Cooty Officials to <ky aid Recer la the hands of certified pobUc ae coutuiU, the Anil of i. W. Hm Meka, of Concord, Mac three the tjr officials that the auditor "has beea on the trail of . the highway ed for, bat in mom way Um folk* the auditor has bom "after" Um pttos that^hTiever purchased "Si H k'nosdWrns" te*state* who rofuM to boMoro on rumor that In is guilty of any criminal coadact t> handling the county funds. And further the highway commission has aot taken any actio* to dismiss him or doubt the smiottasss of his asooaau. even while tba auditors wars delving into the books of ths This much it known in connection with the effort to "(at" Mr. Kirk ■n: The auditor has mil it kiswi to Mr. Kirkman that he U liable for indictment before the next pud Jury of thii county if ha dooe net make thine, straight with Mr. Alex Chatham, chairman sf the heard of county eommisskaers. Several day* ago, Mr. Kirkman a* state*, ha waa notified by 0. C. Lovlll, of the high way co nun in ion, that Mr. Hendricks, the auditor, wanted to hare a confer once with him in this city. According to the wishes of Mr. Handricka he mat him at his room in the Bine Ridge Hotel, this city. Mr. Kiriosan says he waa conducted into a private room and there in the prsesnae of Mr. Handrick's attorney from Con cord, was confronted with the infor mation that K had boon found that Ma pay roll account had been padded. Mr. Kirkman denied that he waa guilty of any such action and ex plained that all his pay roll account were aubmitted to and approved by tlu highway commission each month before they were paid, and that he had nothing to cover up and the au ditors had every aeeaaa to all his record*. After Mr. Hendricks had informed Mr. Kirkman that he was charged with "padding" his aeeomto he farther adviaed Mr. Hitman to ge over to Elkin and that he arrange with Mr. Alex chairman of the board of sluuers, to have the matter "hushed up," and if be did not go to see Mr. Chatham it would be preeented to the next grand jury and an indict ment brought against him. Mr. Kirkman say* he derlined to go see Mr. Chatham for two reasons: first, that he knew of to he "hushsd ■ he wa rt Awfitor's Report the proper official!. I While all thia talk of audlthg of ooata to the county Iiiiimii u interacting point. Mr. Tfoaitriek. first cum to this county to IMS when ha draw out of the county treasury naarly 17,000 for Ma audit tha Job that year was one of tha most frikml audits that mm around, hut tha work was auppoaad to ha through and future yaara ■UlU aaa rath large expenditure* tag through tha hoakm of tha oounty aad for Ml ha pullad dawn $1, WJ4. Tha year IMS waa aa aff year far Mr. Hwdrieb for ha waa paid oa* $428.17 for aa audit at Treasurer Marion') hooka. Tha au dit of the book* failed to pwve sat isfactory and gttor Mr. HaudihAs finished his work tha county paid B. F. Polger $600 to go over them again and tha work of Mr. Foiger inabled tha county to reach a settlement with Mr. Marion. ■» As to what has happened in 1920 and since that time there has bsen no published account. Prior to 1H6 the county always published a statement of its expenditures but bo such statement has been published for the year 1926 and soon 1927 will come to an end. Hawwai a cloee ncrutiny of the records of the coun ty shows that all the auditing done for the county in 1924 was by B. P. Polgar, the cost being only $180.00. With the year 1927 the cycle has a rain come around and to tha praa ent data toe county has paid for au ditors this maimer the m of $$, 000. And In this amount ia not to eluded the $2^00 that baa been paid the county auditor, B. P. Polgar. The j work on the present audit was begun in tha spring, aad the records show that a check far $$00 aad another far $400 was iaaoed to Mr. Hendricks la May. In June he was given a check for $800 and later one for $800. July he got only $400. August proved a big month when he waa given three different checks of $400, $800 aad $400. September proved a lean month for the auditor when he was paid $800. And he is still at work aad will he at < Dobeon Monday with his audit. Just | how much he will gat for the month of October ia not known. There ia considerable interest among the offldala of the county in] the audit and they can all be aspect-. ed to be on hand to hear the decision of the auditor aa to their stowardahip. j F. T. LUwolIya UUheed I* IU tain Clark's Offiea Following |imilin tnil»t«aro on tfc* part of Ml frioods and many dt Imm of tha county F. T. LlowoUyn ha» withdrawn Us raalgnstioa as dark at tha cont and wtU uuutlaa/ to aorra te that capacity. Arra—I manU kan boaa mad* to fhro him a , two montha' lm> of ahaaaoa and appoint" his son, Frad, as Us assis tant. la this way tha dados of tha . offles can ho esirriod oa la tho the food npoa the tabis. lav. T. W. ings of ths day and D. A. Iitw«iiii of this rftjr made • short addreas am the goad wiO that woo fsatoiod by the gathering of people at tho old time birthday diaaorm. Frarttaa3»y afl tho nlatiw at Hp. Taylor wees present as well aa friends froai all over the county At tho samp hocr thoro amalilii tha Thompson deaceat, at Rocky Ford Baptist Church, aa Mitchell's ll»oi, of tha Thompeoa amm, Caa. W. Thompson, 88. of Glad* Valloy, aaxl la ago waa Jos Haa Tboaapeon, 70, of this county. Mrs. V. M. Woodruff, of Idwp^, dau|Mar of tho lata Storon Thompson, was tha oldast lady of the Thompson (oner* tk» pros sat. Tha above information waa givaa oat bjr Jee Haa Thompaoa along with other data that he prepeated. Ha had records in hand show^v that tha first Thompaoa eaaw to this county in 1776 and eattled on Mitchell's riv er. The farm Is now owaad by W. T. Thompson. The original home place is still standing. It is a frame house, all the lumbar being sawed by hand, brick Is laid between the stadds and plastered oa the iasids. The gathering proved to be such a! pleasant one all voted to make it an animal affair and so next year at a data to be determined later the second Thompson reunion will ha' hold at Rocky Ford. R*v. J. O. Enroi Has Auto The Irr. J. 0. Ervin leceived alight cat* nd hrnisn and his litt •r and mother were seriously injur ed when the lev. Mr. Enrin'a ear ran off an embanloaant on stata highway nino miles north of Statee-j ville Monday. The Rev. Mr. Ervin la conducted ■ meeting at Troutman and brought his a|(d parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ervin, of that piace, here for a visit to hia family, they ware returning lata Monday afternoon when they came upon a car parked acroea the road and in trying to avoid a colli sion Mr. Ervin drove off the hard surface and his ear skidded and turn ed over three times down an embank ment All thrae paisengers were In the car when ft landed on its wheals at the foot of the bank. Persona passing carried them to Dr. Long's, hospital in StaUsviUe where ft was found Mr*. Erwin suffered slight concuaakm of the brain has a back In jury and waa severely shocked a)| bruised, Mr. Ervin received numer ous cuts and bruises. The Bar. Mr.' Ervin was able to go on to Trout man Monday evening to fill his ap pointment. „ Caorga-HoUmgswortk Wad do* SoUwMumad /"Phe following clipping from Mm AWnston-Salem Journal. of Sap*. W will ha of interest to our readers: The wedding of Misa Oypay George and Or. Robert E. Holling*-! I Ths Walter F. Wslch, Gtorp E. Wtkk, Mrs. Bobert Jones. Mrs. W. B. Bow man, Mr*. W. L. Dan, >U of this city and Mr*. Jo* Folgor <rf 1 His first wtfa was Miss DaOa ena, who died Febraary It. UM. Mr. Welch married his proesnt wife, who William., of East Bead. October a,] IMS. Martin Hospital Bigdrawb Dunn* the tenth annual hospital standardisation conference of the American Collage of Surgeona ha in Detroit, Miehlfu, beginning Oct.] 3 a hat of all hoapitala in the cob try meeting hospital require menu waa published and i are glad to infonr the public that! Martin Memorial Hospital of Mow Airy is in the list of those -fully It is estimated that hospital stand arditaUon saves the patrons of hos pitals in America large soma of mon ey by Insuring patients the right kind of cars, proper diagnosis and treatment, lower average days con finement In hospitals and gradaal falling off of hospital death rates. Patienta aecure the benefit of the accumulated knowledge of all the medical profession through consulta tions, group study and staff confer ences rather than of ths individual physician condition* Thirty-nine hospitals in this state are on the standardised list < conditioned or fully approved. r «t/ ■» j j* a aii will open a new jewelry (tore in the Bhte Ridge Hotel block, aboat Oct. 10t%. Mr. Paddiaon U watchmaker, engraver, aad tetter. Before coming to Airy he waa engaged in the buaineea hi Albany, Oa. Ha la thin for hie To Mayor W. a Byte. who,la Meat <rf the Sorry < la la receipt of aa aa II Many rftktfi u ha viae taken their floor* after last year'* are reported a* being improved eaj the brickt leaf urket with of ferine* than ever before in the Us-1 tory of the Eastern tobacco GOOD PRICES AT MEBANE WITH GOOD SALES EXPECTED Mebane, Oct. A—The Mefeane to bacco market opened hate today there like 1X6,000 pounds around 24 eents. Wea ther conditions were bat oa the whole fi looking for (ood sales all of the week

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