ia lb* vark brought about aa Inquiry i from u ii to hit duttaa aad IB ao do ing wa Martlmi Ma thia wa* aa to his work aad what waa axpoctod of Hub hi hia iChW tottaa. Thoro departments of tha county had to ho approved Vjr *r. Fol«er bafara tha bom; ootid ho Mini aa* ia mm caaee ho tamd it iiimarr to doellaa to appro** tho vouchor*, which fur Hp ou supreme. ThU opinion *( tho auppoaod h«h powor ho ia credited with having ia altogatfear wrong, Mr. Folpr itatoa. Tho torn county auditor," ha aaya, ia lalalaading aad tha fact la ho ia juot a hoohhiapai for tho thaaa governing Mb of tho county. At tha aansc tiaw ha ia traaaurar of tha county, receiving ail fuado from tho ahoriff aad disburaing them on or der* from tha county commiaaionera, tho hoard of oduaatio* aad tho high way commission. 4 "It hu never been my purfoM, ■or de I ciaiUir K within my power or authority," uM Mr.'Folger, "to altar, ckup or otherwia* iaterfan with the wkkM or actions of eithar of the governing bodies of the coua ty, and the few ImUmw whoro I have declined to approve vouchers •est to me lum bora for the reason that fond* were not provided for their payment. I am nuppoeed to keep cheek upon the iisaanoe *f vouchers and 1 would be violating the trust that has been reposed in me ud subject to indictment should I pay off vouchers where funds were not available or where the budget for thut purpose was exhausted. This statement brings 'to mind the way the new county finance laws, that are in operation in all the coun tiea of the state, are supposed to op erate. On the first of July all the departments of the county gut to gether and make out their budget, de termine just how much money they will need for'the coming IS mdnths and a tax is levied for the amount* that are needed for tbeee various purpose* The tax books are placed in the hands of the sheriff and ha is Instructed to turn over the Inoaey t*. Mr. Folger as It is collected. In turn Mr. Folger pays It out on or der of the various departments of the county. But in so doing he must keep an accurate- set of books, ex amine all" vouchers and accounts as to their accurateases in figures and amounts, and espscially to deter mine if there are funds la bis hands for such purposes. Sometimes, Mr. Folger says, one department may be found overdrawing its allotted amount that had been determined upon at the July meeting whan the bulge* wua adopted In such a case ha say* there M nothing fer htan to do but ft* hold up Its payment until provision KIw—imh Cm T» Okh Tko local Klwania CM will go to Elkin Friday night ami bo gaoata of Um Elkin dak. Mambofo an aaW to Into tt» Bhao Ride* kotol art la tar tkca 1:11, as supper how li M at t.M in Elkia'i now hotel. Mouat Airy will ktn charge of the pro rram. The quartette will mte w» oral selections and Dan Hoffman haa tar* to Ik* Elkin ga thirty. L P. Wiana la a bo oa Um piagtaai to ra» •pond to the addroes of mImm. Proa. G. C Lovitl waaU to aao a largo dslsgatton mako Um trig aa iwtym know* Elkin's fspntatisa aa bd*f able to royalty aatortaia ker visitors. Cam Agamat Mouat Airy Cib Some wooka ago doputioa of Um mora then M wit from tkis city to attend civil cant at Greaaa koro wharo Coy D. Crimea, of Hi|i Point, waa aaing C. W. Fulton aad J. M| Pattoa. of thia city. The case grow oat of a land traaaacttoa with tko Fulton* aad rseulted la Grimaa starting suit for several thou sa ad dollars daaugo. Owing to tko largo number of nllnnsss from tkla sec Uoa tka defoadaata potitionad tko court for removal of tka caaa to tkla toaafty, bat before tkis point was hoard tko plaintiff Grimaa, through kia attorneys, took a non skartfTi office kaay sommoalng which JWa*." i NUUnd this 'convention and enjoy an cvenin* at clever entertainment. Arimiuioa K and It ceata. Studcbakar A|wc| Geta New •t Fir* Drill fire alarm rounded Thursday and teachers mad papila •t Rockford Street Tha BmH af Maui* Airy, K4w. M. Uurrilfa. traat oMmt, thta waak ra wM tho will af Um lata 0. C Walab to which tha baak was wmmrt with yowara to »dwfrlrt«r n U<» lata. Tha will waa draws, by Mr, UvatNa at tha diraatiaa at tha da oaaaad a* Fab. lat, IM7, a*d aaka* pnrlalan (or tha aapurt. af tha wi dow during bar Ufa tiwa. Tha will aata aalda Uaitod Htota* mi North 116,600 tha latoraat from mum (or tha aaa of bia widow during bar Ufa time. At tha wh Um aha la glvaa tha aaw houaa an Church Straat (or bar boaM and a boaaa oa Worth •traat. All this prvyarty, including tha bonda, la to ba bald la traat aad at bar daath to ba dlrtdad nqually among hla childrao. Tbajr will alaa ra quwtid tin ixtcuton tmoitdUUl) upon tha daath ot Mr. Wafeh to pay bia widow 11,000 In aaah aa aa aatar gancy fund. After making prevision for his wi dow u |>MI outlined the will im ttrwli Um btak to wwwrt the re mainder of Um property into . aaah and divide it iqually amunf the six children. This m—in that all Um reel estate of the will ha •old at mm futur* data. Mr. Un ville says that the ptuperty will bo put on the market within the next U place on Church Street, two (tore buildings now rented to WlfNtfi and Bowiue'i and the Welch block on South Main Street, alao tome l> houses in various parte of the town and suburbs. Besides the rent es tate Mr. Welch owned 1# shares of stock in Um Bank of Mount Airy and has on hand several thousands dol lars in notes. The saecutors ooti swte Um estate to be worth around 1100,000. % SHcriff Hu New Tax Sheriff Hi;rm we»lwd the new Ux book* but Monday th* amount of th« tickets being something mr $.160,000 The books arrived in tkt Sheriff* oMm about noon and tho first om to pay the 1*27 tax «u A. L Money of this city. A Us round U being advertised in thia issue when the books will be tak en to various parts of the county for the convenience of tho tax payors. Takae Airylm Rid* At Eighty-Three Mittie Anna Haymora, wife of Oli ver Haymorc, giving her age aa U years expressed bar desire to tain a trip in V .'key's airplane and the flight wak mads Sunday afternoon, the necessary cash being furnished by a bystander. ■•<*/ * l< 1)U) t expressed herself aa being phased with the experience the only trouble she didnt get to rtay up loni WAY FOR TH* juoffiin' ff opma at S P. M. wftk • fooiWl i Mt. Airy hifh hrk liwtltnU. Following tfea ! loot on tte Bryan KUun hl(ti ■chool awl Yadkin vUla High. Thoaa eontoou ara fro* to i ho ^ortatan. At Um aha* of tha I hankotbaU tamo baftna a aaatlaw of I aata Mid rafraafcmanta of all At 8 o'clock tha bi« j i vnvontion for Ifiru tU program of | vocal nutate wKh priaaa for Um j parformora, totaling 9M.00. A t of mualeian* arc linad ay for] bmI vocal tract of muotc ta hi wfc.i aro fortunat* A raro for tboao to obtain Th« children of mrj school ka the township in racing to aaa who cm mU Um moat tickets and wis raiiotu priaoa for themselves aad (Mr Th. Musical Convention will be ipmi by a patriotic addrsas by Judge <1. P. Handrati of tha Elkia Be cordart Coart. This avast ia tha first of a aariaa of maakaj conventions to ba givea over Um coaaty thia fall. Tha dataa for othor convention* sr* aa follow*: Lowgap Thaatra, Oct. 22; Baalah Consolidated School Oct. IV; Ararat Coaaolidatod School Au ditorium, Nov. •; Sack High School, Nov. 12; Hakm School Auditorium, Nov. Id, Elkia High School Auditor ium, Nov. 22; Siloam School Aadl torium, Nov. 2«; Pilot Moaatain High School Auditorium, Dac. 2.; Littia Richmond Consolidated School Audi torium. on Oac. t; Franklin High School Auditorium, Dac. t; Copaiaad High School Aaditorium. Dac. 17. Tha dataa for Whito Plain*, Waat firld, city of Mount Airy aad Dohaoa arc to ba arraaged La tar. No coavaa tioa can ha held la Eldora oa accooat of ao largo auditorium boiag ia tha u>wn*hip. Eldora poop la will attoad tha coavcatitin in othar township* i noaraat to them Tha proaaada of all thoaa coavaa lions, ootaida of axpaaaaa. will ba I addad to tha $1400 Moanmant Kund. ; started ia 1922, 'to aroct a mv mo rial in honor of Sorry county's World War heroes. This monument ia to ba aa tha coart hoade square at Dofc soa and will be travailed oa Jaly 4, iim Aa we go to proas the nuraea ef L*he Win«too-8aie«n District Nwm ' Association are in aeasion at the Mar tin Memorial Hoapiul Nurses Homo. About aixtjr member* and visitors will attend the aanioa this after noon which will bo followed by a two i-ourae luncheon. County Audit Was Not Ready Last Monday; Public In Dark So Far The audit that hu been in process' JJ preparation practically all rammer t» still tM up In the secret chtmbtri of the county officials and the audi tor. The highway commission and 4he county commissioners were call ed to meet with the auditor last Mon day at which time K wa* stated the audit would be received, but for some unknown rsaaon the matter went over, and the same officials were call ed back for a meeting Thursday aft ernoon, this week. In fact ths audit has been expected for a Ion* time, and the delay baa they woold a ball gesso or prise fight. It is said that meaey was offsesd that the audit would Ml be ready at the time sot for last Monday and the M low they say is new claiming Wa moa nsBsssary. Just tJhy alibis May no osm Is willing to state, as all Mm lion bat what was dona was la chamber* and since 1W Nrws last week gave out information that some have since claimed waa a se cret further avenues of information are being closely |«uM. The talk that has been going the rounds as to the "padding" of the books by Superintendent aI Roads, W. L. Kirkman, evidently did not ta presa the coonty highway eossmissioa neither does it seoai that the revela tions uncovered fay the audit have proven to the highway Mr. Kirloaaa'a unfitness far Ma ition, for he is still ia ths employ at the coauaissiea aad eo far as Is to la fact ths Is shewiag Its la say they have always I all Ms ra to he M every rs 11 Presence o( Lugs Keeps Tobacco Market Down; Hastes Bay Liberally the V. Ha Baptist Church, being i Mr. Hum in tvtnfi&tit far aixtaan rears prior to tha first of but Juna whan tha Bev. Mr. liamm accepted the pulaiti* of tha First Baptist Cluirrh of City, Ok Is. Tha HsMm-Raauey covered a wide section of territory mm! V9w conducted as bhHi tibtr nscle campaigns in which sli im tha oahratioa Since Mr. Hail has retired from Mr. with a evangelist, tha Rev John C. CoweU, of Fayettevilie, N C. He was con verted in a Hamm-Ramaey tic campaign in that city i four jwt,a|» and since ha has devoted maeh at his tiaaa to prtptrtUon for tha ministry, having studied in Lha Moody Bible in Chicago and other himaotf for the teak of Ho has became one af young ministers in tha Sooth today, and filled with the spirit, sound in his presentation of the goopol and a fundamentalist to the oore. All musicians and singers of the community are invited to volunteer their services and help la the chair. The work ia by -the lisslted capacity of the < but by hearty cooperation af christian people a great work of i saving can be done hi this tf The public is invited to all sorvicee preaching each evening at 7.44 o'clock. Sunday at 11.00 A. M.. S.00 P. M. aad 7.80 P. M. in«r m*re and nor* •x*rtinp" aayi Mi** Hurt, aoprano and manager d the Burt Coaeart company which will pat on a lyoeum program hara Octo bar 24. in referring to tha coceaae hat company ia having oa It* concert tour*. "Wa art (tatightad to kan them ao, the mora exaetiag tha d» aand the mora exhilarating la thaii poaad of artist* wtw ara prafaaetaa ala and wail aMa to plaaaa tha praa claaa tiw.al aad dramatic aMlttjr of (« , primed and the bottom laavaa throw* ■way and tlx whole (talk cat Mi cured and later the Imvm itripfad and Uod for market. Than the World war came and the eo waa to (reat that the hn« leavee were all eared and eold a rood price. Thus the edMated to aave the and aspect a fair price for them, cer tainly enou* h to pay for i Now all thi* {Ha chanced and ufactaren are' rvfuaiag to boy the (roaad leave*. If they permiet la thia courae there la nothing for the planter to do but thru* away Ma ground leavee, for the price mow pre vailing will not nearly pay (or the coat of (tripping ahd haaMac to Much tubacec ia betas eold oa thia market and aalea are daily attead ed by iatereeted crowd, of plaatera who watek the ia iininry to the aoc of all other tlain of cttlaewa. Fin Facta »

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