lucwMor, and that ha wis wot pull ing for uy on*, la fact as far ao this nawapapar could laarn Thursday there baa baan no ona suggested that would accept tha appointment. Whila Dm offlca pay* a salary of *4,800 par yawr, it la aatimated that' tha Qterk would awly receive around H,MO hat after paying tha aalary for a atanog raphar and aw additional hafpar tha aMiat of tha thwa. For tha amount of work awd tha IwdliiHl involved Ml. LtowaOjrw aaya tha offiea should pay at law* *4.000. In ratlrteg fro® public affiaa Mr. ttewallyw wiU go back to hte farm. Ha oxraa *00 aeraa of tewd M tha wwetani part to April. 1»M. The other parolee were dealt ootl Savannah Harris, Martin County,] attempt to Carl Harris, Wilkes County, breaking, fire to ton years. Braes Utter, Moors County, rio-] lating yinhlh»lus law, six i Governor McLean decHnod to grant paroles to eight convict* Mx of which wars convicted for On Friday Sept S4 Troop Ma. 1 Boy Senate of Ameriefc had gular muting Altar payments ef to ths dMtaeui patrola, eael Airy f Dr. i. B. Smith, mt Pilot U mdiii i that will bo Um kMM of Ms ■toroa whan roaplatad. Tha ba la 40 x M faat and tw atoriaa the appor atary to ba wad Car of Tha walla ara at laid by aa aayariaaaad baildar, D. J. Midkiff, of Mount Airy who •rad tha quarry and got oot tha i far tka aaw atora. Anria Norman, IK yaar old aoa of Mra. Battto J ana Noraaaa. of tka Paak ■action, ahot hlaaaatf la iat Friday wkila aat a« ral hooting, tka a arid aat aaaanad tka aid road katwaau Mooat Airy i Paak whan ha aitka la gaa. Ba waa braaght to tka hospital in tkla city aad tha aa thorttiaa ara trying hard to aaaa hla foot, ha la gattiag on vary wall bat it ia aat yat eartaia whatl tha injurad aiaaibar will hava to ha| MoudI Aiirj Bunnell Houses "TeD Hie World" In News U a at ahelf hardware. A their large advartb to in jjasd of. IWjr are aleo tire by Goodyear—ford la tto eity, baa •d Um Bllrer Star Una of btoe sad baa a apuial ralua ■ W. G. Lewis, now located at W. W. I old atand. toUwaa la using o# Tto Nm aad for a* a special aale oe ■koM that abontd appeal to tto pub He. According to aU reports "it weat to loo*' until Um new Ford will to tto Market aad to tto of tto will to tlx months. Ctoiwlat. told by Die Lewia, will to «M of tto laigaat us m of apaee ia thia paper. Tto prea ident of General Metora baa taken a oeraoaal band ia tto gram of bla agent lea. in aa open letter to tto editor of Tto Ma faith in tto nd •unning in tUa aad at tto "General Motor* ia. Ce^ ia poshing the aale of