iff Put your layers, young and old, on rsfeoasp and enjoy bigger proAt. Ful-O-Pcp Egg Math it the complete feed —containing Cod Liver Meal! You get more egga, bet ter egga, more uniform and stronger-ahelled egga, that command the beet prices. And egga produced on Ful O-Pep Egg Math hatch strong, husky chicks. Now is the time to switch to Ful-O-Pep. aotdkr R. W. KEY Mount Airy, N. C RUN-DOWN CmM Starta Wmmmi U4t Ob UU T« Health Agais. Mn. T. O. Harris. «( ChiMtrt Mo, wrlUa: to* at laaat 4 ar • yaan. Um ■y mmM la Ml II hi • !•*«• jrtoM UM mm * Km (Mi >h to TIM It* M -» _i JL|, _ m ikl mUBBPIw wbhv of latoroat MNf bog riiMn. YkM championship «u won Ml « ti We M to to furnish a Now la mm • m« grate to m aad My to win the la i Mujr (irwn kn< found ktrttr U Um coatly to grow than corn. Mr. grow barb) cheaper than cor*. e» •eqoently to la planning to aaar about 50 aeraa and M this writing to haa 17 1-2 aeraa sowed and mom at H Is coming op. Barley la surer than com in making a fair yield always. Thoy produce about tba hum qoaa tity par acra. Two acrM at byitoy can to grown at tba coat of oaa acre of cor*. Than bar lay ayyaara to hare a good advantage Wijr aat |N« bethT Usually fM cm get a crop of mi after the bar lay is laksa off in Jna. This gives two crops of crate am the mum toad in oas yaar. Or hatter still grow a crop of soy for hay or soil improvement. I ait that will produce to bushel* of eoA (1M0 lbs.) will produce 41 buahels of barley (1«M lbs.) thus getting two rrsm crops of N28 pounds of grain. Then again we have two chances in stead of one for paia. Sow it now. Sep rape ar hale Plant plenty of rape or kale aow on food land fertilised with >00 lbs. of 16% acid phosphate and like amount of nitrate of soda will give heavy grating for poultry and hog* in late winter and early next spring. When to sow wheat In the Piedmont the beat time to sow wheat Is October 16 to the 30. Be careful with laylag heaa. A great many of our poultry raisers are finding roup in their flocks. This is a bad disease and vary difficult to control whan ones It gate started It Is caused usually by over crowding or your birds gut too hot or too cold. Keeping birds under ideal conditions will keep this dreaded diaeaaes under bounds. It resembles a bad cofcl among humans and should ha handled as carefully. Isolate all sick birds and keep tha place under good sanitary conditions. Prevention is much better than any *o-called cures you sae advertised. Pat birds in Isyiag house early As soon as the first bad weather comes put birds in laylag house and give scratch and laying mash. Re member your beat profit will bo on the egga produced before first of the year, so make them give a profit now. GAME WARDEN SHOT TO DEATH BY YOUTH Murphy Patten Finds Two sr Elk Park, Oct. 8.—Murphy Fat ten, U. forest aad game warden aad former tea collector of Cartel county, Tennaaaee, was a lain lata yee tarday, it was learned here today. His nephew, Grady Harris, has bean placed tn Jail at Elixabetbton, charged with slaying his the Tennaaaee state gams four ssilae north of here. h said ta law to he Grady Harris and one of his All Books Are Absolutely New W« rndSm* r^kHy *• "tOO* W *• MONTH" Turnmyre & Lamm PHONE 800 "* PHONE WO klfknt bidder te front of the Biak »t Mount Airy. Mount Airy. N. C . on Saturday. Oct. IMA. tM7 •t 1 o'clock P. M. the following daacrlbcd raal nUU A tract of land in Surry County, Bofinninc on n imtll poot oak on the Went »id« of the Mount Airy nnd Kockford road the J. W. Horn mine* Eut corner m> owned hy F. T. *d with the Meant Airy a&d EocCord read u It ineandori to • poot oak on , Woat bank of mM road, W. C. Hairii W, then with hia Hno Berth H do*. Woat 10At eka. to a rook W. M. gfc— di corner, tkonco with Ha few 1 dag Wort 17J8S ek*. U, a rook, then North M dof. Woat lk eka. ta a taak I ia H. V. Simpson's Um tkoa wttk hi. | lino North S do*. E. 449 eka. to a You can buy these products with confidence \T0O m doubly —uiiid of qua J^mrvic* whm jfok^OiMi ^ _rtd of ✓ Fricidmirc and Delco-Light Maud the reaource* of the whole family of General Motor*. Bach to taated and proved. And to the prion you pay for these products, you ahare in the wxmwnind vast production We invite you to (earn more about these products by aendtnc in the coupon below. Mail it today before you for|rt. No obli«ation. but interesting reading. hVKOI \ i fONTlAC. I wd*, $74$ to W). IwlMiwJ »i with »rjim tor Fwhar Duco hi*. Sura . powerful —g— V»—IWUMUby mil Ibbh^hmIii T models. »7S to SM71 Nnr Imnt pnem round out CM* mobile's muter - stroke * of Ocneral OAKLAND W*XJUMU • BOkll, JI04S to (IMS. TW "Al-Aaaka" motel t* • OoMral Motor* quality mtt th* medium prim dw. 4-wfca (HMEmHD GENERAL MOTORS W HWT PH999 MtMft