of which Mm. Ml *u I eam Ttm at Pilot by Dr. Tom family their sympathy. Tfcs mm Bi«ll»| *t farmor* tt Danbury today might bo called a big attccses the crowd «M variously es timated at from iJSOO to bfiOO, eev oraJ counties woro well repreeented. 1 navcr taw (armor* mora in earnest to do »ora*thlng bat what that was 1 could not understand. Many speeches woro mads in a quiet but awful oamoat way, tt'* difficult to any what will ha tho outcome. Often a few men getting together can soon he excited to riot and while resolution* were adopted it to be an adjourned meeting to Win ston nest Saturday at- ton (Tclock, at the fairground which ia about the on ly place that will hold them, they have called on Yadkin, Davie, Sorry, Rockingham, Stokes and Forsyth to be on hand. While this was called a farmers meeting there were many lawyers, hankers, doctors, merchants and preachers, tt may all quiet down and pass off but a great deal ia be ing said. TKl'STEE'S SALE By virtu* of the power conferred upon the undtrtifDM Trustees by a dwd of trust executed on the ISth day of February, 1923, by Thomas J. Nunn und wife Evelyn Nunn. at tb« request of the Shenandoah Life In surance Company, Inc., we will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises on November 4th. It 27 at 2 o'clock P. M, the following described real rotate, to wit: First Tract: Beginning at a reek pile, J. F Heasley and Goings' corner and runs North ?• 1-2 East 45 chs. to the Ararat River, corner in Gwyn's line; thence, down the river South & deg. E. 5.30 chs.; thence, still down the river South 40 dec. East S 1-2 cfca.; thence 8outh L3 dag. W. # 1-2 chs.; thence South 48 deg. West 1 1-2 chs. to Wilson's corner on the East side of the river: thence, leaving the river South 40 deg. East 1 chain to three poplars at the edge of the cliff; thence with old road as follows: North 6 deg. East S 1-2 chs.; thence North 76 1-2 deg. East 2.76 chs.; thence North 47 deg. East 2.S8 chs.; thence North 74 deg. East 1.85 chs.; thence North 7f» deg. East 1 1-2 chs.; thence South 44 deg. East 2 chains; thencc South S3 deg. Eaxt 8 1-2 chs.; thence South 19 deg. 8 chs.; thence South 35 deic. East 1 ch.; thence S. 7 dee. East 2 chs.; thence South 40 deg. Went 1.90 chs. to the edge of the field; thence South 27 deg. East 2 chs. to ride* road; thence up ridge road N. 76 deg. East 20 chains to an iron pipe on the North side of the road, beasley's corner; thence North 33 deg. E. 15 chs. with Beaslajr's line to the beginning, containing 66 1-2 acres, more or less, and being the name land conveyed to the said T. J. Nunn by the Bank of Mount Airy by deed dated the 16th day of Jan uary, 1922, and of record in the Re gister of Deeds Office for the County of Surry, North Carolina. In Book of Deeds. No. 89, page 126. to which deed reference is here made. Second Tract: Beginning at a wal nut and locust in the old Franklin Gwyn line on the North bank of the Ararat River, thence, running with the Sulphur Spring" tract, creasing the Ararat River to a maple on the Eait hank of the said river; thence, running with the Eaat hank of the itaid river and with the South bank and the Southwest bank of same MK feet to Hatcher'* corner; thence croasing Ararat River to 1. H. Gwyn's and Banner'a corner; thence with Gwyn's line North 62 dag. Rait 48f> feet to a planted rock; thence. North 84 deg. Eaat 811 feet to a planted rock; thence South SI deg. Eaat 126 feat to a plartrd rock; thence. South 68 deg. East Sll feet to a planted rock; thence, North 82 deg. East MO feet to a planted rock; thence. North 42 dag. East MO feet to a planted rock; thence. South 74 deg. East 14? faet to the beginning, containing 40 acres, mora or leas, and being the land formerly owned by Jim Salter field and known aa the SatUrfWld bottom, and being the same land o— veyed to the said T. J. Nona by J. ■*tator . County of Surry, North "iriiM . TWrd TWtjfcgtata, at rSm on the Wart side of Johnaon's sV^rg^lhiTa.n tfi". to"*a Mr. WeWh «n a n.abtr of the Friends Church. Never wu Im an absorbed In temporal affairs aa to laae eight of tba apirltual. Early in I lifa Im waa convartad ami united with i Friends at Springfield. Ha waa an untiring worker la tka ehureh, and In 1IU kalpcd to re-eetabliah Weat i field ■laHfly aiaatlin huomiag a' charter m—Ibar la ISM ha waa In strumental in helping to eetabUah White Plams monthly meeting, be ing a charter member and aervtag aa the firat no minting committee there. Being a resident of Mount Airy, he worked untiringly to eetabUah a meeting here. In 189S the fruKa of hia labors resulted in the establish ing of Mount Airy monthly meeting, and for almost 30 years he has labor ed earnestly for the church. His great dee ire waa to be able to attend nerviee again. e On Feb. IS, 1M0. Delia Huteheaa Welch was called to her reward. She had been a faithful, loving, devoted companion and mother Oct. 8, IKS, Mr. Welch waa united in marriage to Miss Lelia Williams, of East Bend, who has been his faithful companion these few years. Mr. Welch has been a man of un bounded energy, and up until aboat a year ago had enjoyed good health. In February 1M7, he had hia first attack of heart trouble from which he gradually declined. Mrs. Lelia Williams Welch has been his faithful attendant during hia ilhiaai. admin is - taring W his every need and wish She with bis children were at hia bedside when the end caaM. He Hved to a ripe old age. The last of hia father's family to he called to his eternal reward. On October 6, 1927, eleven o'clock he fell asleep, having lived and serv ed his generation for 76 years, 4 months and 8 days. He leaves his wife. Mrs. Lelia Wil liams Welch, Walter P. Welch, G. Edgar Welch, Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. W. R. Bowman, Mrs. W. L Dun man, all of Mount Airy and Mrs. Joe Folger of near Monroe and 12 grand children and a boat of frienda. Springs load South 2 1-2 deg. East 1.70 i b*., thenc* South 39 1-2 d«*.) Writ 2 ch«.. thenrr South 60 deg. K. 1 ch.; ihencf South 78 deg. Eut 2 chs.; thence South 55 deg. Raft 4.30' ch*.; thence South 43 deg. Eut 3JO ch*. to an iron pin, Johnson'* corner on the East tide of the road; then leaving the road North 38 deg. 46 min. East 260 feet to the Ararat River; thence with the Ararat River South 64 1-2 dec. East 300 feet; then South M dfg. Bait 694 feet; tbence South 46 deg East about 424 feet to a forked birch on the East bank of > the Ararat River, R. W. Reece's cor-' ner; 8. H8 deg. E. 6 1-2 ehs., thence N. 1 deg. West up the branch 11.86 ehs. to a pine stump; thence North 80 deg. 30 min. W. 26 chs. to a black walnut on the bank of the Ararat River; thence up said river North 80 deg. East about 700 feet to the mouth of Johnson's creek then up Johnson's Creek North 46 deg. Wert about 600 fert to the beginning, containing 114 1-2 acres, more or less Ther? is excepted from the above boundaries about 2 acres, more or less, of land on the hill between the railroad right of way and the old Sulphur Springs .-'iad on which is situated the spring on the hill west of the road, the said lot is designated by corner* marked by n«t stones and known aa the wa-1 tering tank lot. Also the water right, to the White Sulphur Springs as deed to J. O. Hatcher by J. if. Rey ; rolds and wife, January 11. 1*20, and; recorded in Book 66, page 188. The above boundary being the same land i conveyed to T. J. Nunn by Thomas M Smith and wife by deed dated I the 28rd day of January, 19X2 and ; recorded in Book of Deeds page and which was conveyed to the said Smith by Tom Atkins and wife by deed dated the 10th day of July, 1920, and recorded In Book of Deeds 81 at page 478, to which deed reference ia tor* Made for a more particular dm i tptlim of the above The sale ta to for aaal ■ala ia Made ta satisfy « due on said deed of trurt _ to the swa of 87000.00 for I»*rta4«ta« W said safe la I vtSXV£5Si "He «ii Kppn«i to to deed," Mr*. Hardy tdrtrt iipltrtdljr, and ae 1 waa auppoeed to to a widow to rauaa to Waa huaband. Tto war department and U waa deed. So I married Mr. Hardy and everything was Just fine. "And then we cane home from a •tow one might and there waa Eol llnga alttlng there calmly waiting (or me and evidently all aet ta turn in f«r tto aiftt." So ato took tor problem to Attor ney Griffith Jonea, who aaeured tor the flrat thing far tor to So waa to have her aecond marriage annulled oa tto gruuad that aha had a baa band when It waa extracted. She waa granted a decree of- annulment. "But I want to marry Mr. Hardy again aa aoon aa it can to done, legally." aha declared. Why Thia Mad Sacrifice To Fire 7 Into the fiery oven of Moloch the Carthaginiaaa roiled their aaoat prec ious poaaeaaiona, their own children. To tto worahip of a hug* calf-head ed Image of broaae a pagan people Notice Traataea fete af Um4. By virtue at authority »wh< ta Um u->ii«r«igw<j tnmtM m • nrulti dead 1 of trmt 7th day of J ana, IU-4, by R. C. Worth and wife, Abna Worth, for Um Workman's Buildta* I A Loan A»«ociation and murfcd la Um lUfiiter of Deeda office of Bam County, N. C., to Mcara an Intirbtcd imm of 91/iUO (if, (Wfault having born ■ada in tha payment of tha indebted naaa therein aecured and at tha ra qu*M of tha holder I Will Mrll for i to tha highent bidder at public . tion, in front of tha Hank of Ma Airy. Mount Airy, N. u, m Hatarday. October U, ltX7. at I o'clock P. H. the folio win* dancnbad real aetata: A lot in the town of Mount Airy, being let Na. 1 rapreaenud by Um plat of the land* of J no. L. Worth, • a__ * • ' - - follow*: Beginning at Um M»t ride of a new 30 foot rtreet and running along tba edge of a tan foot allay N. 47 dog. E. 3M feat to tka adga erf a 20 foci street; thence with aaid ■treet g. 41S dag C. 100 faat to Um •mm mt 1st Nt t; Mmm M. 17 ^ V. M ht I* Um Mrt rife of Um m itwiti Am «Mk Um Mi ^wi> M. to 4f. W It) M ta NMp. Am Mm Am* W Mmb of Um WarlBMW orth Drag Co. Prescription Druggists Phone 31 For twenty year* permanent construction in this neigh borhood has been IN SURED by Security! J. C. HOLUNGSWORTH LBS. CO. Mt. Airy, N. C. The COACH '595 rtiSS' *525 2u ...*625 2S£°~ *695 3£T..*715 ulirrr»745 *T"W (CtkmmUOmb) Wjf Track ICVaM(Mv AN Kkrt l*K MIm 0 Mlct.lv *-2st2r that defies f comparison/ Just think what Chevrolet offers you today I A type of performance that is amazing— perfect comfort at every speed—flashing acceleration and remarkable handling ease— all the marvelous beauty of bodies by Fisher —finished in smart colors of genuine lustrous Duco—a motor world-famous for power and economy—in short, advanced modern design in every unit that results in the extreme of satisfactory economical transportation I Because these cars are sold at amaring low prices, they embody the most outstanding motor car value in die world today—a value thatde6escomparison! ; *4% '. ' :j ■WlWyygWT'itU'l. MI, I '7; SURRY SALES COMPANY MOUNT AIRY. N. C Q U A L IT Y A T L O : t

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