Tha fwniiMw WM tyMwm by W. C. frtmatora. at Nawtaa, aM MMtor Jhm W. (Sharpa, at tb. lavjnn mn J. C Nawall, of Char latta, and Jobs 0. UwU, of ftrtw wn.. TlM wrack of the 8taUnvilU-N«w ton '(mm mkJ tba Rao aadaa, drhan by Mr. Rankin, occurred Saptambci It, at.Kylaa croaa roads, abaat frv« wiln from BHIwrtMi. Tm Ckfr latea m*n vara with yoM| BmJui and thay war* going toward tha Ca tawba rirar on I flaking tr%. Tha dim wm coming lowira duimivum from Nawtoa. Tha i»Wmi praaant ad by tha «taU waa that tha Rac aadaa waa waring at a rapid rata of apaad and tha b«a waa atoviog alow Jy at tha intoraection whaa tha craat caaaa. Tha two yaaaaaaara—Ik A D. Abaraathy, of Graauta Path, aM Mia. Vaaaia Black, aaka My to ■ takaa to boapitab far traataaart, tha lajariaa of aalthar, howavar, pa arks Tha warrant chargad young Ian kin with aaaaolt with rtaadly waap on, a|insue $10,000 27 years from date of issue, both principal and interest payable •t the Chase National Bank, New York, N. Y. bidders must present with their bids a certified check upon an incorporat ed bank or trust company payable to t)>e order of the town or a sum of money for or In m amount eqn«1 te t per centum of thi face amount of bond* bid for to se cure th* town against any tea* re sulting from the failure of the bMdei te comply with th* Unas of his bid. ^ju*r*Cwrte Airy North Carolina, and marked "Bid Fot Water Bends." No bid for lass thai par and accrued Interest can he ac coated. Right is isssned te reject at P. M. POOMC, Town Clerk. Renew Your Heahl by Purification i of the ^ country. The aigaifleaiHt af 8aaa'»r statement consist* partly in tha fact he is national eommittaan an and head of tha Democratic organ xatioa la tha slate He Ivu been a' •upportad of McAdoo. i Recently' there has been talk that North Oarv I lina might ia the and vote to mW- ' aato Governor Smith. Senator Over-J man, who has been in VuNirftM this week, though oppoead J h .'rr, Senator Simmons, as boat j( the or ganisation, has reached the p nut where he ia under preaaura to say • omething. In (It-fining hit 4>usit >on. Senator Simmons, it is aatJ hen. ha not acted without sound in*- out the raeliags of North Carelina Pel < irate. Lif r 1»UU Out, Sattiag AuM Alira RaWigh. OoC 1—Caught with 148 quart® of vhiiktjr A claw friend of Senator Simnin. ■aid that a canvaxs of the aUie ihu« rd Mich strong anti-Smith feeling that the Democratic politioUt telleri owever much they might tlvalre it. could not give, their support to Gov ernor 8mith. How far that w« uld hold true if U became assured Gov- > ernor Smith would be noiriifaited la a matter of difference of opinion In any event, it is felt hero the in fluence of Senator Simmons will he great in his own state, aa4 .n n i-.-h of the south, should he maha any »l fight on Governor Smith. On* \ iew j here is that he will not make mch a fight, but will «fae content U jjjgtll forth his views to his party. Senator McKaUar, of T. Democrat, declined ta n|«Ms his views on national politics t day. Ha said ha was hhaaalf a candidate far the Senate and did not deei.-e to mis up. In the Presidential c:«M. ir to run sat the machine oa fba, a . _ man, ghriaflria name aa Albert Wil liamson. Atlantic City, N. J., today salad la Prankliateu and ta Bslsigh ahaia ha waa lodftd In jail | whan aasslisnsJ by be seeaiad the liquor la Oa.. a* a saae and wds aa his war Is Maw Terk, he expasted te fM par saae STYLES IN OVKKALLS fchUs; MAIN STREET,